August 31, 2024

Getting Back To The Studio...

Now, I can finally focus on my great-great niece's Birthday gift. Talk about an "extended Birthday"! I'm teaching this young lady the concept without even planning for it! lol

So, I thought you might like to see the process for this project. I began with paper and pencil, drawing out my idea for the little shoulder bag I'm going to make for her. I'll be using cork fabric for this project, and of course, I have all the colors in stock to tackle this bag.

I decided this puppy face should have a spot around his/her eye like the old Spanky and Our Gang pup. Then, I thought, "Well, wouldn't it be cute if its tongue was hanging out, too?". Sure it would!

I haven't decided on all the colors yet, but I'm leaning toward natural for the main body, Rust for the spot and ears, black for the eyes and a red tongue. I'll add the muzzle and eye highlights by machine.

When I thought about the back of the bag, what could be more appropriate than to add a fluffy tail? hee hee  My drawings have extra lines and the shape is a bit wonky, but I'll even that all up when I draw the final pattern prior to cutting. 

I'll add a 1/4" seam allowance, and this bag will have a 1" gusset all the way around. It will have a top zipper, rings and a rolled shoulder strap so my niece can wear it as a shoulder or cross body bag.

What do you think so far? I'll take photos of my cutting and sewing as I go, and who knows? Maybe I'll turn it into a pattern for others to make their own, too.

Handsome is doing really well, and so glad to be back home. (So are we!) I'll make sure he rests through the holiday weekend, but I'll be sewing, canning applesauce, and picking up more tomatoes and peppers to do more canning. I'm happiest when my husband is near by, and I'm busy.  This plan should serve me well.

I hope you have a great weekend. Stop by to see what I've accomplished, or just catch up after the holidays. I'll be here when you get time.

August 30, 2024

Prayers Answered...

He's home!!! 
All is right in my world again.

He loves his cookies, the hot meal I made for us last night, and sitting in his favorite chair with the dogs sleeping at his feet. I can't stop smiling.
This chauffeur will get him to his physical therapy appointment today, run a few errands while he's getting his workout, and then working on my puppy purse project (say that three times fast) before I have to go to work for a few hours tonight. Handsome promised me he'd behave while I'm away so I don't have to fret.
Happy Weekend, friends.

August 29, 2024

Happy Dance...

I needed to run to the store to pick up a few things late afternoon. I'd been hearing them fly over the farmhouse all day, but never expected to see them all herded up in a nearby field. There were over sixty of them. From a distance, sandhill cranes can look like deer when their heads are down, but once they stand straight, there's no mistaking them.

It's God's way of reminding us that time moves along. It's nearly time for them to migrate south again. We used to see them all the time in Florida. We've also seen them in the Dakotas when they gathered by the thousands to migrate from those states toward Mexico and "on". You can't even imagine the ruckus they make when they all start calling and dancing at the same time. It's quite a sight to behold. I'll miss them.

I learned yesterday that Handsome will be released to come home today. As I won't know exactly when until he calls, I figured I'd make a little treat for him. Nothing like a little baking to weasel a bit further into his heart.

Tomorrow I'll share my drawing of the little handbag I'm working on. I still have a lot to do until it's finished, but at least now I'll be able to concentrate of the task. Thanks again for all your prayers. I'll see you tomorrow!

August 28, 2024


Under The Hickory Hill Farm Maple Tree

My perspective always improves when I'm out in nature. A peaceful calm comes over me and soothes my spirit.

I got a "good morning" call from Handsome shortly after I woke up yesterday. He just wanted to say hi and said he'd call back after he spoke with the doctor. As it turned out, he did stay another day.

He's now on the anti-seizure medication. When I talked with him, he said he'd already been up and walking around, but that he just wants to sleep right now. I don't really blame him. Who ever really sleeps well with doctors and nurses coming in to check on you every hour? His speech was a bit slurred, too, but I'm chalking that up to the new medication. I'll know more about that when I ask the doctor.

