July 26, 2016

This Face...

Brynwood Needleworks - Taggart
Internet is agonizingly slow right about the time I want to put up this daily blog post. (sighing) So, today I'm only sharing one photograph...my little man.
Those knowing eyes; big ears (that never seem to hear me calling him); that cute, bunny butt; and those (apparently) dirty feet. Taggart. (Admit it. You're looking to see if his feet are dirty now, aren't you?)

He greets me awake every morning and gives me this same look. The look that seems to know what I'm thinking. The look that seems to wonder what the heck is the matter with me when I giggle at my computer. The look that asks if it's time for me to feed him yet, or whether or not it's time to go to bed. The look that makes me think he hangs on my every word and thought...and that he loves me.

I can never get enough of this face.
I'm back to stitching again now that we're settled. I'll share photos of my completed Sheep & Willow Tree block tomorrow.


  1. That is Tag's most endearing face! How could he not be loved by you?!! Unconditional Love and Adoration!

  2. He's adorable and his face says that he does indeed, love you.


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Blessings, Donna