May 31, 2021

Tuesdays With Tag - She's Crampin' My Style...

Brynwood Needleworks - Tag, The Guardian

 Hi, Everybody!

I've gotta tell you that bein' a guardian for the infirm and immobile is a real callin', but man, is it crampin' my style!

Mom's knee is almost debilitatin'. She wears a brace, is usin' a cane most of the time, and takes special medicine, but she told me it still hurts. I'm no spring chicken myself, so I understand what it's like to have a few new aches and pains from time to time. 

So, when Mom says she's gonna go outside and sit on her lawn chair to baby her bum limb, I volunteer to go out and keep her company. I also make sure the cats don't bother her! Why, just yesterday, I was loungin' on the end of her chaise, and I saw somethin' move out of the corner of my eye. It was that dang Leo! He's been hangin' out in the wood shed, so I chased him right back there.

Don't worry. I didn't catch him, or even make him breathe hard runnin' up the hill...and I came runnin' right back to Mom when she called me. She said she saw him before I did, so she got to watch the whole event. She laughed at me.

No. He's Not Sleeping On The Job

Mom usually heads upstairs after dinner so she can put her feet (and that dang knee) up. Sometimes Dad takes the ice machine up, too (if she asks him to), and then I get to hang out on the farmhouse bed while she reads or stitches, and gets the cold treatment.

She wants everybody to know that the quilt I'm sleepin' on isn't one she made. It came from our friend, DeeDee, and while Mom loves it, she also knows that it's okay for us dogs to be on a store-bought quilt, when she doesn't really like us sheddin' all over the ones she makes. Who can blame her. All that black hair would show! (It's not like I shed or anythin'.)
At this rate, it's gonna be a lonnnng summer. Mom has to wait to have surgery probably at least until September. We're gonna go through a lot of ice treatments between now and then. Don't worry, though. I'll be here to make sure she gets all the TLC a self-centered, treat-driven, alarm-barkin' Corgi can muster (you think I'm kiddin', don't you?)...and I'll follow Dad's lead. He's really good at takin' care of Mom. (They take great care of each other, actually.) If Dad can do it, so can I.

I think I hear some homemade doggie sweet potato chips callin' my name. I really love those things! Better get 'em before they're gone.

I'll see you again in seven. 'til then...
"Corgi On, Corgi Strong!"

Memorial Day 2021...

Memorial Day Image
We Remember
Memorial Day Prayer by Helen Steiner Rice



May 30, 2021

Sunday Scripture - Memorial Weekend...

John 15:13 - Brynwood Needleworks via


May 29, 2021

American Gatherings...

Brynwood Needleworks - Primitive Gatherings "American Gatherings" Fabrics and Book

My dear, sweet Handsome drove me to Menasha yesterday morning to pick up my Wool Box at Primitive Gatherings. (My right knee is giving me enough grief that I didn't think it would be a good idea to stress it by driving myself.) Of course, Tag, Bella and Carly rode along.

I needed a few other things while I was there, so I set aside the wool colors I needed, and then grabbed a copy of Lisa's latest quilt pattern book, American Gatherings. Of course, I knew I'd need some of the fabric line, too, so I figured a couple of charm packs, a jelly roll, and a couple yards of fabric would be plenty to make a nice, patriotic lap quilt. Something that would hang nicely over the rail this summer, or be just the right size for a nap on the porch.

I needed a yard of natural colored wool, but there wasn't any in the shop, so I prepaid and Debbie (who works at the shop) promised to ship it. I decided to wait until we got home to open my Wool Box, so I could really savor the contents, so we drove home and I brought my "haul" into the house. 

When we arrived back home, I got out of the truck, I came around through the garage and saw Claudette waiting for me on the driveway. She was giving me that "Where have you been?" look. I knew what would be tumbling out of the truck into the yard behind me, so I quickly tried to shoo her toward the barn. I wasn't quick enough. She meowed, and I saw her fur rise and her eyes get big.

