March 3, 2025

Travel Stitching Case #1...

I finished transforming the first of two travel stitching cases over the weekend. I decided to start with the olive colored one first, and I think you'll see why when I open it. I contemplated placing something on the outside - and I still might - but I haven't so far because I like that I could more easily stack and store without the lid trim. We'll see about that later.
I'm sure you'll see my theme immediately. I added crocheted lace to the pocket, along with a needle and pinkeep on the left side of the pocket. I can conveniently hang my embroidery scissors on the hooks on the lid. The pocket is a good place to store extra needles, too.

Once I show you the interior, you'll see that I lined it with a canvas-weight olive leaf design. It completely matches the color of the box! I removed the ring storage from the middle compartment and it's the perfect size for a few basic colors of thread. As I plan to use this one for making my spoolie animals, I added a small bottle filled with black seed beads. So far I'm using french knots for eyes, but these beads will be perfect to act as buttons on their wee coats.

The acorn and oak leaf section was created using the earring board for this compartment. Once I stitched my acorn woolwork, I mounted it to the cushy board. This will act as a shallow pincushion for needles and pins as I work. (The acorn pinkeep is more decorative, although it would certainly work should I want to use it.) There still space under the wooly acorn, too, so I can use that, should I so desire.

Once I lift out the top compartment, you can see there's still viable storage underneath. I tucked my own design needle case, another spool of thread, my signature acorn charms, and the spoolie pattern pieces. I also have a cuticle stick that's perfect for using as a stuffing tool, as well as a pair of my needlework tweezers.

So. What do you think? Like it? I'm thinking my second box may be a woodland theme. I'm still contemplating fabric and embellishments, so perhaps I'll make some decisions by the weekend. 

I'm baking bread and doing laundry today. I'll be alternating folding dough and clothes! I'll stitch when I sit down later. I have hours before I can rest, though.  Let me know what you think of this first travel stitching case down in the comments. Thanks!


  1. It's beautiful, & so useful.

  2. Love it. Much much nicer and more organized than my oval former potato salad plastic container. You make everything you touch so beautiful. Bev


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Blessings, Donna