January 24, 2025

Making Napkins...

A few years ago, I received a bread basket similar to this one from Son #2 and his family as a Christmas gift. The clay plate in the bottom is to be placed in the oven long enough to get warm, and then it's returned to the basket where it radiates heat to warm bread and/or rolls during the meal.

This year, I got this one as a gift for a family member. I absolutely love the tree of life pattern in the clay, and while I was taught to always choose gifts for others that you would like to receive yourself, this one will be hard to send along. (Not really, but I really like it.)

The fabrics the basket's sitting on were cut today so I can turn them into napkins and two basket liners. Once I finish those, I'll carefully package up the set and send it on its way.

I work tonight, so after I get that task checked off my list, I'll rest a bit before I have to go in. I'll be up early tomorrow to drive to Portage for Craft Day and Annabelle's Birthday party. I want to make sure I don't overdo things today so I'm up for the travel and celebrations tomorrow. For now, I'm off to sew! Once again, it's the weekend already. Rather than "spring forward/fall back", I wish there were a "slow down" setting!

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Blessings, Donna