August 30, 2013

Little Acorns...

 While we were away, my latest "Sweet Stitches" BOM arrived.
This is the reason I signed up for this particular set of kits.
Yup. ACORNS!!!
 You know this will be the next kit I work on, right?
I'm soooo looking forward to this one.
 Three little acorns to add when all the stitching is done. Ahhhhh.
I'm looking forward to Coffee Club this morning. I've missed the girls.
Happy Holiday, my friends.
What say we all go on break for the weekend?


  1. You are so easily tempted. If only all the quilt designers knew.

  2. Look forward to seeing this when you've stitched it. Acorn love here too! '-)

  3. This is definitely a Donna block with the adorable acorns and squirrel. Rest and enjoy this Labor-less weekend dear...


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Blessings, Donna