July 31, 2023

Fields of Gold...

We had a great weekend, but yesterday was particularly wonderful. My longest, lifelong girlfriend is in town for our class reunion. She's been here for a week to spend extra time with her siblings. She contacted me Saturday night and asked if we could go to church and brunch afterward Sunday morning.

Cyd and I met in first grade (have I told this story before?) when she walked into the classroom as a new student. Our teacher always assigned a current student to shepherd the new student around school so they wouldn't feel overwhelmed. Our teacher chose me to be that person for Cyd (then Cindy). Well, we hit it off, learned she also lived close to our house, and the rest is history. We've been best friends ever since - a total of 62 years.

I quickly learned that not only did we share a school, but her family was also Methodist, so we also would attend the same church. Our families used to walk to church together, and her parents and mine also  became good friends. We went to the same church until after graduation when Cyd's studies and life carried her away from Fond du Lac, and marriage eventually led me away from town, too.

Handsome and I continued worshiping at that church, as he was also Methodist, and in those years, we had a booming congregation. There were usually 350 people gathering on a regular Sunday and two to three times that on Christmas and Easter. We served on church committees and were active in fundraising for a new building when the church that held our families for so many generations began to crumble. They were good years.

Yesterday morning, I met my dear friend at the church and we held hands as we frequently have through the years. We worshiped together, greeted the other parishioners and looked at old photographs on the wall in the fellowship hall. One photograph showed the then minister with a number of Sunday school teachers and children standing on the front steps of the church. I immediately pointed out my mum and little sister in the photo. Cyd wondered where we were, and I found myself first and then Cyd next to me. We had to smile at the shared memory.

When we got to the restaurant for brunch, we began our conversation talking about the church. Both of us were sad. The pews were mostly empty. I counted fewer than fifty people in the sanctuary...and there were no children. Not one. Most of the people were our age or older. We felt like we were attending a dying church and we talked about it for quite a while.

I know there are many reasons why people no longer attend church. Heck. I've been one of them. We live in a rural area. Things to do at home, and while Handsome and I are spiritual, there were changes in the church that we didn't agree with. Even so, Sunday is going to live in my head for a while. I'm going to discuss it with my husband, and I'm going to pray on it.

I know this isn't at all my usual sort of post, but I'm wondering what you might feel about organized religion and attending church these days. Is church no longer important in our lives? No judgment whatsoever. Please share your thoughts if you're so moved - and thanks in advance.

July 29, 2023

First Harvest...

I must say first that first harvest isn't taking into account the lettuce, onions and radishes we've already enjoyed. They're cool weather, fast-growing crops which we'll replant at the end of the season to enjoy late into the fall.

This is the first harvest of tomatoes and peppers from our garden, and they're absolutely beautiful. Roma tomatoes will become pizza sauce. The peppers will be added to the Early Girl tomatoes when they're ready for spaghetti sauce. It looks like those will wait until after the class reunion next week, and then I'll be in full canning mode.

These were so beautiful, I just had to share. I think I see caprese salad in our near future. After all, I need to make sure they're as tasty as beautiful, right?

July 28, 2023

Garden Update...

I think I'll have to start picking tomatoes in the next few days. Each cluster has at least one tomato ripening. That means it's going to be a busy week. My garden continues to grow, whether I'm ready or not, so there may be a canning session mixed in the midst of an upcoming busy week. Cross your fingers (with me) that the majority of my tomatoes wait until after August 5th.

My 50th class reunion is next weekend, and as the chair for the planning committee, I still have much to do. I'll be ordering the cake and cupcakes today, as well as sending the classmate directory to press. It's going to be busy. I'll also help my committee with putting out any last minute fires that arise as the week progresses.

It's always lovely to have my outdoor girls join me when I'm in the garden. Claudette is always around my ankles, so I make frequent stops to cuddle and pet her. In this photo, she's watching her daughter who followed me right into the "fenced off" area (I don't really consider trellis a "fence", but it works as a makeshift barrier). As soon as I walked around, she rolled over to ask for belly rubs. Of course, I obliged!

My brave little scaredy cat. I know. Oxymoron. She was brave enough to travel through all hazards to get back to me, but often hides from the dogs - unlike her mama who confronts them head-on. Maybe she's the wiser of the two? She got snuggles, too.

So, I'm off to the bakery this morning, and will run a few other errands with Handsome before coming home to my "To Do" list. I don't often write out entire speeches, but I will formulate a bullet list for my speech to my high school class so I don't forget important things I need to say. It shouldn't be difficult as I've been reciting it in my head for weeks.

