August 25, 2015

Tuesdays With Tag - Wrestlemania...

Brynwood Needleworks - Liljegren's Suncoast Bella
Hi! I'm Bella. 

Tag can't come to the door right now, so I'm here to welcome you to Tag's post for today. He's been pitching a fit, so he's trying to collect himself before saying hello today.
Brynwood Needleworks - Liljegren's Suncoast Bella
You do want to come in, don't you? I mean, you weren't thinking about standing out there in the heat the whole time, right? Well, come on in, then!
Brynwood Needleworks - Liljegren's Suncoast Bella and Brynwood's Taggart
"Heeeeeeere's Tag!"
(pssst. Tag. I hope you're not expecting me to do this introducing thing for you again! I have other things to do, you know! Hey! You wanna play?)

Hi, Everybody!!
I hope The Black Dog didn't talk your ear off. She can be a chatty one.
"Fix your ear, Bella. You look a little nuts."

I've been busy tryin' to get her to settle down whenever she's hangin' out in the house, but she can get pretty, darn obnoxious when she wants to. (Like most of the time!!!)
Brynwood Needleworks - Tag and Bella. "I don't want to play right now!"
All I really want to do is relax, and she comes around boppin' me in the face with one toy or another. Really? I try to ignore her, but sometimes I just have to tell her to BUG OFF! You can see, she's not even interested in runnin' away.
Brynwood Needleworks - Bella and Tag "Now is much better!"
Other times, I have to just give in and grab the end of whatever she's stickin' in my face. I'm just not always the best mood, either. She'd like to drag me across the room sometimes. sigh It's a good thing it's humid outside. Otherwise, I'd get a static electricity shock. Oh, and she's gutted my favorite bear, too.
Brynwood Needleworks - Brynwood's Taggart & Liljegren's Suncoast Bella
I can't go to the bathroom that she's not lookin' over my shoulder. Ahem...She's behind me, isn't she? I knew it! What a pest!

Okay! That does it! I've had enough for this week. Dad will be home in a couple of days and then he can entertain her. I think I need a vacation! (I really like the puppy, but I've got a reputation to uphold.) 

I'll see you again in seven! 'til then...
"Chase A Dream - Or A Squirrel".


  1. Watching our dogs play is better entertainment than TV!!

  2. oh, poor Taggart. I feel for you. But, not too much, because I love puppy antics!

  3. Tag Dear you are the best big brother. Bella is just a puppy and obviously has too much energy. Wear her down and then she will rest!Maybe you could teach her to run in circles around you!?! Keep Smilin and Tail Waggin my little Corgi Cutie. Dad will be home soon...

  4. My dog Chip knows how you feel Tag! Daphne keeps him on his toes, and sleep is difficult with a chihuahua perched on his back, with her chew bone on his head!!


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Blessings, Donna