March 6, 2025

Mini Grannies...

If you're in my Brynwood Needleworks Facebook group, you've seen the post I put up recently with a granny square piece constructed from 2,000 small grannies. Each one was created using sewing thread and a 0.5 size hook. It took the woman two years to construct, and it's pretty impressive.

It reminded me of the few mini squares I started years ago using #12 pearl cotton and a size 1 hook. I seem to remember starting them to use for artist trading cards, or some other small project. These are all I've made (so far), but now it's got me thinking about using them to create a table mat or runner. Not a blanket, for sure! I do have more colors set aside in a plastic divided container, and most of the colors are represented in the squares you see here. 

I have a number of other projects that are in line ahead of this, but it would be easy to make a few each night while sitting with Handsome. I really just wanted to show these to my crocheting friends for a little inspiration. 

I took it pretty easy yesterday. I'm sorry I didn't respond to the past few posts until last night. Missing Tag hit me all at once, and it just hurt too much to stop to thank all of you for your kind words. Even so, I was in tears as I typed each reply. If you've ever lost a dear pet, I know you understand. It's a hurt that never really leaves. You just learn to live with it. One year out was still to overwhelming for me. Thank you for being there for me, and for all your kind thoughts. I really appreciated reading your memories of him, too.

I think I may start that squirrel today! The spoolies are fun, little projects, but when I'm working on them, I'm totally immersed. It will be fun to see what I can come up with. I'll share more tomorrow. 

It was snowing and blowing all day yesterday. I'm hoping for a quieter day today. Even the little girls (the cats) didn't want to go out in it. Bella and Carly didn't mind so much, but they didn't hang around outside any longer than they had to either.

I'm off to take care of all the girls, and then have a little breakfast myself before I get going with my day. I'll be back tomorrow!

March 5, 2025

Otis The Spool Opossum...

Otis the Opossum is finished! I added tiny bead buttons to his jacket, and he's holding a Brynwood acorn charm in his paw. (Remember you can click on the image to enlarge it.) I think he's a rather dapper boy!

I completed him Monday night after spending the day baking bread and doing laundry. I'm starting to prepare for Handsome's return, and I want the whole place to be tip-top when he arrives. I still have a week, but I'm nearly ready.

I have immediate ideas for two more I'll be making soon. One will be a squirrel, and the other a Corgi. I also want to make a strawberry sachet for Tag, like the one I did for Bella last year. It will have a paw print. I just have to decide which colors I want to use and which flowers I'll stitch. Any ideas?  

I've decided I'll get back to the bluebirds after Handsome is back home. Once I start stitching, it's hard to stop to let dogs (or cats) in or out. If I wait, Handsome can take on that task while I stitch away. Ulterior motive, right?

Come back tomorrow. I have no idea yet what I want to share with you, so we can both be surprised. lol See you then!

March 4, 2025

It's Been A Year...

Brynwood's Taggart • 04/03/2011 - 03/04/2024

Can you believe it's been a year already? AND the anniversary of saying goodbye to my boy is on a Tuesday, no less? I'd planned to pull all manner of photos of him to share today, but truthfully, it's too hard to look at them through the tears that still fall so readily. In my heart, it still feels like yesterday.

I miss his antics (good and bad) every day. I miss that he always found a way to make us laugh. I miss white fur on the furniture amidst the black Labrador hairs. I miss snuggling into his neck fur and having him curl up next to me for an afternoon nap. I miss rubbing those beautiful, big ears and his handsome face. I miss the smell of his Frito feet. I miss everything about him.

The one thing that makes his absence bearable is my deep faith that Heaven will include all the dogs (all pets) we've loved before, and that all of them will greet me at The Bridge when it's my time. I know that Tag will be at the front of the pack, leading the rest of the dogs I've loved and still miss. What a wonderful day that will be.

I hope you're having fun with the rest of the pack, Bubby. Mom misses you, but I know you already know that. I know you're close and watching over us. I know time is different there, so just know that while it's going to be a while for me, for you it will seem like the blink of your beautiful eyes.

Mom loves you.