We've been enjoying the airplane and jet flyovers from the EAA (Experimental Aircraft Association) Airshow this week. Oshkosh is across Lake Winnebago from us, so planes pass over as they're coming or going (depending on the direction of the wind). Thirty three war birds flew over in formation mid-week in groups of four, with a single plane bringing up the rear. It was quite the sight. 

Last night, one of the jets flew almost directly over the farmhouse, and then lit the afterburners to climb up through the clouds. We went to many airshows while we were in Florida, and I well-remember watching the Air Force Thunderbirds or Navy Blue Angels when they did their shows. After a "Missing Man" formation, one jet would disappear for a while, and then zoom back into the view by strafing the audience from a completely unexpected direction (usually from behind while we were all looking ahead). Once past, it would fly straight up into the clouds again. You could feel the power of the jet in your chest as it climbed. 

I imagine last night's jet as the "Missing Man", far from the show audience, keeping himself out of sight until it was time to surprise the crowd with his re-arrival. I can tell you that as Handsome and I stood in our yard watching him (or her), I was gleefully jumping up and down as the afterburners were lit and the jet climbed out of sight. I'm looking forward to the other shows this weekend, and crossing my fingers that we're again treated to another display.

I'd better get moving now. I have lots to do and want to get everything accomplished early so I can sit with an adult beverage to watch the show tonight. I hope you have a great Friday, and a wonderful weekend. See you tomorrow!

July 27, 2023

Family Night Concert In The Park...

I did work in my studio yesterday - and actually accomplished quite a bit - even though there was no needle dancing. I'm working on something new for the shop, and it's taking a lot of concentration and time, but I know I'll get there. The concert last night was a welcomed diversion.

While it was pouring rain when I left home, the weather cleared off by the time I'd driven the thirteen or fourteen miles to the concert. Once there, the sun came out as the band started to play.

A good wife takes the all-important closeup of her dear husband...and we know I'm a good wife! I can always spot him in a crowd. 

It was family night, so in addition to the invitation for children and adults to dance, there was a teddy bear parade. The backdrop of a setting sun behind a sky filled with clouds and those sweet kids marching is my image for the day.

It's hot right now, but I always remind myself that compared to the Florida heat we lived in for fourteen years, this is nothing. Of course there the house had central air. Here. Not so much. We have all the ceiling fans running and windows open to carry the breeze though the farmhouse. We do have window air conditioners, but they're in the attic and truthfully, it's not as easy to bring them downstairs as it used to be. If it gets unbearable - which so far, it's not - I can always sleep on the porch with the girls! All I need is a mosquito net.

I'll be back in the studio today. More work on my pdf files. I'll remind myself to drink lots of water while I work. That should do the trick! 

July 26, 2023

Shop Sale...

As you've seen, I've been pretty busy with loved ones these past few days. I've had no time for my needlework, or much more than attention to Handsome and the dogs, garden weeding, and lunch with my dear girlfriend, Deb yesterday. I'm getting back to studio tasks today, but wanted to let you know I've managed to do some new listings - and some nice markdowns for current listings. Perhaps there's something you had your eye on previously?

My plan is to add new items to my shop in the coming months. I'm going to offer new Brynwood patterns in PDF form, and perhaps add some "oldies but goodies" from my counted thread designing days. I'm going to set aside time every day for pattern writing, photographing project steps, and proofreading. I'm also working on new stock that you haven't seen before, and want to have a new line out by fall.
I have a show on September 30th in West Bend at the VFW Hall, and I'll show again at the Kewaskum Show in November. Most of the items in my booth for those shows with be my cork handbags, totes and wallets.

I'll be setting aside stitching time, too. You know I go a little dingy when I can put needle and thread to fabric. I haven't even started my acorn brooch yet, and ideas a swimming around in my head. I'm anxious to get that project under way.

So, if you have time, please check out my Etsy shop. I'll continue to mark down more of the inventory there, so if you visit every few days, you may find something you've been looking at has been marked down since you last looked.

You know where I'm heading now... a cuppa and then the studio. See you tomorrow.

July 25, 2023

Tuesdays With Tag - Not Again!...

 Hi, Everybody!

Well, boys and girls. It happened again. Dog Baths! This time, Mom and Dad decided to put a little spin on the program. Mom pulled a laundry sink on legs out of the garage and set it up on the grass. She or Dad stuck Carly into it first, Bella next, and yours truly last into the contraption. 

Each in turn, we ended up havin' our natural "aura" masked by some girly-smellin', bubblin' concoction that Mom and Dad thinks smells good. None of us were safe, and the best we could do to retaliate was to wait until Mom had us good and wet, with lots of shampoo on our fur. Perfect timin' for a good, unexpected shake!! So, shake we did.

