February 19, 2025

Marian Monogram Class...

I'm going to be taking another of Clara Warschauer's goldwork classes (Clara Stitching). I'm enrolled in her Marian Monogram course scheduled for Saturday, March 1st. This is a class collaboration with Ecclesiastical Sewing in Minnesota to create a bible cover. The course is free, and kits are available for the goldwork from Clara, while the bible fabrics can be purchased from Ecclesiastical Sewing. The bible cover pattern is free from them, too.

One of the new techniques I'll be learning is using thread for padding the monogram. I already have Clara's supply kit, and plan on using my own dupioni silk for my ground fabric. I'm really looking forward to learning more from Clara in this online course.

If you're interested in learning more, you can go to Clara's webpage HERE. Once there, read her information and follow her links to get to Ecclesiastical Sewing. I'd love for you to join us!

February 18, 2025

Red-Winged Blackbirds...

Michelle Palmer and her daughter, Alaina just completed a new collaboration featuring red-winged blackbirds on a toweling fabric to create a wonderful table runner. Alaina is carrying the PDF pattern file for sale in her Etsy shop, Avery Hill.

I already grabbed my copy, so if you'd like the pattern for your To Do list, HERE is the link. She has a number of other new designs, too, so you might want to browse around while you're there.

It's a work day today. The temperature is around -3º so I'm not looking forward to going out, for sure. The girls didn't dilly dally this morning either. It was down to about -12º overnight. I did manage to fill the bird feeders while it was sunny yesterday, and I added a new suet feeder that I loaded up, too. The birds were all over it before the sun went down. I'll be back tomorrow. Bundle up and stay warm, friends.

February 17, 2025

Playtime In The Studio...

I finally got in some playtime this past weekend. The weather was less than pleasant with nearly 6" of snow falling on the farmhouse Friday night and through Saturday. I thought it was finally over, but I woke up on Sunday to more of the white stuff coming down. Thank Heaven for Andy. Although I had no plans to go out at all, he made sure the drive was open just in case.

Instead, I ran a little laundry, watch the Harry Potter marathon on the television, and created a couple little animals for the shelf. The first one is this cute, little rabbit I named "Valentine" (pronounced Valenteen). He measures a mere 3" tall from his tail to the tip of his ears, and then I attached him to a small wooden spool. If you look closely at the image on the lower right, you can see his poofy cotton tail! I added my BW acorn charm and a carrot charm as well. I added some French General ribbon on top of the thread and called this little guy done.

I had so much fun that I modified the pattern and made another animal on Sunday. I've named this little dog "Spot". He's brown and white, with a red jacket and bow tie. He's only 2" tall from head to toe. I only propped him on the pearl cotton ball to take the photograph. I'll mount him on a spool with some charms, too, but the pup is finished.

I found the original pattern on a blog that hasn't posted for ages. I came across and printed the free pattern years ago and found it again while I was going through my wool pattern binder. The blog is Prairie Mouse and it's still live, so if you'd like to make your own spool animals, the rabbit pattern is HERE to download. Just click on the "Free Pattern" image in her sidebar, and it will automatically download to your computer or smart phone.

Not bad for two snow days, right? I know I'm going to make more. Probably a mouse, and I may even try an opossum! I don't have any grey felt right now, so I'll have to get some next time I'm near a Hobby Lobby - or Joann's, if the one in town is still open. (That's a sad subject for another time.) All I know is these are really fun to make, and perfect for "armchair stitching".

We're expecting bitter cold through mid-week. I'd like a word with Mother Nature. I'm ready for spring, but I know the farmers need the moisture that comes with the snow. We just don't need the dangerous polar vortex stuff that hit late Sunday afternoon. It's not safe for man nor beast. Which reminds me...I'm going to need to go out for more birdseed and suet. I'll do what I can to help the birds through this. If I knew where the opossums were, I'd be taking hay out for them, too. Perhaps they've found their way to the Compass Barn. I'll look when I go out this morning.

Stay warm, friends. The map looks like Handsome might even be on the edge of this in Florida! I'll be back tomorrow with more to share.