Handsome asked me not to make daily trips to Milwaukee at this point. He's busy doing therapy or sleeping when he can, so he prefers that I stay here with the dogs, so they're not crated all day. We do keep in touch, and I can always call the nurse's station as they gave me the direct number should I want medical updates. I'll be doing that today, unless Handsome calls to say they're releasing him. In that case, I'll drive down myself to get him. While I'm not fond of the drive, I can certainly navigate it safely myself. 

Both our sons are on deck should we need help. All I have to do is let them know and they're ready and willing. That takes a huge load off my mind. 

So, today, I'll continue to prepare for Handsome's return. If he's staying another day, I'll be baking a big batch of cookies to take to the neuro ICU nurse's station to show our gratitude. It will keep my hands and my mind busy, as I really can't concentrate on needlework right now. I'll be back with another status report tomorrow. Thanks again for all your prayers. Always.

August 27, 2024

Handsome Update...

Handsome called me from the hospital Sunday night to tell me he might have surgery on Tuesday. We didn't yet know what time. I then got a call first thing yesterday telling me he was scheduled for noon. I immediately called Son #2, who'd volunteered to come to the farmhouse to get me to go to Milwaukee. He answered the call and we were both in Handsome's room by 10:15 am.

It took longer than expected to take him into the operating room, but they took him in at about 1:30, and he was back in his room three and half hours later. The surgery was a success (thanks for all those prayers!), and the surgeon was very happy with the success of the proceedure.

What we learned was that he had two brain bleeds, and they blocked both of the sources. We're hopeful that the residual blood will be absorbed back into his brain. He was speaking and reacting normally. No facial sagging or blindness, which could have both been side effects. (again, thanks for all those prayers!)

He won't be allowed to drive for at least three months, and he'll be on anti-seizure medicines for a couple weeks. Then he'll be off them to see if he has any more episodes. They believe he was having brain seizures, rather than mini strokes (TIAs). We'll hope whatever they are, they don't happen again. Time will tell.

As usual, I'm writing this before midnight of the day it will post. Son #2 brought me home around 9 pm, and he didn't get back to his family until closer two 10 pm. We're both understandably tired, so I'll close for now. Thank you again for your comments yesterday. I'll answer them all later today.

I'll know by mid-morning whether or not they'll discharge Handsome today, but truthfully, I hope he stays an extra day, just to be safe. Either way, when he's ready to come home, I'll happily go to get him. I'm heading to bed now. By the time most of you read this Tuesday morning, I'll just be finding out how my day will proceed.

My boss told me not to worry about work today. She's personally taking my shift so I can concentrate on family matters. I'm so grateful for the people at work, and especially for her. I'll rest easy now.

August 26, 2024

What A Weekend...

I was a busy beaver on Saturday. I started my bread dough so that I could get the loaves made before the heat wave that began on Sunday. Then, I progressed to my concurrent project...

...canning a batch of pears. Approximately twelve pounds yielded these beautiful seven pints. Andy and Shelly's tree was extremely prolific this year, being so full of pears that it threatened to break branches. I know my limits, so when offered, I took what I knew I could can in one session.

Neighbors and family came to harvest much of it, but I also picked another two boxes for my niece, Stephanie and her daughter-in-law (who wants to learn how to can from her MIL). I planned to take them to great-nephew, Ethan's daughter's Birthday party yesterday but fate had other plans. I did manage to hand the boxes off to our nephew, Dan who would make sure they got to his Ethan's wife (the DIL). Stephanie and E's wife will take it from there.

So, you wondering what "fate" was up to? It was kind of scary...

After baking and canning, dinner got a late start on Saturday. I decided to do burgers on the grill, as I'd just finished baking rolls along with the bread. I went outside to put them on the grill and then came back into the house.

Handsome was having a cognitive episode similar to the one he had mid-August that necessitated his brain surgery. After a very few minutes of assessment, I grabbed my wallet, Handsome's hand, and we drove back to Sheboygan Hospital's emergency facility.

Again, they immediately got him situated in a room and did their evaluation. He seemed to have resolved, but they did a CAT scan anyway. Results: Nothing abnormal that they could see. Even so, they wanted to continue monitoring him, given his medical history. The doctor said to call him back into the room should anything change.