I turned around and the girls had seen her. The chase was on. She turned for the nearest hideout, and ran to the kitchen garden to jump into the hollyhocks (which are a veritable jungle). The dogs ran in behind her, and she came flying out the other side (fur all bushed out), and tore for the barn. By then, Tag had joined the pursuit and they were close behind her. 

She managed to make it to the barn doors and flew through the opening, leaving the dogs panting...proud of their chasing skills, and it took Handsome and me more than a few minutes to get them off her scent, and coming back to the house. After leaving their piddles behind (a gesture of "There! Take that, strange fur beast!"), we all went into the house. 
I went back out about fifteen minutes later to find Claudette in the loft of the barn. They wouldn't be able to get her up there. I called her down and she let me hold her for a bit. I had a little conversation with her about the wisdom and staying in the barn when she heard a vehicle. Or not. Now that she's fully aware of how fast our dogs are, perhaps she'll know to continue to stay just out of reach.

I took my purchases up to the studio and brought the Wool Box back downstairs so I could take my time going through it - only to find it was the same Wool Box I got last month! How could this be? I called and Debbie answered the shop phone. I told her she'd given me Box 14, and I though we were due for Box 15. Was I wrong?

She asked me to hold, went to the stacks of boxes behind the counter, and came back to tell me they'd stacked 14s on top of 15s. She was so apologetic, and then told me that the natural wool had been brought over from the warehouse, so she'd send my wool and Box 15 to me yet today, and I could bring Box 14 back next time I was going up there. (I told her I'd take it back next week.) So, I have my new fabrics to play with, but I'll have to wait for my Wool Box.

That's okay. Perhaps I'll be giving Claudette lessons in staying out of the hollyhocks, and heading to the wood shed when she feels the need to stretch her legs. Honestly, my heart can't take the stress of the chase. Now that she's back, I just want to keep her safe from all the predators, apparently, including at least two fast Labradors!

I'll be working on "Everlasting" this weekend. We'll see how far along I can get with it. I'll share updates next week. 
I hope you have a restful, reflective Memorial Weekend. I'm grateful to all who sacrificed for our freedom, and those who are currently serving. God Bless them, and God Bless America.

May 28, 2021

Busy In The Kitchen...

Brynwood Needleworks - Yummy Cookies
I spent all day in the kitchen yesterday. While Wednesday was perfect weather for an outside gathering, yesterday - in typical Wisconsin fashion - the weather was many degrees cooler and raining all day.
It was bread making day, so as I waied for the bread to go through four proofing stages, I made a double batch of chocolate chip and hickory nut cookies. I timed it just right, because, as the last of eight dozen cookies came out of the oven, it was time for the bread to be formed into loaves.
Brynwood Needleworks - Freshly Baked Bread and Rolls
I made three loaves and nine hamburger-type rolls (from the same recipe). You may notice there are only eight rolls, but shouldn't one always share a hot, fresh from the oven buttered roll with their sweetheart? I thought so, too! 

You might notice all the birds on the feeder right outside the window. We had cardinals, finches, indigo buntings, Baltimore orioles, four hummingbirds now, sparrows, chickadees, and a couple others I can't identify (yet). It was fun to watch all of them while it rained outside, and I was working inside.
Brynwood Needleworks - Homemade Chili and Rolls

Once everything came out of the oven, Handsome helped me make up a batch of homemade chili. He cut up the beef roast, while I chopped onions and celery. I browned those ingredients in a large pot, added our home canned tomatoes from last season, and finished with commercially canned (Bush's) chili beans.
Everything stewed together until dinner time, when I topped the steaming hot chili with shredded cheese and a spoonful of sour cream. Of course, we each had a roll on the side. We decided this was a great day to end a rainy Wisconsin day. 

I'm running up to Menasha this morning to pick up the current Wool Box. I wonder what Lisa has in store for her subscribers this time? Can't wait  to see. It's like Christmas every two months! Once I get back home, I'll be back in the studio, working on my "Everlasting" quilt. After seeing Karen's on Wednesday, I'm inspired to finish mine now.


May 27, 2021

It Was A Bright, Sunshine-y Day...

