August 23, 2009

They're Called "Shoreline"...

I got a very belated birthday gift last week. I mean over a year belated. It's ok. Stuff happens. People forget. Things get in the way.

On Wednesday last week, when we got together with my brother-by-choice, Anthony and his son (our nephew) Julian, he delivered a gift that Sister Goldenhair had purchased for me over a year ago. I couldn't wait to get the box back to my mum's house and tear the wrappings apart to see what they looked like.

Inside was a service for six - dinner plates, bread and butter plates, bowls and mugs of a lovely, beachy set called "Shoreline". It has a neutral creamy gray main color, and is adorned with sea shells around the rims of each of the pieces (I know, you can see in the photo, right?) They'll be just perfect in our Florida home.

After I unwrapped the paper protecting each piece, I painstakingly rewrapped each one in bubble wrap. I knew that we wouldn't have enough room in our vehicle to hand-carry them home to Florida, so I wanted to make sure they would ship safely via UPS while we drove. I then took all the wrapped pieces to the shipper on Friday and, just as we're on our way home, so are they.

Opening the box will be like Christmas and Birthday all over again. ( birthdays are major occasions, so they're capitalized!) I'll unwrap them, wash them and then put them in our cabinets awaiting our first dinner at home. I'm really looking forward to using them.


  1. They say good things are worth waiting for! Your dishes are lovely. I love the pattern. You are a lucky girl. Sharon

  2. Your Shoreline dinnerware is beautiful! Have fun on the way back. Be safe.


  3. Your belated birthday gift is beautiful. I know you are going to enjoy using those when you get settled back at home. Safe travels.

  4. Some gifts are just worth waiting for! I so agree that Birthdays are major events and should be capitalized too. That's how we treat them in our house. When Is your birthday? Have a nice day! Twyla

  5. Ooooh, those are gorgeous! I love em!
    Sister Golden Hair has good taste in ceramicware.

  6. Welcome back home. although we live approx. 2500 miles apart! Isn't it good to be home?

  7. Ooh, love that dinnerware. Have to remind me where you got it. Very cottage-y (don't tell Handsome...). Ok, hope you are home by now! Have a lovely Tuesday all refreshed and rejuvied. Also, thanks for the pillow cases. The girls are LOVING them. I will have to do a super quick load to wash them when it's time for fear they might miss them. Finnola can now say "stone" (we have gone to the lake beach a lot) and "down please." Yes, my baby graduated at the top of her manners class today. Please. She gets a blue ribbon! How long I have waited...
    Love ya,

  8. Donna, the dishes are beautiful, lucky you. I'm dying to know if you received by card. I sent it regular mail a week ago.


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Blessings, Donna