February 21, 2016

Getting Back To Normal...

Brynwood Needleworks - Art by Linda Ravenscroft
Sunday was a completely relaxing day for me. While Handsome readied his equipment to play a concert in Sarasota - and then played said concert - I only had to be an avid and engaged listener.

I took my knitting to work on while he and the other early arriving-musicians set up at the concert venue. Their patrons are so eager to hear them play that they always arrive well before the concert begins to get the "good" seats. We dined with friends afterward, and then came home to Tag and Bella.

Today is Bella's First Birthday! I wanted to make a big deal about it here today, but Tag insisted on writing all about it tomorrow. He doesn't always get his way around here, but I thought you might like to see the Birthday celebration through his eyes, instead of mine.

In the meantime, I'll be catching my breath and enjoying getting back to "normal" around here.


  1. A well earned relaxing day and listening to Handsome's music would be just the ticket. Happy First Biirthday Bella! Normal? What is that? Enjoy your day of Pawty with Bella Butt.

  2. Hi Donna, it is a big, big day for Bella. We share a big, big birthday today and mine has been great as I am sure so has my birthday sisters. She is a doll and I am so happy you guys have her. Give Bella my birthday love.


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Blessings, Donna