July 30, 2012

Tuesdays With Tag - My Favorite Doctor...

Hi, Guys! Tag here.
Can you even believe that this is my last post for July?
Where has the summer gone?
I know I've been a busy corgi, but golly...

 Today I'd like to introduce you to 
my very own, personal veterinarian.
Her name is Dr. Stephanie Lantry and she
owns a practice (Animal Medical Clinic of Gulf Gate)
 in Sarasota, Florida.

Mom told me that I needed to see her last Friday.
Something about booster shots. Huh?
Anyway,  when we got to the doctor's office Mom put me up on the 
exam table, which was nice and cool on my feet!

Dr. Stephanie said (in the sweetest voice)
"Ok, Tag. Time to check you out."
I think she sounds like Snow White when she talks to me.
(In fact, I actually think she looks like Snow White, too!)

 She leaned over to check out my muscular legs and
I leaned in for my usual, killer Prince Charming move...
I smooched her on her cheek!
She smelled great, and before I knew it I got a little carried away.
 I went into full "Wet Willy" mode!
It's my secret "Make-the-girls-giggle" move and it works every time.
They love it when I kiss their ears!

Dr. Stephanie couldn't help but laugh out loud,
and then she told Mom that I'm a real Lover Boy.
(heh, heh, heh!)

She was so smitten that she asked Mom to bring me back in three weeks.
When I got my shots Dr. Stephanie said I was a real Big Boy now. 
(I didn't even yelp!) but I guess I need to have another one that
I never got when I was little. I think it's just an excuse for her to see me again.
Either way, it's cool with me. 
I'll get a chance to see my sweet Snow White again!

Maybe Mom will take more photos for my album!
I've got a busy week ahead and I'll see you again next week.
'til then,
"More SWIMMIN', and Less Barkin'!"
(I think Fezzie would like my new signature, don't you?)


  1. Hi Tag! Love those smooches you give. Your "Snow White" doctor is quite the veterinarian to give you your boosters and you not even yelp...of course you are a big brave boy. More swimmin and less barkin is just right for summer sunshine. Terrific Tuesday Tag...

  2. Oh, Tag, you are such a flirt! Kissing the girls and making them giggle! Wishing you a wonderful Tuesday!

  3. Tag, you have so many lady friends that just love you!! You are one lucky dog!! You cutie!! Say hi to your Mom!

  4. You are truly a little furry Casanova, wet willies and all.
    Have big fun poolside.
    Always, Queenie

  5. You are so lucky Tag, to have such a nice personal veterinarian. She will take good care of you.


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Blessings, Donna