Brynwood Needleworks- Karen's "Everlasting" Quilt
The weather couldn't have been better for our Sit and Stitch with the Sewcial Sisters at Kathy D's home yesterday. Sunny, with a bit of a breeze. Perfect to sit outdoors on the deck or in her screened gazebo. We really had a nice afternoon together.
This is an "Everlasting" quilt, completed by our friend, Karen. She changed out her center block, too, saying she just kept "piling on flowers until I think I have enough". Isn't it lovely? 
She also knows a long-arm quilter who did a fabulous job completing it for her. I got the long-armer's name, as I didn't yet know anyone in Wisconsin who I could take mine to when it's done. My long-arm quilters are in Florida and Georgia.  
Karen didn't put the last border on her version, because she has a specific place she wants to hang it, and there are space constraints. Frankly, if I didn't know the pattern calls for one more border, I'd love it just like this.
Brynwood Needleworks - Gifts From Friends

I also came home with a few gifts. Frequently, one or more of the ladies will bring something they don't want anymore. Kay had a lovely, big piece of purple wool that she had no plans to use, so a few of us split it up and I got a nice-size piece. Kay also had a duplicate of one of the recent quilting magazines and gave that to me, as well. (I don't know about you, but ending up with two issues of the same magazine happens to me more often than I care to mention!)
Last, but certainly not least, Kathy D. had leftover parts and pieces from a pin drum tutorial she filmed with Lisa Bongean (Primitive Gatherings owner/designer/friend). She's been making quite a few of them lately and told us she was "over them", so she offered up her partially completed supplies. 
I've been wanting to make a pin drum - and I love everything she does - so I asked when she was offering. She's done most of the work on this one. I just have to sew the top on, stuff it with sawdust, sew the bottom on and voila, it's finished! I'll share once I finish it.

If you'd like to see Lisa and Kathy's video, HERE'S the YouTube link. Kathy makes it look easy, and the finish is certainly elegant. Grab a cup of coffee or tea, put your feet up and enjoy the show. By the way, Lisa has lots of interesting videos on her YouTube channel "Stitch with Lisa Bongean". You could lose track of time watching them!

May 26, 2021

Stitching Today...

Brynwood Needleworks - My "Everlasting" Center In Progress
I'll be at Kathy D's today. She's hosting Sit & Stitch at her home, and we're all looking forward to it. I spent part of yesterday planning and designing a personalized center for my version of the "Everlasting" quilt. I know that all the flowers and birds need the bees to survive, so it was appropriate to change out the wording in the original design to a skep and bees in my quilt.

Brynwood Needleworks - My "Everlasting" Center Design Vision

Here's my rough rendering. Once I've stitched down the skep, I'll be adding embroidered lavender stems and buds. There will be bees scattered around the central motif, too! When all my stitching is finished, I'll add a bow at the bottom where the mirror-image sprays of lavender meet in the middle.
This is the project I'll work on at Kathy's today. I'm really looking forward to spending a little time with the ladies. It's past due, for sure. 


May 25, 2021

Tuesdays With Tag - InCorgnito...

Brynwood Needleworks - InCorgnito

Hi, Everybody!

This isn't gonna be very long this week. I just want to tell you what I was up to, and to let you know I'm sure earnin' my keep around here!

Just last week, Mom and Dad decided to tackle a little yardwork. Talk about watchin' two ol' farts! sheesh
One wielded a shovel, and the other one mostly pointed and barked orders about where to dig. In fairness, she managed to pull a bunch of weeds, too. They have to help each other, because there's no way Mom could do this alone. If she managed to kneel with her bum knee, Dad needed to help her get up again. It was really pathetic to watch.

I sat in the garden as lookout for any stoopid cats. Mrs. Katz went to the shelter on Saturday. Mom is still teary-eyed about it. Seems Mrs. K was a sweet as could be on the fifteen mile trip to the rescue facility. Mom talked to her and explained that she wants her to live in the house, and all that other good stuff. Katz didn't make a peep, but she did keep rubbin' all over Mom's hand. Yeah. That didn't make it worse, or anythin'!
Also, Mom forgot to tell you that Crystal had SIX babies, not five. Mom was told that Crystal and her babies are going really well. In fact, we saw a picture of her from today. See?

