The last of the February artist trading cards from the Handmade Treasures swap arrived yesterday. These are all of them. One is a "coin", which is also an option in this group. I've receive a couple others from other members, and this one is really nice, too.
There was quite a varied interpretation for the "Love" theme for the month. I noticed more dimensional cards, and more cards that incorporated machine or hand stitching. I'm not even able to choose a favorite this time.
The prompt for March is "Shamrock", so now I'm contemplating how I can meet the challenge without being Captain Obvious. lol I'll play around with a few ideas after Handsome gets home. I have a few things I need to concentrate on before then.
I baked my Florida friend, Cathy's Koulourakia cookie recipe, too. I love her recipe which features bergamot essential oil (food grade, of course) in the mixture. Once they're formed, they get an egg wash, are topped with sesame seeds, and then baked until they're done. Handsome really likes them, too, so I wanted to have something special for him when he gets home. I have a little more baking to do over the weekend, but I'll be stitching, too.
Sebastian Squirrel did get an acorn, but not a real one. I found a sweet acorn button I've had for years. I'll share a photograph along with the rest of my Monday post so you can see how cute he looks now. I may make a new spoolie this weekend, but the critter will be a surprise (to both of us!). I'll choose which animal once I get to the "pulling materials" phase. I'm going to make a cuppa first, and then tackle a few cleaning tasks. As much as I'd love to, I can't ignore the homekeeping duties that are summoning me. Hi, ho....hi, ho... (Sing it with me, now!)