March 5, 2025

Otis The Spool Opossum...

Otis the Opossum is finished! I added tiny bead buttons to his jacket, and he's holding a Brynwood acorn charm in his paw. (Remember you can click on the image to enlarge it.) I think he's a rather dapper boy!

I completed him Monday night after spending the day baking bread and doing laundry. I'm starting to prepare for Handsome's return, and I want the whole place to be tip-top when he arrives. I still have a week, but I'm nearly ready.

I have immediate ideas for two more I'll be making soon. One will be a squirrel, and the other a Corgi. I also want to make a strawberry sachet for Tag, like the one I did for Bella last year. It will have a paw print. I just have to decide which colors I want to use and which flowers I'll stitch. Any ideas?  

I've decided I'll get back to the bluebirds after Handsome is back home. Once I start stitching, it's hard to stop to let dogs (or cats) in or out. If I wait, Handsome can take on that task while I stitch away. Ulterior motive, right?

Come back tomorrow. I have no idea yet what I want to share with you, so we can both be surprised. lol See you then!


  1. Otis is splendid! But, oh, such tiny work would drive my eyes batty! Can't wait to see the next one... and those bluebirds!!

    1. Hi Lois:
      Thanks, hon. It's not too bad actually. I do all the sewing by hand, and use a good work light next to my chair. I'm going to get back to my bluebirds later this month. I need Handsome home first so he can tend to the dogs while I stitch. Otherwise, there's a lot more stopping and starting which ruins my rhythm. lol Soon.

  2. You are so creative!
    Can't wait for the Squirrel!

    1. Hi Marilyn:
      Thanks, girlfriend! I'm looking forward to the squirrel, too! hee hee
      Hope you're okay with this wild wind and weather, and that you're healing well.

  3. Another awwwwww! So cute.
    Re flower suggestions for the Tag project - for me it would have to be 'forget me nots'.

    1. Hi MA:
      Thanks so much! I love the idea of forget me nots, dear. I appreciate the suggestion.

  4. This is my favorite - that tail! Oh. My. Goodness. Charlene in Phoenix.

    1. Hi Charlene:
      I giggled the whole time I stitched that tail! lol I think he's my favorite, too (so far). I may have to make some girls soon, too! Thanks!

  5. Sherry of createology: Otis is a very Dapper Boy. You are creating the most adorable spool display of cute critters. Also in line to create is a kitty cat. For Tag I think it must be a Hollyhock, Forget Me Nots and some green clovers. The colors of Tag’s beautiful fur! Happy Stitching My Friend.

    1. Hi Sherry:
      Thanks! I have them all on a little shelf together where I can see the entire group. They make me smile. I agree, I need to add a cat, too! I do like the idea of hollyhocks, forget me nots and clovers would be wonderful! Thanks again! I actually may add a little of his clean fur that I kept from past groomings into the stuffing. I kept it planning to use it in a felted corgi project, and have enough for both projects! There was certainly no shortage of Tag fur!

  6. Otis is ready for a night on the town.
    He is fabulous.
    I have had Bluebirds here all winter.
    You always have the best plans.

    1. Hi Shirley:
      Lucky you to have year round bluebirds! They're so beautiful and I love their songs. Thanks for liking Otis. He sure makes me smile. I had my second opossum in the yard today! he/she is bigger than the one I saw eating in the barn over the weekend. Handsome said I should name this one, so I chose the neutral name, Quinn. If I see the smaller one again, that one will get a name, too. Thank you, my friend.


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Blessings, Donna