September 7, 2012

Broken Dishes And Workshop Day...

Farmer's Wife #11 Broken Dishes
Just look how accurate the blocks end up when they're paper pieced!
I managed to finish this block today after I finished preparing, 
packing and stacking my supplies for the workshop I'm teaching tomorrow.

 This was the last of the supplies to be packed into my Explorer.
I'll be off on my way to the workshop early today so I can set
up before my sister guild members/participants arrive.
I'm really looking forward to starting our guild quilt together.

 These women are all incredible quilters, and I have no
doubt that this is the beginning of one incredible guild collaboration.

I hope you all have a grand day, and that you are able to 
share something marvelous with someone you admire
as I will be today. If you're doing something you love
with someone you care about, how can it not be wonderful?


  1. Absolutely, and I love your enthusiasm! I wish I could hang out with you at your workshop - I think it will be a special day for you. have fun,

  2. You are very well prepared and this will be a wonderful day for you and the guild members. Positively smiling...


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Blessings, Donna