We were just talking together and Handsome seemed fine, but suddenly, he was searching for words again. I went into the hall and the nurse called the doctor back into our room. He started asking Handsome questions, and the words came out all jumbled. He was having trouble complying with requests like "raise your legs", and can you say "no way, no how". He was definitely having a problem. The doctor ordered another CAT scan, but this time with contrast. Results: Still nothing jumped out at them.

The doctor decided that Handsome should stay under observation overnight, so he was admitted into the hospital. He'd be seen by a neurologist Sunday morning, so I kissed my heartbeat goodnight and drove home. I arrived back at Hickory Hill after midnight.

I went back to the hospital Sunday morning to find the neurologist ordered an MRI, and the results were already back. He has another brain bleed, and Saturday night he was having a series of TIAs - mini strokes - which had caused his alarming behavior.

By 6:30 pm, he was being transported by ambulance back down to Milwaukee to St. Luke's Hospital. The Head of Neurology is his doctor and will be performing another surgery for Handsome this week. They'll decide when he's going to have said surgery this morning, so I won't know when I have to go back to Milwaukee until I get word. I'll go down for the surgery (of course) and our younger son has offered to come up to get me, and then drive me to the hospital as he's well-aware of my disdain for the drive. Other than surgery day, both sons will visit Handsome in Milwaukee in my stead. We'll likely all be there together for his operation.

So, it's no surprise I didn't make it to the party, and I never got the chance to finish my great-great niece's gift. It's something I've designed myself. I'll show you my design tomorrow, and hope to sew more on it today, barring an immediate surgical procedure. I'll mail it when it's done. Don't all five year olds love getting mail?

I think you can already guess my fervent request. If you're so moved, I'd deeply appreciate prayers for my beloved. My faith is holding me together right now. I know every prayer is heard, and I'll continue to update you on his progress. Here we go again...

August 24, 2024

New In My Library...

I just received two new books for my needlework library. They're both Elisabetta Sforza books, and wow! Talk about eye candy. These are the sorts of books you reach for for instruction and inspiration. They're filled with gorgeous examples of her handwork, and every single page is a treat.

Sea to Stitch is a guide to creating beautiful ocean-themed alphabet letters. There are waves and seashells of all sorts. I'm looking forward to practicing new techniques and trying to equal her impeccable skills.

A Flower Alphabet is even more wonderful than the first book of hers I own (In A Wheat Field), and I can't wait to create a few of these stunning floral alphabets. I'll definitely be attempting one soon. When I do, you know you'll be the first to know.

I'm making a special handbag for a little girl turning five this weekend. I'll be attending her Birthday party on Sunday, so today I sew. (Nothing like last minute, right? sigh) So, I guess I'd better close and get started. 

I hope you'll drop in for my Sunday Scripture tomorrow, and then I'll be back to chat on Monday. Happy Weekend!

August 23, 2024

Faerie Garden Strawberry Sachet...

It's Finished!

It's always satisfying to finish something I so enjoyed creating. I took longer to complete this one, simply because life knocked me off course a bit, but I'm so happy with the way it turned out.

I always ask Handsome for input when I choose the wool for the leaves on top of the strawberry. I had leaned toward something completely different, but he made a suggestion that I keep the leaves more subtle to enhance, rather than overpower, the flowers. He was so right! I love the final wool used to crown this strawberry.

If you'd like to see a short video I recorded of the Faerie Garden Strawberry Sachet, you can click HERE. It shows all the colors more accurately in indirect daylight. Be sure to turn on your sound if you'd also like to hear the music I selected for the recording. 

Faerie Garden will be available later today in my Etsy shop. 

August 22, 2024

August Classmate Gathering...

(l-r: Back Row: Cal, Deb B., Karen S., me, Bruce. Front Row: Brad, Deb O., John and Mary)

I woke up yesterday morning on a mission. I had orders for cinnamon rolls to be delivered to classmates when we got together for early dinner yesterday. I frosted the last batch twenty minutes before I had to leave to meet up with them.

In the end, I'd made five pans of four rolls, and another with only two rolls in it (those were for Handsome and me). I sold four and took the last one up the hill to Andy and Shelly on my way home.