Brynwood Needleworks - Crystal and Her Six Babies

Claudette has been stickin' close to the barn since she got back. Mom checks on her often durin' the day. She was recently spayed, after all. Of course, the day Claudette came back, guess who arrived to visit...
You got it. That little Casanova! Yep. Leo showed up, and has been back every night since. Mom wants to tame some of the wildness out of them. You know what will be next, right? She'll win him over. I'm confident about that! Then, there will be an appointment. Snip!! Snip!! 

Don't worry. Whenever I see those furballs, I bark! LOUDLY... She'll know for sure whenever they're in our yard. In the meantime, I'll sit here and be on the lookout while Mom and Dad do fun stuff like 
weedin' out the gardens. Lots of luck with that! 
Oh, look! There's that yummy grass! mmmmmmm Gotta fly!!!
I'll see you again in seven. 'til then...
"Corgi On, Corgi Strong!"

May 24, 2021

Brynwood Needleworks - "Everlasting" - BW Farmhouse Block Substitution

I've completed the last two main blocks for my "Everlasting" quilt project. As you know, I've changed something in almost every block, and this one is the most drastic. I made a Compass Barn block, including our three dogs (HERE), and I knew I was going to do a block that resembled our farmhouse.

This is my adaptation of our farmhouse. Of course, I've taken a few liberties with its features, but I've captured most of the main ones in my block. The stone wall, window mullions, and porch rail are all represent.
Brynwood Needleworks - "Everlasting" - Pincushion Flower - Box 10

I also stitched out the last block, Box 10's Pincushion Flower. You can see the differences between the two images. All the changes were in my stitch choices on the pink flower blossom.
Brynwood Needleworks - "Everlasting" Brynwood Blocks

This is a photograph of all my completed blocks. We had a rainy day yesterday, so I took this picture of all the blocks laid out on my bed. I had a lamp on, which apparently threw off the uppermost right corner block. It isn't as yellow as it appears. It's also a beige fabric, similar to the beige color in the other beige blocks.
Brynwood Needleworks - "Everlasting" Center Block (Dark Sections)

This is the center block as shown in my finishing kit. If you don't know, I'm not a fan of putting the wording onto my pieces, so I'm working on how I'm going to complete my quilt differently than the pattern. I haven't worked out my version yet, but I'll make my decisions very soon.

In the meantime, I have to square up my completed main blocks and assemble the balance of each block. I'll show you my progress soon.

Today is laundry and breadmaking day. One not quite as much fun for me as the other. You decide which is which. Tag will be here tomorrow, and I'll see you again on Wednesday.


May 23, 2021

May 22, 2021

Claudette Update...

Brynwood Needleworks - Claudette's Trip Home
I spent most of yesterday making sure Crystal was safely ensconced in her crate with her babies, and that Mrs. Katz was staying close to home. The weather drizzled and rained on and off, which perfectly reflected my somber mood. I just couldn't whip up any enthusiasm for my late-day task.
By mid-afternoon, I was resigned to my trip, planning how I would get my charges safely to the rescue, and exchange them for Claudette. I hoped the rescue had the logistics figured out because I was a bit stumped. Then, I got a message, telling me the transport was going to be coming in early, so I could bring the ladies and babies an hour earlier to avoid the chaos that occurred with all the people there to pick up their newly spayed/neutered pets. 
I went outside, closed the gate on Crystal's crate and then went to get Mrs. Katz, who'd been in the barn all day. She wasn't there! I stood outside calling for her, and nothin'! I told Handsome it would just be Crystal and her kittens on this trip and left. 
Crystal was not happy. She kept trying to bust out of the crate and she meowed the entire trip. The only time she'd quiet down was when I sang my silly kitty song to her. I told her that she and her babies would be safe, and they'd all end up in nice homes.
I got to the rescue and we took Crystal into her new accommodations. She was a bit stressed, so they turned off the lights and closed the door to let her calm down. I told her I loved her and walked away before the tears might start falling. Then, I went to my car to wait for the transport to arrive with Claudette.
They told me I could just keep her in her transport crate to take her home, and bring it back when I came with Mrs. Katz. 
Brynwood Needleworks - Claudette's Baby Boys!