I will say, I did enjoy the pamperin' session, and afterward I got to run around in the grass, and then roll around on my favorite dryin' towel. Dad laughed, sayin' I was all fluffy and blurry.

Yesterday, Dad took each of us over to the huge hay bale and lifted us onto the top of it. The height was perfect for him to brush all the loose fur out of our coats. We might have to buy one from our farmer friend to use as a groomin' station!

Mom managed to get a few sneaky pictures of Dad brushin' Bella, all the while he was sweet-talkin' her. Of course, she loves the one-on-one attention from her favorite guy.

Even though Bella is healed from her accident a number of years ago, Dad still picks her up to place her on the ground, rather than allow her to jump. He doesn't want her to reinjure herself. That would really break his heart to see her in pain again. So, he just avoids situations where she would have to jump off somethin' - and these bales are about forty inches high. Better safe than sorry.

Once the brushin' is done, whoever was subjected to it is free to run around a bit. Bella, bein' the stately gal she is, just walked along with Dad while he continued to talk to her. Mom said she loves bein' the proverbial "fly on the wall" so she can hear some of it without Dad knowin'. He says, "I don't kiss no Labradors", but she's caught him doin' it, so there's that, too.
Carly got a brushin' next, and yes. I was unable to avoid the same fate. I can say that I'm lookin' like a cool dude now, with an orderly "do" instead of my usual "devil-may-care" appearance. And, yes. I smell like a dandy now, too. Oh, well. There's always the dream of a local cow pie that I might be able to investigate. Unfortunately, Mom doesn't let me out of her sight much these days, so I may just have to resort to a gift from the raccoons or squirrels. Yes. That would do nicely. 

I'll see you again in seven. 'til then... 
"Be A Good Dog."

July 24, 2023

A Little Photo Shoot...

Over ten years ago, I made this wedding gown for my eldest niece, Jennifer. We nicknamed it the "Princess Bride Gown". 
We lived half a country apart during the process, so before I cut into the expensive fabrics, I made a beautiful cotton version of the gown to be sure the measurements would be right for her. Once the "muslin" (a tailor's term) was complete, she flew to Florida for a fitting and necessary adjustments were made. I then created her wedding gown from those alterations. (I made the bridesmaids' dresses, too.)
The main body of this gown is the muslin I created for Jen's dress. I've since added different sleeves, to resemble a "bar wench" look that I thought might be suitable should someone want it for a Renaissance Fair, but it would also be a pretty bridal gown for a less formal wedding. The overskirt is hemmed, but the underskirt is not. It should be shortened and hemmed at an appropriate length for the person who would wear it.

I was so happy when I knew Jenni was coming to visit, because I couldn't think of a better model for the dress I originally made for her.

I'm going to offer it on Facebook Marketplace, but will also list it today in my Etsy shop to find a buyer for it. No sense in me keeping it anymore, so I'm hoping it will be just the piece someone has been searching for. 

July 22, 2023

The Whistle Pig and A Party...

Whistle Pig is a nickname for a woodchuck, also known as a ground hog. I was driving to my Mum and stepdad's house for a surprise party for my sister. As I came to the bottom of the hill, leading down into Fond du Lac, I saw something inside the line of the shoulder on the highway. It was a little ground hog. It was too frightened to move, but I didn't think it had been hit. By now, you know me. I had to stop to rescue it.

I pulled off to the side of the road, grabbed one of my recyclable grocery bags, and ran against traffic back to it. I can't believe I had to signal for some vehicles to push away from the shoulder. After all, it is a two-lane highway in each direction now, and the inner lane was clear. People are in such a dang hurry and really don't care for wildlife, I guess.

Anyway, as I got to the little critter, another car pulled in behind me, and a nice gentleman in a suit named Teo got out to help. He was more concerned that I might get hit, but also had seen the reason I was running on the side of the road and came to offer assistance.

I easily got the little one into my bag and after discussion about where he or I could take it, I decided to take it with me to the party, and place it in the dog crate at Mum's in a quiet room to cool it down. The best thing was that there were lots of kids at Nana's house for the party, and Aunt Donna got to teach all of them about the "whistle pig", and they all got to pet it.

When I turned it over, we knew it was a young female, and she was stressed and hot. The first thing was to cool her down. She didn't make noise when I lifted her up, so I knew she hadn't been hit. I think she just froze in traffic and the pavement was so hot she overheated.

