February 6, 2025


All my February "Love" artist trading cards went into the mail and are on their way to new homes. I made two changes to the one I shared yesterday. I kept the darker thread on three I'd completed before deciding to go with a lighter thread. I also moved the heart-shaped button to the top corner, rather than the bottom to balance out the design.

Now, I'll be able to concentrate on other things. Like moving some things out of my fabric studio. It was pretty exciting a couple nights ago. I was sitting in the recliner in the living room and would occasionally hear Crystal bouncing around upstairs. The first time I went to see what the ruckus was about, I turned on the hall light to find her reclining at the top of the stairs, looking innocent.

The second time, I didn't turn on the light until I'd quietly climbed the staircase. I found her in Handsome's room and she was staring, first under the bed and then at the bench at the end of the bed. I'd been doing laundry through the day and had a basket on the bench. I moved it to see a mouse scampering down the length of the bench. I calmly moved the basket into my studio and called Claudette.

Understand that I love all living creatures, however I do not like them pooping in my home. I knew there was a mouse because I'd occasionally find "signs" on my machine table. If I can catch said critter myself, I happily relocate them to the Compass Barn. However, Crystal was on the hunt, and I called Claudette to help. At first, she thought I was just bothering her, but when I moved our cedar chest Crystal was scoping out, the mouse ran right across Claudette's feet and into my studio. Game on! Both girls spent the night guarding those two doorways. Nothing was going to get past them again.

So far, the critter has eluded them, but I'd picked up all my baskets and containers and put them on my cutting table, so now is the perfect time to go through the containers and make some purging decisions. After I take care of the big girls this morning, I'll be returning to that room and I'll definitely be filling some bags to take to St. Vinny's. I'll let you know if the girls have any success, or if the mouse is fortunate enough for me to capture it first. Right now, I've got other things to do, so I'll leave that task to the little girls.


  1. They are determined to catch it!

    1. Hi Marilyn:
      They've been looking, but so far, no mousie.

  2. Oh joy! Mice are cute but you do not want them in the house. Good for Crystal for finding it and with both of them on guard hopefully there will be a capture soon.

    1. Hi MA:
      Exactly. We can live in perfect harmony, as long as they're outside. So far, I haven't seen it again (dead or alive). Let's hope it found its way back to the wilds.

  3. Prayers the critter is caught to find a new home in the outdoors!
    Charming trading cards

    1. Hi Eileen:
      I couldn't agree more. If I get to it first, it will be relocated. That's what I'm praying for. Thanks you dear. They're in the mail and I hope they're appreciated by the recipients.


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Blessings, Donna