November 18, 2015

A Day Of Rest...

Brynwood Needleworks - Florida Fall Vignette
I admit there was more than a little stress for me to finish my challenge piece on time. (It was a close call.) I didn't really realize it until about the time I finished cleaning the studio yesterday.
Brynwood Needleworks - Florida Fall Vignette
By the time I was finished tidying up, I had no gumption to work on any of my projects. I was gassed.
Brynwood Needleworks - Florida Fall Vignette
I decided that the day would be spent doing absolutely nothing. I rested, read, and spent time with Handsome and The Corgi. It was just the right thing to do.
Brynwood Needleworks - Florida Fall Vignette
Today, I'm well-rested and enthusiastic about working on one of my projects. Now, all I have to do is decide what's next! If you'd like to check back tomorrow, I'll show you what was under my needle.


  1. I would need a week of rest and yet you are right back on full throttle. Lovely Fall Display...

  2. Resting for you.....ok, now I
    really think your creative juices
    should be bottled & sold. Wonderfully CREATIVE! Smiles!!


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Blessings, Donna