Claudette's kittens turned out to be all boys! They're all adopted and will be picked up tomorrow by their new owners. They already have names, too! Left to right: Maxim, Jacques, Pierre, and Quincy. They're so cute!

Claudette rode home without making a peep. I sang the song she knows so well, and she flopped right onto her side so I could put my fingers inside the gate and she could feel my touch. Now, I started thinking about Mrs. Katz and how I was going to deal with them encountering each other for the first time. (Mrs. Katz didn't show up until after Claudette left.)

Of course, Katz was in the barn when I came home. I fed her and explained that Crystal was away now, but her mama was back. I kept Claudette in her kennel for the night (because of the spay surgery), and took a little food to her. Katz followed me, and when their eyes met, the hissing ensued. Swell! 

I took Katz to the bench on the other side of my potting shed and fed her, all the while reminding her that this was a Demilitarized Zone, and stood petting her for a long time. I finally went inside, knowing that they couldn't do more than talk smack to each other from opposite sides of the gate on the kennel.

Later, it occurred to me that Claudette might need to air out, so I went to the barn to try to puzzle out the best plan of action. As I was walking across the yard, two eyes glinted in the reflection from my headlamp, and...what the heck? It was Claudette! I apparently hadn't closed the door securely, and I'm sure she'd taken care of business while loose. Vet's instructions said restricted activity for 48 hours. Apparently, Claudette can pick locks, but she can't read. sigh

I met her back inside, where she jumped onto the workbench, rolled over, and wanted petting - which she promptly got. She looked toward the barn door, and I saw another set of eyes. I called to Katz, but when the cat came into the barn, I realized it wasn't her. Leo's back! Dang it! 

Well, Claudette wasn't having anything to do with him either. Before I could stop her, she was all puffed up, jumped off the bench, and went into the main part of the barn to square off with her son. I opened a can of food, which got her attention, and she came back to the bench. I covered her with a handy beach towel so she couldn't scratch me, and took her back to her kennel. This time I made sure the gate was securely fastened. I didn't see Katz at all.

I'm hoping Katz will reappear for breakfast, when I'll love her up and then take her into town. I can't have the girls injure each other, and now that Leo's showing his face again, I'll have my hands full with him and his mother. I admit, I'm not very good with the kitty drama. More is definitely not merrier!
So, wish me luck today. I hope the jail break didn't result in Mrs. Katz being driven off or injured. Once she's safe at the rescue, I'll release Claudette from her confinement (assuming her incision looks okay.) We'll see.


May 21, 2021

When I Wasn't Outside...

Brynwood Needleworks - My Farmhouse Block for the "Everlasting" Quilt

Handsome and I mowed our lawn yesterday. It typically takes a couple of hours (even using two riding mowers!), so we had some nice time enjoying the outdoors. 

Of course, I spent time with Crystal and her kittens, making sure Crystal has plenty of food and fresh milk to support her babies. They're nicely situated in the dog crate, so it will be easier to transport them later today without too much disruption. (Don't get me started or I'll start crying again.) I also got in some great cuddle time with Mrs. Katz. She's such a sweetheart. She loves the attention.

When I finally came back inside late yesterday, I started stitching on my Farmhouse block. I'm finished except for the porch rails and a little stonework. I'm just contemplating how I want to stitch them. I'll figure it out later today.

The kitties all go to the rescue at 6:30 tonight, when Claudette will be back from the Madison vet who provides the spay and neuter services for their rescue facility. I'll be babying her to make sure she heals well, and it will help keep my mind off the two girls (and kittens) leaving. Wish me luck with that, okay?

