August 23, 2013

It's A Wrap...

No Coffee Club this morning...we're still 1500 miles away.
However, I have this new, electric tea kettle to warm my water for a delicious 
cuppa Saturday morning British tea right here in the Flying Cloud!

I'm hoping to see a niece or two, and a nephew today. Then we'll have a meal 
with our grandson and his folks this evening. A nice finish to a great vacation.

We'll be occupying ourselves with these last minute visits before we stow the last of
our loose odds and ends; return our tables to their upright and locked positions; and
retract our landing gear to pull the Cloud out of her northern campsite to turn for home.

This has been a whirlwind trip, but we've made many happy memories in a short 
time. We've reconnected with dear old friends, shared delightful hours with loved
ones and family members, done our civic and moral duty, and even had a little time to
just kick back and relax. We'll reflect on this trip for months to come, and before we
know it, it will be time to plan our extended travels for next season. I'm going to enjoy
this cuppa tea before we get to work. I'll be back to share our travel updates and to
show you what my "road trip" project will be as we make our way back home.
As always, I'll share a Sunday Scripture tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. Great recap of your vacation that will soon be heading home and into Autumn. Enjoy making memories dear...


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Blessings, Donna