March 7, 2025

Look! A Squirrel!...

I completed my little squirrel spool animal yesterday. I'm calling him "Sebastian". He's sporting a green coat and a big, bushy tail. I dipped into my needle felting wools to add his tail. I actually needle felted it to his backside. I think I may add some green ribbon to the spool, and I'd like him to be holding an acorn. This is the smallest acorn I have "in inventory". I'm just trying to decide whether or not it's too big for him. 

I'll play around with it later today and decide. Otherwise, (now, don't be shocked) I have an extensive assortment of acorn charms and buttons. I'm sure I'll find something I can use.

Hard to believe it's Friday again already. Handsome will be home next week, so I'm completing the last of my tasks before he walks in the door. I'll be so happy to have him here with us again. This trip seemed to last forever. 

I'll be doing a little baking today, and then a few hours of work later, so I guess I'd better get started. Time to take care of all my girls and then I can get on with my day. Happy Weekend!!


  1. OMG! Sebastian is too cute!
    Yes, this week went very fast.

    1. Hi Marilyn:
      So glad you like him! Handsome will be home before I know it now.
      Happy Weekend.

  2. awwww - just lookit that sweet little fuzzy tail!!! I'm sure you're counting the days (if not the hours) until your Handsome is home.

    1. Hi MA:
      Thanks, hon. You're right. I'm starting the countdown now. I'm so looking forward to seeing him again. I'll stay busy so the time passes faster (just until he's home). Then it can slow down again.

  3. Sherry of createology: Sebastian will be the envy of every squirrel if he can hold that big acorn with both hands. Some squirrel might see through a window and be very “jelly”. I love his fluffy squirrel tail. Well done dear.

    1. Hi Sherry:
      I contemplated that acorn for way too long. In the end, I chose a really cool acorn button I've had for decades. I love the end result. I'll share a photo on Monday. That squirrel's tail tickled me once it was finished. Thanks for your kind words, girlfriend. Happy Weekend!

  4. So cute! Love that tail! LOL! Handsome is going to return and find that an army of mini forest creatures has taken up residence in his absence 😃

    1. Hi Lois:
      Thanks so much! I'm pretty chuffed over that tail, too. So far, all he'll find is a small shelf that's been recently populated, but I make no promises for the future. lol
      Happy Weekend!

  5. This dude has swagger, that tail, what a chick magnet!
    I see him with a martini glass full of sunflower seeds in one hand and the acorn in the other,
    just sitting at the toadstool bar scoping out the forest.
    He's ready to head into the weekend.
    Have a wonderful weekend Donna.

    1. Hi Shirley:
      I was taking a sip of water as I read your comments, and almost snorted water! You really made me laugh tonight. I love that idea of the martini glass with sunflower seeds. Now I need to find a miniature martini glass for future use! Are you saying Sebastian is more "lounge lizard" than squirrel? lol (Just kidding) I love imagining what that would look like! ha!
      I hope you have a fabulous weekend, too, my friend.


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Blessings, Donna