January 31, 2025


Brynwood Needleworks - Holz Fabric "Bella" Tote

And just like that, the commissioned Bella Tote is finished! I got a bee in my bonnet yesterday and decided to stick with it until it was finished. 

I made of cup of tea in my go cup (safest way to drink tea in the studio), made my way upstairs and started cutting fabric around noon. By 3:30, I was finished. They're never difficult to make. I just had to get my head in the mood to sew. Once I started, it was a breeze.

Brynwood Needleworks - "Bella" Tote Interior
One thing...I always sew up the turning seam by hand. I'd hoped to go right to a little needlework after I finished the tote, but discovered as I sewed that seam closed that the burned tip of my index finger doesn't hold a needle well right now. It feels like I have a leather button on it, which makes everything awkward. Plus it's a little sore, too.

Instead, I got out my castor oil/frankincense mixture, rubbed it into my fingertip with a little left over, and then covered it with a bandage. Castor oil has such wonderful healing properties (I use it on my sore knee all the time, and it offers great relief), that I'm hoping it will do its magic to help heal my finger faster. I sat down to read instead.

Today is the end of January already. Hard to believe, isn't it? I already know the theme for the next ATC exchange, so I'll probably work on those over the weekend. I did get another new book, and this one is going to really bowl you over! I'll share it with you tomorrow. Happy Friday!

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Blessings, Donna