February 5, 2025

Almost Ready To Mail Out...

I came home from work yesterday, fed the girls, ate my dinner and then started stitching. This is what my February 2025 artist trading card looks like for the Love theme. I haven't finished all of them, but will do that today, in between other tasks. They'll all mail out tomorrow.

In retrospect (especially after photographing), I would have made my cherub image more saturated and perhaps a tad larger, but I've already put together twelve, and am not going to start over. I do love the image, and chose "hugs and kisses" rather than "Love" for the bottom.

Once these are completed and ready to mail, I can turn my attention to other things. I'm not sure what's next, but rest assured, you'll be the first to know once I make my choice.

Happy Hump Day!


  1. Cute! Love the color!

  2. I love the non-traditional colours! I always sign off my letters and cards to the grandies with the X0X0's and it's something they look for.


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Blessings, Donna