Once my farmhouse block is finished, I only have one flower block to go. Maybe I'll show you all the blocks together tomorrow! We'll see...


May 20, 2021

Seems Like Just Yesterday...

Brynwood Needleworks - Crystal Kitten - Winter 2020
Last New Year's weekend, we were celebrating a late Christmas with our younger son and his family. We looked outside to see the Claudette had brought her two kittens onto our porch to play in the sun and snow. I took photos of the kittens, instantly smitten with this sweet girl. You see, I didn't know she was a she, but her face looked like a beautiful, little girl to me. 

She stayed around the farm with her brother (that scamp!), and her mama all winter, and I took care of all of them. Claudette went to The Home For Wayward Cats* last month, so she could safely care for her litter of kittens. Crystal and her brother, Leo stayed here. Leo has been off sowing his wild oats (again, that scamp!), but Crystal has stayed close.
Brynwood Needleworks - Crystal - Spring 2021
She was the most shy of all the cats, so with Claudette away, and Leo on walkabout, I've had the opportunity to work my "Snow White" magic on Crystal. She's become friendlier and friendlier with me, and often comes running down from the wood shed when I sing my little, "Meow, Meow, Kitty, Kitty..." song to her at feeding time. It seems she feels safer in the wood shed, rather than being alone in the Compass Barn.
Brynwood Needleworks - Crystal - Asking For Cuddles

As soon as she gets to the barn, she jumps up onto the workbench (where I feed the cats), and flops down for a massage session. It's during these sessions that I noticed she was getting bigger and bigger - and realized that LEO is the father (that bloody scamp!). Doesn't he know he's not supposed to do that with his sister?!!!
Well, when I realized she was in a family way, I again contacted The Home For Wayward Cats to see if they had room for this little lady. They said they were full due to kitten season, but when I pick up a newly spayed Claudette to come back to the farm, I could drop off Crystal. 
I was actually contacted yesterday morning to let me know that Claudette will be spayed on Friday, and I can pick her up that evening - and take Crystal to move into Claudette's previous room.
Brynwood Needleworks - Crystal, The Mama - May 19, 2021
I didn't see Mrs. Katz yesterday morning, and Crystal didn't run down from the wood shed either, so after I put out their food and milk, I walked up to the wood shed to check on my little girl.
Anticipating that she'd be giving birth soon, I'd taken Claudette's straw-filled kennel up to the wood shed and placed it next to her favorite perch on the wood pile. I covered the vents and door with a nice, big towel so she'd be warm and secure and hoped she'd move in.
That's where I looked for her this morning, and sure enough, she'd made a nice, secluded nest in the back of the crate. She was in there, meowing to me, but with no interest in leaving her spot to eat or cuddle. From what I know about dogs giving birth, I know that they frequently go off their food. I assumed it's the same for cats, so I talked to her for a while and told her I'd be back later to check on her. 

When I went back mid-morning, there were four kittens - still wet - and being cared for by their mama. When I returned at 5:00 pm, there was a fifth kitten. Mama was stretched out, and when I peeked in through the kennel vents, talking softly to her, she actually rolled on her side so I could see all her babies. She had her front legs extended and she was "kneading" them and pulling them close. It was very sweet.

I'm so happy she did well, but I'm also a little sad. I know she and her babies will be safe at the rescue. They'll be placed in loving, forever homes - including Crystal, if they determine she'd be a good candidate as an indoor cat - but I've grown so fond of her. She was actually the one I fell for when I first saw her. So, it's because I love this little cat, that I'm willing to let her go to a new home. 

Being a "community cat" in the country isn't always an easy life. I've made these cats more comfortable, but it's not the same as living in a cushy home. I want that for all of them. They won't have to worry about farm machinery, too-fast cars, coyotes, or hawks and owls. They'll sleep on beds at night, and have warm places to sleep when it's cold and wintry outside. That's what I want for them.

So, I'll take her to the rescue on Friday - and bring Claudette home (she's been an outdoor cat for too long to adjust to indoor life, and if she ever got out, she'd try to make the dangerous trip back to the farm. I'll continue to take care of her here.). 

