February 10, 2025

Another UFO...

Of course, I mean an UnFinished Object. I began this one a few years ago, but it's time for me to get it done and out. This is a petit point bouquet my BFF Cyd asked me to complete when her mum passed. She found it among her mum's things. 

I asked her how she wanted it done, and she said, "Finish it any way you want." So far, I've chosen the black background, which I think will really make the petit point stand out. But I'm not sure how to complete it from there. Frame it? Make it into a cushion? I do have time between stitching out the ground and being done. Any and all ideas are welcome. 

My knee is feeling much better. It's still a little tender, but I spent most of the weekend with my leg up, icing/heating and rubbing castor oil/frankincense all over it. I even tired a little frequency healing. It's the first time I've done that, and it's interesting how my knee tingled the entire time, and all I did was put the tone generator near my knee, set to a healing frequency (174 HZ or 285 HZ). I'm sure I'll be fine to work tomorrow, but I'll rest it one more day just to be sure. 


  1. Maybe finish it in a wrapped hoop?
    Glad you knee is somewhat better.
    Take care.

    1. Hi Marilyn:
      That's a fun idea! I've given my knee lots of TLC and rest, so I should be fine to work. Even so, I'll wrap it just to have a little extra support.
      Thanks, dear.

  2. I wonder if you could finish it into one of your lovely bags?? Glad to hear your knee is improving and that rest and TLC is taking care of it.

    1. Hi MA:
      You must be prescient. I actually had initially typed that question into my post and deleted it.I wonder if my BFF would use it? hmmm. I may have to ask her. My knee feels much better. I'll wrap it just for extra support for work. Thanks, dear.

  3. Mounted on a pretty box of some sort. Maybe she could keep other mementoes from Komi. The box? Charlene in Phoenix

    1. Hi Charlene:
      Another wonderful idea! I may have one here that would work, too. I thought about a shadow box, too, that perhaps she could add to? More food for thought. Thanks, dear. (You've been on my mind lately. I'll catch up soon!)

  4. small footstool???

  5. Sherry of createology: This is such a personal item and one of great significance. I adore the ide of a finished treasure box that contains momentos of Cyd’s mom…hankie, photo, brooch etcetera. Good job on taking care of your knee. Sunny week here.

    1. Hi Sherry:
      Thank you for adding more weight to the box idea. I hadn't thought of those things (must be the meds. lol) I really have rested my knee, and will wrap it for work. I appreciate your concern. We're expecting snow by Wednesday, but it's already snowing when I let the dogs out tonight. sigh. Enjoy the sunshine!


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Blessings, Donna