January 30, 2025

Lazy Bones...

Handsome has been gone two days, and this is all I've managed to accomplish in the studio. I've pulled together all the fabrics and accessories I need to sew up the Bella tote. Yep. That's all. 

I really am going to get started today. I'll get everything cut out, and then my plan is to sew until it's done. I do have a hair appointment, but will work before and after that. Wish me luck!


  1. There's nothing wrong with being lazy. We all need a bit of that now and again.

    1. Thanks, MA. Resting was just what I needed. Much better now.

  2. Sherry of createology: When Wayne traveled for work I had wonderful plans of all I wanted to do and accomplish. Yet I found myself almost lost and with no ambition for my plans to get done. I guess I am not a single girl but a twosome with my soul mate. Give yourself permission to do nothing at times. Enjoy your home and girls. Love You Dear.

    1. Hi Sherry:
      I think I just had to spend a couple days missing him. I got my wind yesterday and accomplished quite a bit. We talk at least once a day which really helps. I'm going to be making ATCs over the weekend. I know just what I want to do!
      Happy Friday, hon. Love you, too!


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Blessings, Donna