Welcome to Memory Lane Monday!
When I wrote my last Memory Lane Monday post, I hinted at what I planned to write about this month. All that changed last week, when I received an email that really touched my heart. I wrote back to the author and asked if I could share her message with you and she agreed. So, today most of my post will be written by Barb.
I don't have a blog & this is the first contact I've made of ANY kind in blogland. I thought maybe an e-mail would be ok. I have a story for Memory Lane Monday, should you choose to use it.
The memory is of a lovely shop we had for too short a time in a nearby town. Right from the sign over the door you were taken to a gentle whisper of time. The music in the shop was soft & restful and encouraged you to linger, and escape your day for awhile.
The proprietress was friendly and welcoming even when you could see that maybe it wasn't her best day. She never showed it outright. She never looked down on a customer who couldn't maybe afford the very best of her wares, (need I say myself?) but, gave the same beautiful service to all. With your purchase she included a printed card punched with two tiny heart shapes - and a gold needle threaded through them. It made you feel appreciated no matter the size of your purchase. I still have several of them, unable to use them and to toss the cards.
This gracious lady went so far as to invite customers to what she called a "stitch in" (if I remember the name correctly), to her own home! She introduced us to her "handsome" husband and four-legged "children", and gave us a tour of her exquisite home. She then served us refreshments and conversation on top of it all! It was just a lovely time.
Yes Donna, the lady I speak of is you, as if you hadn't guessed. You and Stitches have crossed my mind so often. You are still both sorely missed. I knew you were selling your home and wondered where you ended up. It was a happy accident that I found your blog through another. I believe it was The Raspberry Rabbits.
I went back over your entire archives and see that, if anything you have only become more gracious over time. Anyone who has only met you through your writings and thinks you are very special, has no idea. Sorry if this is too long, but, I did want to thank you for lovely memories of a lovely shop and an even lovelier lady.
God Bless. Barb D."
Barb sent this current photo of herself for me to use today.
When I realized that Barb was referring to me, I started to cry. Her use of the word "proprietress" was my first clue, as that was the designation I used in all of my business references. It appeared on my storefront window, along with my business cards and advertising materials - including my needle cards, to which I affixed a single gold needle given as a thank you each time a customer made a purchase. Barb's reference to those needle cards was my second clue.
I opened Stitches in 1989, and spent a joyful eight years of my life meeting needleworkers who became good friends. Customers were greeted by red geraniums growing in my planters outside, and in the winter, we tried to keep the geranium theme alive inside. Classical music filled the shop, and there was always a cup of coffee, tea or hot cider and comfortable leather wing-back chairs to settle into. Customers were welcome to come and stitch anytime they felt the urge.
My memories are full of beautiful pieces completed by both novice and accomplished needleworkers. I loved teaching a new customer how to do counted cross stitch, and then see her glowing smile as she brought in the completed piece for me to see.

I also carried needlepoint, crewel embroidery and rug hooking (I still love those Claire Murray rugs and kits!) in my shop. There really is nothing quite like spending time in the company of women who share a passion for the needle arts.
The women who worked for - and with - me were friends I came to love. Beverly, Jan, Lori, Emily, Allison, Lisa and Grace to name a few. Laura (a grade school friend) became my shop manager and I love her more than a sister. We still keep in touch, for which I am very grateful. Grace was like a mother to me, and Lisa became my daughter-in-law. They loved our customers, and cared for the shop as though it were their own. No owner could ask for more.
To think that I had touched one customer's heart this way affects me deeply, and I can never adequately express all of my feelings. I am so grateful that Barb took the time to write to me and share
her memories - memories that we both share.
Thank you, my friend. I look forward to reconnecting with you now that we've found each other again. God surely works in mysterious ways...and for that I'm forever grateful.
Thanks for joining me this Memory Lane Monday. I'll always put the date of the next Memory Lane Monday under the button in my sidebar. You're welcome to use the button on your blog, too.
Now it's your turn to share a tale or two. Please link back here (below) so that others can visit your blog, too.