December 16, 2024

Loose Ends...

It's been a weekend of tying up a few loose ends. I mailed out the artist trading cards for this month, spent some time tidying up the studio, and putting up our Christmas decorations. Outside, we hung our garland on the porch rail, and added a sweet wooden snowman that was a gift from Shelly. The snowman is holding a ball of lights that show up at night, but it was too foggy last night to get a good photograph. I'll try again when it's clear.

This week, I'll be prewashing fabric for jammies; preparing a few other things to mail out; baking cinnamon rolls on Wednesday for our classmate dinner that evening (I have orders this time); and of course, sewing.

I'm going to hit the ground running this morning. I'm packaging up my mailings first to get them in the mailbox before our carrier arrives. I'm back to making lists, so I'll be able to see my progress as I get my work done. I'm also going to commit to daily lists going into and through 2025. I missed a lunch date with a dear friend last week because I hadn't written it down. That won't happen again. So you're seeing one of my 2025 resolutions here first.

I'll close for now, but I'll share jammie fabrics tomorrow. I'll be heading to the washer to get the fabrics going. Remember, I always prewash them in hot water/warm dryer. If anything is going to shrink, it will happen before I turn them into garments. The sooner they wash and dry, the sooner I'll be sewing. 

See you maƱana!


  1. Can't wait to see this years jammies!
    Yes, it'd been very foggy here all weekend, & this morning also.
    I hope it clears, I need to go out for a few things.

  2. I guess I forgot to wash the jammie fabric before I made them this year....oops. Oh well. Too late now! Lucky you to be able to mail things...certainly not happening here and who knows when we'll be able to.

  3. Sherry of createology: Overcast here and dreary but no rain at all. I did laundry today but no fun fabrics for Grammies Jammies here. Happy Sewing Dear…


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Blessings, Donna