As always, I made sure to get a photo of the group before we parted ways, and we set the date for our September dinner. I always post the photo in our class group on Facebook, so next month we may have more people able to attend. It's always a great time, and there are always hugs before we go our separate ways.

I'll debut that finished strawberry tomorrow. I know you're anxious to see it done. It seems to have taken forever this time. I guess it's my short attention span these days. Oh, Look!! A squirrel!..... lol

August 21, 2024

Faerie Garden...

I've completed the embroidery for my current Strawberry Sachet. I'm calling this one "Faerie Garden". I've tucked a lovely winged sprite amid the flourishes.

I'd hoped to be able to share this one as a finish, but I was too tired to do that after work yesterday. I'll assemble the strawberry today, and I'll be back tomorrow to share the completed piece. 

August 20, 2024

August Craft Day...

August Craft Day (Top L-Clockwise: Donna, Nancy, Linda, Marie and Adrienne)

Craft Day this month was really different and fun. We decorated denim pockets salvaged from worn out jeans. Marie had saved the pockets over time from her husband's jeans, so we had many different style pockets to choose from.

The ladies had all sorts of ways to embellish - press-on images, silk and paper flowers, fabric scraps, crocheted pieces, and buttons. Each of us sat and contemplated our choices before digging in to the supplies to come up with five uniquely wonderful pieces. I was completely taken with Linda's fall-themed pocket!

I didn't actually complete mine until I got home. I had used a couple of the floral press-on images, but didn't want to glue my muslin to the denim. Instead, I pulled out a matching floss when I got back home and stitched my trim to the pocket. 

This was another fun day spent crafting with my girlfriends, but as always, the best part is just that we can all be together. It's well worth the hour and a quarter I travel each way to be with these dear friends, and I'm already looking forward to next month!

August 19, 2024

Stewed Tomatoes...

It actually wasn't in my plans to do any canning yesterday, but "flexible" is a good thing, right? I'd sent off a message to the couple who have a fabulous fruit and vegetable growing business close to us to see if there were tomatoes available. I awoke to a message yesterday morning informing me that she'd have a twenty pound box of beef steak tomatoes waiting for me at the "pick up and pay" shed by noon.

When I arrived, I saw the box of gorgeous tomatoes with my name on the sheet. I turned around to see what could easily be award-winning green peppers for $1.00 each. I knew that I would be turning this twenty pound box of shiny red goodness into stewed tomatoes, so I grabbed five peppers and put my money in the drop box. Then, Handsome and I drove up to their barns - having seen them in the yard - so we could say "hi" and thank them for being so accommodating. I also said I'd be back for more soon.

We drove home and I got all of my canning supplies set up in the kitchen. While the water was heating up in my pressure canner, as well as the blanching pot, I set about cutting onions, green peppers, and celelery, and putting them into my Kilne™ pot where I would soon be adding the cut up tomatoes. Adding salt and dried parsley to the mix, and then letting it simmer, until the vegetables were all softened, it was ready to jar. 

Everything went into clean jars, and after the rims were cleaned, lids affixed and rings screwed on (finger tight), seven quarts of goodness went into the pressure canner for twenty five minutes. An hour later (after the pressure was completed released), the lid was removed and the jars were allowed to settle before I put them on the board to cool. All the lids sealed, jars were labeled, and by dinnertime, all put away in the pantry.

This batch (I used fifteen pounds of tomatoes) also yielded a quart jar of leftover juice that I put into the refrigerator for us to drink. It's our homemade version of V8. I also reserved all the skins from blanching the tomatoes to put into our dehydrator. I've learned that I can dehydrate, then process into powder to use as tomato paste later by simply adding water and a little vinegar. There was actually only a very small bowl of waste - cores from the tomatoes and the cutoffs from the other vegetables. 

The contents of these jars will be used as a base for chili, spaghetti, soup, or casseroles into the fall and winter, so I'll definitely get more tomatoes to make more. After all, two of us would easily go through seven quarts rather quickly.

