March 29, 2017

Looking Ahead...

Brynwood Needleworks - ABF Trailer
The last trailer of our worldly goods left our Florida home this afternoon. Tonight we sleep on our master bed that stayed behind. The new owners wanted our bedroom set, so it's going to stand where it has for the past sixteen years. We're actually thankful it wasn't moving. We'll be able to sleep in the house until we close. 
Due to a snafu with the buyer's appraiser, who failed to include a required document with his submission to their trust company, we are unable to close until Monday. (Federal law requires a three-day wait after the doc is submitted, and the trust company is already fully booked for Friday. sigh) So, today, Handsome and I will go to the trust office and pre-sign the closing documents. Number One Son and I will still leave on Friday, as planned.
Handsome will attend the closing on Monday to hand over the house keys, thank the new buyers, and take possession of our proceeds. Then he'll head to our friend's home, where he'll stay until music season ends.
Brynwood Needleworks - Farmhouse Fixture
While we were packing and loading with our moving experts, I got a message from Number Two Son with this photograph attached.

The electrician installed the dining room fixture. I'm looking forward to seeing our dining room table (with family seated around) very soon. There's no room for sadness about leaving our Florida home. We're joyfully looking ahead to being at the farm.



  1. Love the light fixture, it looks perfect there.

  2. The rich wood of the light fixture warms the dining room so nicely. There are always "snafus" no matter seems to be the way of our world. No sadness at all as you begin your new chapter at Hickory Hill Farrm. Safe travels to your trucks of goods and then to you and Son and Bella and Tag. Blessings Dear...<3


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Blessings, Donna