January 22, 2025

Baby, It's Cold Outside!...

Emily Duffin Illustrations - Badger

Handsome drove me to work yesterday, and we had a relatively slow day. It was nearly -20º F with the wind chill! Only the bravest dare go out. I mentioned to a few regular customers that either someone is playing with a weather machine, or Mother Nature is off her meds. We all agreed that Mother Nature is probably off her meds!

Aside: Don't you love this illustration? I think it would make a beautiful piece of embroidery, too!

I have to admit, I worry for the opossums and birds. I haven't seen any opossums this year, and frankly, even the birds have been scarce. I have filled feeders for all to enjoy, but they're still mostly full after nearly two weeks. 

Today, we'll again venture out, but I'm happy that the weather will have warmed up a bit. It should actually be in the 20s by mid-afternoon. I just hope the 10-14 mph winds calm down so we don't have the nasty wind chill.

I won't get any crafting done today, but am looking forward to working on a few things tomorrow. I'll tell you all about it in the morning. Until then, please stay warm and do something fun.


  1. Even colder up by you. stay safe!
    I love this Badger, so perfect for WI!
    Our birds are scarce, we fill the feeders. but not as often.
    Poor things. Haven't seen many Squirrels either, they usually come out for a treat.
    all hope all are safe.

    1. Hi Marilyn:
      Isn't she a sweet badger? Today was the first day I saw birds at the kitchen feeder, and they were there in droves. Little birds, as well as mourning doves. Made me happy to see them. I have seen squirrels as we have year round residents in our large maple tree. They've been bouncing around the yard searching for all their buried nuts from the hickory trees. I let them have most of them this fall.
      You stay warm and safe, too, my dear.

  2. They have ways of keeping warm. Love the shawl and slippers though!

    1. Hi Sandi:
      You're so right, of course. I love the way the artist dressed this badger. She looks much sweeter than they are in the flesh. lol
      Thanks for stopping by!

  3. Such a sweet illustration! Stay warm. This morning it's -23C here and I have to go out shortly because I'm teaching a workshop for the day. Would really rather stay home where it's warm!

    1. Hi MA:
      I love it, too! We were about the same temp this morning, with the wind chill. I'm so over it now. Thankfully, the farmhouse keeps us warm and sheltered. Handsome leaves on Monday for southwest Florida. I admit I'm a bit envious. A little sun on my bones would be a welcome change. It's not in my plans this year, but perhaps next.
      You stay warm, too, my friend.


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Blessings, Donna