My folks and hers often took turns schlepping the kids and luggage and our Barbie dolls from one house to the other for weekends. We'd spend endless hours playing together with those dolls. We always cried and fussed when it was time to go home, and we'd hug and promise to see each other again soon. She and her sister Shelley, my sister Lyn and I were four best friends - and man, did we make the memories!
This past weekend, Sheree and I sat for nearly four hours at a comfortable table outside Starbucks, drank our coffee and caught up on each others' lives. We sat and conspired almost like in the days of our childhood - and I think we even solved some of the world's problems. I hadn't thought about how much I missed this incredible, strong and self-sufficient woman until we were sitting across a little bistro table from each other. Again, I found myself not wanting to say goodbye.
We did agree that we're going to make an effort to keep closer track of each other. Busy lives tend to get in the way - something we both understand - but we also know how important it is to stay in touch with loved ones. I'm looking forward to our next visit and hope I see her again very soon.
Announcing the winners of
Brynwood's 300th Post Celebration Giveaway
Brynwood's 300th Post Celebration Giveaway

• Margaret B. from The French Bear
• Bonnie from Southern Style
• Kathy from Sweet Up-North Mornings

Judy at Prim2Pink
Last, but certainly not least...

OK, girls...You know the drill, if you winners know that I have your address, you can do the happy dance and know that your package is on its way. Otherwise, please email your full name and address to me so that I can get your goodies to the post office and on their way to you.