December 5, 2024

Weekend Offerings...

This is the first batch of completed napkins for this weekend. These took longer than expected, so I've made the decision to finish what I've already cut out and then make one other small (requested item) to add to my other current offerings for the show.

These five images represent ninety completed napkins. They're 100% cotton, machine washable/dryable, and each double-sided napkin measures 9" square. 

Top Left: Red Berries and Birds (available quantity: 20) Top Right: Dog Breeds (available quantity: 14)

Middle Left: White Poinsettias (available quantity: 24) Middle Right: Dogs 'n Cats (available quantity: 16)

Bottom: Gold Floral (available quantity: 16)

These will be packaged in sets of 2 and sets of 4, so it should offer a nice selection for residents for themselves or as gifts.

I still have four more fabric prints to do today. There are 40 total napkins to finish. So, I'll be taking a total of 130 napkins with me. What I don't sell at the show, I'll list in my Etsy shop and gift some, as well.

It was about mid-afternoon yesterday when I realized that I won't have time to make caddies, but I will be making cork with printed tape bookmarks. Apparently, bookmarks are big sellers because the facility has an impressive, well-used library. The residents love to read, so I'll be sure to make some beautiful placekeepers after I complete the last 40 napkins today.

Tomorrow, I'll enter everything into my Square inventory and pack up to be able to drive out early Saturday. I plan to be at Touchmark by 8:30 am. Jan lives in the area, so she'll meet me there to help me unload the Explorer and set up my booth. As I write this, it's snowing and blowing outside, so I hope that's out of Mother Nature's system by then, so I'm not fighting weather that morning! 

For now, I'll just put my nose to the grindstone and complete these two projects so I'm ready for the next phase. I'll show you the rest of the napkins tomorrow.


  1. The napkins are all so pretty.
    That is a lot to make!
    We had that weird storm yesterday, it's supposed to be in the 40's this weekend, strange weather for December.

    1. Hi Marilyn:
      Thanks! My hands know just how many I've turned right-side-out! I've kept the tylenol handy. It still blew around the farmhouse all day, but the sun was out, so I'm hopeful we'll get that promised warmer weather for Saturday. Fingers crossed.

  2. Napkins never come amiss, for sure. I love the chickadee one(s) and I bet they'll be a big seller.

    1. Hi MA:
      I'm hoping I sell them all! I do love the chickadee/cardinal print. I even held a little of that back so I can make some for myself. Two or four will suit us just fine.
      Happy Weekend!

  3. Charlene in Phoenix votes birds #1 seller. Great job!

    1. Hi Charlene:
      I'll let you know, but I'm thinking you're right! Thanks, hon. (Package received. I'll send you a note after the weekend.)

  4. Sherry of createology: Your fabric napkins are always sew perfect. And lovely to use and wash and dry. The residents might also gift them to relatives and friends. Hope your weather behaves for you Saturday morning.I’m glad Jan wil be there to help you. Happy Sales Dear…

    1. Hi Sherry:
      I'll put them all out and hope for the best. They're all packaged and labeled, and ready to go to new homes! We're being told by the weather weenies that it will be warmer. Fingers crossed! I'm glad Jan will be helping me, too. Younger muscles! lol Thanks, dear friend.

  5. I agree that they would be a great purchase to use as gifts! They are all lovely, but my favorites are the chickadees and gold floral ones! Very impressive that you have such a large amount completed! I have such a struggle doing "mass production"...the squirrels regularly run through and distract me 😏😄

    1. Hi Lois:
      I'm hoping they all sell out. That being said, I won't mind if there are one or two packages of chickadees/cardinals left. I got all of them finished, but my hands know it from turning them inside-out once they were sewn together. I'm actually pretty good with production work. It's just that I have to remind myself to stand up once in a while so I don't cripple up. Ahhh the joys of ... maturing. lol


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Blessings, Donna