January 16, 2025

Hibernation Plans...

Caroline Smith Art

This time of year, I prefer to hibernate. My Artist Trading Cards will go in the mail today, and hopefully the USPS will pick up and move them along to their new homes. 

As for me, I'll get back to pulling cork colors and getting ready to cut out the kitty purse for Wynter. We now have a date certain for Handsome's departure for Florida (he's flying), so I'll have some things to do before then for his benefit. Thankfully, all my plans involve staying indoors.

What are you working on these days? I'd love to know. Feel free to email photographs, and I'll be happy to share what everyone sends in a Saturday post. If you don't already have my email address, it's in my sidebar. 


  1. Hunker down & sew that purse!
    at least it's a little warmer today.
    Love that picture, or any picture with animals! :)

    1. Hi dear Marilyn:
      I'm getting ready to cut cork fabric. Sewing soon! I can't tel you how much I love these sorts of images, too.

  2. I'm on board for hibernation! Still in a creative desert here but yesterday I did manage to make a cloth basket to hold some sock yarn until I get around to knitting it. Kinda boring but at least I did something. Love the illustration!

    1. Hi MA:
      I'll be in your cheering section. I'd love to see what your cloth basket looks like! I actually just got a pattern to make knitting bags (probably to sell). I'm interested to see how the first one goes together and then I'll decide whether or not I want to put them into my lineup. Honey, it's not boring at all! Glad you like the image I shared. I love these sorts of artwork. Stay warm!

  3. Sherry of createology: 29F this morning on my way to an appointment. Taking care of my health is top priority this month. However my Happy Place is getting a good amount of eliminating clutter. I am grateful Handsome is flying and not driving this year. Happy Hibernating Dear.

    1. Hi Sherry:
      It was 8º when Handsome and I ventured out on Wednesday. Nuts! We're supposed to warm up for a day or so, and then we're heading to a REAL deep freeze with -10 to -24º F. We're definitely staying home for that! I'm happy he's flying, too. I was not enthused that he might be driving. This will be much better. Stay warm, sweet friend.


Thank you so much for leaving a comment today. I'm using new settings on my comments so that I'll be able to respond to your messages to me. Be sure to come back to see my replies!

Blessings, Donna