We took a break for fresh cheese and tomato sandwiches with Duke's mayonnaise on homebread for lunch. I can tell you they tasted incredible. They 'maters were rich and sweet tasting, and each one in the box weighed nearly a pound!

On another note, the ladies and I had a great time for our Saturday Craft Day, but I'll tell you all about that tomorrow. Veggies took top billing for today. I hope you all had as nice a weekend as I did! I'll see you tomorrow.

August 17, 2024

Saturday Silliness...

I certainly can relate to Steve these days! I did manage to do more embroidery on my Strawberry Sachet before work, though, and that's a good thing.

Turns out, I didn't have to work a long shift yesterday, so I'm on my way to Craft Day with my girlfriends in Portage this morning! I'll share what we create on Monday. Have a great weekend!

August 16, 2024

And Still It Waits...

All the "busy-ness" of this week, and I still haven't picked up my Strawberry Sachet Project to complete the embroidery. I'm hoping to get to it soon, so I'll avoid making promises I apparently can't keep.

My boss has been frustrated to tears that the young people she's hired have disappointed her so much lately. No calls. No real explanations. They just don't show up at all, and then come back to work a few days later like nothing happened. Because we're short-staffed, they feel invincible. They don't even consider that someone else has to step up to fill their hours, and it's usually my boss, who ends up pulling two or three shifts in a row. She's exhausted.

She found out that one of the kids is just skipping out on their hours today, so after talking with her, I agreed to respond to her plea by agreeing to work 4-10 pm to cover a shift. She's so grateful, and as a result, she's informed the offenders that the next time they just don't show up when they're scheduled, they'll be terminated. At least that way, she knows which shifts need to be filled ahead of time, instead of last minute.

How is it that today's young employees are so irresponsible? I would never have dreamed of just blowing off my work schedule when I was their age. (I know I wouldn't have gotten away with it either.) It puts all the other employees on the spot, and they're not even considering how it affects their coworkers. They don't care. 

Well, I've blown off a little steam on behalf of my boss (who I've known since she was about seven). I called her after she put out the request for a volunteer, and listened to her cry in frustration. Truthfully, I wanted to take someone out behind the wood shed!

So, I'll get home tasks done during the day today, and work my extended shift tonight. Craft Day is tomorrow, but I already know I won't make it.  That's a disappointment, but I know my limitations, so I won't try getting up extra early to drive over and back. I'm going to hang out here and maybe I'll get some stitching done. Either way, I know I'm doing something good for someone I really love. That's good enough for me.

August 15, 2024

Rendering Day...

Look at all these jars of golden goodness! There were thirty two jars on my outdoor counter that cooled overnight last night. Wondering what it is? Well...

On may latest trip up the road to our local butcher shop, I inquired as to whether it would be possible for me to purchase beef fat by the pound to render into our own tallow. They told me I could, but they had just ground all of theirs, so they took my phone number and name and said they'd call when they had the twenty pounds I requested.

The call came yesterday morning, so Handsome ran the two miles or so to the shop and picked it up. I knew how I'd be spending a significant portion of the rest of my day.

When he got home, we immediately set about cutting and trimming any impurities from the fat - which had the consistency of soap, and felt like cream. It was them cut into 1-2" cubes and tossed into our two Nesco™ roasters. As some people may not like the appearance of twenty pounds of fresh beef fat, I'll share the cooking process, but not the cutting part.

Handsome and I had set them up in the area I set up in our large pole barn to use as a summer kitchen area. After setting them at 350º each, we went inside and did cleanup. It was nice not to have the house filled with the aroma of melting beef fat, even though it's not unpleasant. Plus, it was in the 80s today, so we didn't have to turn on the oven either. Bonus.

For price comparison, twenty pounds of beef fat cost $15.00. I used all but about a pound because the roasters were completely full. I could have added it after things started to cook down, but I was over cutting fat by then. It can wait until next time. I think thirty two pints of tallow for $15.00 is a pretty good deal. My wide mouth jars were free, so I needn't consider them in the cost. When I checked the price for Crisco shortening online, it was listed at $3.92 for a one pound can. That means these thirty two jars could have cost $78.40!!!

