August 25, 2009

There's No Place Like Home...

I want to share a photograph with you which appeared recently in our local newspaper. I'm sorry that I don't have a name for the photo credit. It's a stunning image of the Myakka River which flows within a mile of our home.

Nature in Florida is beautiful, fearsome and awe inspiring. The river makes so much of it possible. Take just a moment to ponder what it would be like to float on this river in the early hours of a warm and steamy day. Practically takes my breath away.


  1. welcome home ....I would jump at the chance to be floating on a sullen soft river about now..hehehe! love the picture to.

  2. No place like home. We too were gone over long weekend camping. It is so fun to get going, but oh so nice to come home. The photo is very nice, I've been to Myakka Sate Park, good memories. As far as a floating on it,not sure how relaxing that would be ,I'd be looking out for gators!

  3. It is very beautiful and makes me sad the lazy, hazy days of summer are winding down. Lucky for you Florida stays nice all year!

  4. What a awesome beautiful place...all part of this place we call home and yet so different from where I live.


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Blessings, Donna