Equally sad for me, is that I'll be taking Mrs. Katz, too. I really don't think Claudette will get along with her as a newcomer, and I'm certain she was a house cat before she showed up here. She cuddles right into me when I hold her, and she's actually tried to follow me into the house, not knowing that the black dogs that chase her live inside. I want her to find a new home where she'll have all the comforts, too. It's going to be a difficult day for this caretaker, but I know I'm doing what's best for all of these sweet souls. Please tell me I'm doing the right thing.

*The Home For Wayward Cats is actually Critter Junction Pet Rescue in Fond du Lac, WI. It's a 501(c)(3) no-kill shelter. They place every single pet needing a loving home.

May 19, 2021

My "Everlasting" Signature Block...

Brynwood Needleworks - "Everlasting" House - Box 4
I completed another house block for the "Everlasting" quilt. This will be the signature block when the quilt is complete. 

What did I change on this block? Well, for starters, I stitched fewer panes on the windows, and then I outlined them. The pattern pieces for the house (grey) and roof were designed to sit next to each other (as opposed to overlapping), so I wanted to use a different treatment for the join on the house piece. I decided to do a more decorative chain stitch along the eaves.
I also chose different threads for the trees and roof, as I wanted the threads to blend, not contrast. Finally, I stitched my initials on the door.
Brynwood Needleworks - "Everlasting" House Box 4 & Colonial House
These two blocks will be placed across from each other in the finished quilt layout. I have one house (which I've modified to look like Hickory Hill Farmhouse), and a flower block left to stitch toward completing the quilt. 

Once they're finished, I'll work on the center section. I'll decide ahead of time how I'm going to change it because I don't want to have words as they appear in the pattern.
Brynwood Needleworks - "Everlasting" House Windows

So, when I compare these two house blocks, one has the windows outlined, while the other doesn't. Do you think I should leave them as is, or add outlines to the windows on the block on the left? Let me know in the comments, please.

May 18, 2021

Tuesdays With Tag - My Kinda Weather...

Brynwood Needleworks - Tag, On His Throne
Hi, Everybody!
This week, I'm comin' to you from my throne right here at the farm. While I'm perfectly happy to spend my winters here, once the weather starts warmin' up, I want to roll around in the grass (and stuff).
Brynwood Needleworks - Field Dog
Yesterday was a perfect example. There was a nice breeze; it was sunny; and believe it or not, the yard was mowed over the weekend, so I didn't disappear when I wanted to stretch out on it.

There were lots of dandelions, and even after they were mowed, there were many more left. The whole yard smelled awesome, and there's really nothin' better than snufflin' around or lyin' around in the cut grass. Canine Heaven, really!
Brynwood Needleworks - Tag, In His Happy Place
I know you'd love updates about the stoopid cats (Mom named the dusty cat. Now she's goes out to the barn callin' "Mrs. Katz".) but I'm not talkin' about them on my time. If Mom wants to talk about them this week, she can do it another day.
This week, I just wanted to share pictures of One. Handsome. Corgi...ME! I mean, sometimes the best thing to cheer anyone up is a few pictures of my very own self. So, I hope you smile just a little, lookin' at me. I hope they're enough to hold you over until next week!
I'll see you again in seven. 'til then...
"Corgi On, Corgi Strong!"

May 17, 2021

More Blocks...

Brynwood Needleworks - "Everlasting" Colonial House Box 5
Two more completed. Three to go!
I didn't change much on this block. The base of the tree is different, and I added a knothole. I added another set of panes to the dormer window, and instead of the star on the front door, I decided to make this my date block. (I'll add my initials on a different block.)

Brynwood Needleworks - "Everlasting" Primrose Flower Box 11

There are only two changes on this block - I added the curly veins on the leaves, and more Colonial knots on the flower centers. Otherwise they're the same.

I'll get the last three blocks finished this week, and then I'll be tackling the large center block. I think it's coming together nicely. Tag will be back to visit tomorrow. Happy Monday!