After an hour, this is what it was looking like in the roaster. The liquid fat was being separated from the fat, and there was already a significant amount of liquid to be jarred.

As I said in the beginning, we ended up with 32 pint jars of beautiful beef oil and will harden into white deliciousness. I'll use this in the place of nut oils like Crisco in oil or shortening form. This is actually much healthier and foods cooked in the tallow taste much better, too. Did you know that McDonald's fries were originally cooked in beef tallow? Yep. Do you remember how they always had the best fries? Not anymore. The best fries are right here at home!

I haven't gone out to the barn yet this morning, but I know all the oil will have cooled and will be ready to wipe the jars with vinegar, put them into the trays that previously held the empty jars, and these will be stored in the basement. I'm saving space in the pantry for stewed tomatoes and applesauce!

I've been telling Teresa about how I render beef fat into tallow and she's been intrigued. I'm taking a jar of it to work for her tomorrow. I'm taking one for my boss, too. I know they'll both appreciate it. 

August 14, 2024

Fresh Veg From a Co-worker...

All the hard work of Wisconsin gardeners is now bearing fruit. When I went to work yesterday, this beautiful bounty was waiting. On Tuesdays, I work with only one other person - Teresa - and we really work well together. She works in the kitchen, and I work in front as a cashier. Our days go fast, too, busy with sales or fuel, grocery, or freshly made food. With only two, we're really hopping most days.

She and I have a wonderful barter arrangement, too. I've shared canned or baked goods, and sometimes help her with sewing requests (machine embroidering her name on her work shirts, or sewing on a loose button. In return, she shares empty canning jars by the dozens, venison (which I love but don't harvest), or now, these beautiful vegetables from her garden. (There was another green pepper, but I used it to make grilled chicken sandwiches with sauteéd onions and peppers on my homemade buns last night.) We also buy her hens' beautiful farm-fresh eggs.

Our garden is small this year due to health circumstances. We have six tomato plants that are bearing fruit, but it's not ripening (yet). The squash I planted is doing really well, as are my basil plants, but overall, the garden won't be producing nearly as much this year. 

Handsome and I have talked about what we want to can this season, but most of the raw materials will come from farmers markets, local farmers and friends. Thanks to Teresa, we have some lovely, organic vegetables to enjoy for meals until we purchase what we need for our canning needs.

In the spirit of bartering, Teresa won't take any money, so I'm going to come up with something nice for her. I'll have to put on my thinking cap to make it extra special.

August 13, 2024

Something Else That's Been Rattling Around In My Head...

When we were still in Florida and I went to the monthly quilt guild meetings, members always shared their bounty. Many times, I'd take patterns or unloved fabric to the meeting so someone else could rehome and use them. On one occasion, a member brought a couple of "cutter" quilts to give away. This is the one I chose. 

In case you're unaware of what a cutter quilt is, it's a quilt that is starting to fall apart and is likely beyond repair. In which case, the good bits can be cut apart and reused for other projects. Such is the case with this piece, which was obviously put together with loving hands, and then well-used.

There are lots of sections with completely different colors, so I'm going to cut them; perhaps add hand or machine embroidery; and then reassemble them in new ways. I have a few ideas in mind, and plan to play with it a bit this week.

As always, you can expect photos when I have completed works to share. I work today, and yesterday was baking day, so I'm looking forward to playing in the studio later this week. We'll see whether my actions can match up with my grandiose plans.

August 12, 2024

Remember These?...

Remember these? I made them last spring and called them my "Matty Two-Zip Clutch". I added these cute squirrel/acorn pulls for the front pockets on this batch. They flew out the door once they were done. 

I came across the photos in my phone "album" yesterday, so I'm going to make more in other colors this week. I'm also going to do a few other fabrics for my Nature Girl series, which will feature animals and birds. 

I'll show them to you first, and will offer them on my Brynwood Facebook page after that. There will be direct links to purchase them through my secure Square account. I'll share the details once they're finished.

Also, I've decided not to do the West Bend show in September. With all that's been going on around here, I don't think I have the energy to ramp up for production for that show. I'll be gearing up for the one in Kewaskum in November instead. Just wanted to let the locals know ahead of time.