My niece grabbed some of Nana's washcloths, got them wet with very cold water, and I placed the little girl on the washcloths on a rolled up towel Teo gave me, to let her cool down. We repeated this multiple time while we were there. She finally started to stretch out and then curled up and went to sleep.

These photos were taken before we left, after a surprise Birthday party for my sister, Lyn. I think I've told you before I'm the eldest of the "kids" in our family, and Lyn is next in line. She's been very ill, and we wanted to cheer her up with her first ever surprise party. More on that shortly...

I had planned to take the woodchuck back to the area where I'd picked her up, but when I went to that area, I realized the the highway fence meant to keep wildlife away from the highway would also keep her from leaving the highway area. So, I drove to the other side of the highway and spoke with residents to find out that they hadn't seen a "hog" for months, and they thought the feral cats were killing them. I decided not to leave her there at all.

When asked if I'd named her, I said "no", but my husband had when I called him. He named her, "Don't bring her home". 'Nuff said. I knew I couldn't bring her back to the farm, and I worried that Claudette and Crystal might be a problem anyway. What to do?

I decided to bring her "mostly home", choosing a sheltered spot under lush cedar pines surrounded by thick tall grass. Bee hives nearby would protect her from coyotes, who I don't think hang around where they know there are active bees. She'd be able to move about without bothering the bees, or alerting other larger animals. I left her there, tucked in her towel and said I'd be back in the morning.

When I went back with a bona fide shelter for her, along with food and water, I found her tidy, little bed vacated. No sign of fowl play or predation. I'm sure she felt better surrounded by nature all night, and was able to unwind and explore. She's not all that far from Hickory Hill Farm now, so perhaps some time soon she'll make her way down to the woodshed where she could live out the rest of her days. If the time comes that I see her again, I'll welcome her with open arms. I wonder if she'll remember me?

The big event for the day was actually the surprise Birthday party for my next-younger sister. (As I said, they're all younger.) Lyn is the center of this picture of The Four Sisters, and she's the Birthday Girl. Her big day is actually next week, but our Mum and stepdad hosted the party and wisely chose a weekend night for the celebration so all could attend. There were at least forty people there...mostly family.

Lyn has been seriously ill for a few years, suffering with COPD, and she needs to be on a lung transplant list but has been too weak and frail for surgery even if she were and one became available. People she hadn't seen in a while attended and everyone got a good chance to visit with her. We know it was difficult for her, and she was exhausted by the time they left. Even so, we had cake and sang “Happy Birthday” to our girl, and got this great photo of the four of us to remember her celebration. It was a good day for a good day, and I'm not ashamed to say that when I finally got back home, I realized my dear sister wasn't the only one who'd had an exhausting day. 

It's already nearly two o'clock in the afternoon and I need to get dressed and on my way. I have plans with my aunt and uncle. Prayers for Lyn are always appreciated. God is Good.

July 21, 2023

Full House, Full Heart…


I still can’t share more about my houseguests today because I can’t risk spoiling a surprise. However, I know you’ll love this photo of pretty Miss Carly for now. I’ll get lots of photos today, and then I will reveal my secrets tomorrow.

I’m keeping this short for today so I can focus on family. We have some fun things planned, and I’ll be sure to catch an image or two for you. More later, but I’ll close for now. This will be a fun slide into the weekend. Wishing you the same!

July 20, 2023

Sound of Freedom...

We worked together in the garden yesterday morning and got a lot accomplished (again). I planted our new stock tank with delicata and white scallop squash. Then we filled a couple potato bags with Honeynut and straight neck squash varieties. Last of all, I planted more carrot seeds in the newly vacated radish patch. Everything got watered in, and then watered again late day.

After we finished outdoors, we got much-needed showers and went to the theater for a matinee showing of "Sound of Freedom". In case you haven't heard of this movie, it stars Jim Caviezel as Tim Ballard. It's based on a true story of a Homeland Security operative who went in search of two missing children, and ended up saving many more than that. I don't want to give away any spoilers, so I won't say too much.

I will say, the movie was an eye opener for anyone who is unaware that over 2 million children are abducted worldwide every year. When the movie was over, I had tears in my eyes, but was so glad we'd gone to see it.

This movie was originally created for Disney who then sat on it for five years. Why? It was released the beginning of this month by Angel Studios. They had a small budget, but were all committed to telling this story to raise awareness that this epidemic even exists. I highly recommend you find a theater that's screening it and get your tickets.

HERE is the website where you can type in your zip code a find the nearest theater, dates and show times. The studio goal was to sell two million tickets to represent the 2 million abducted and used children. To date, nearly 9 million people have seen it. Oh, and if discretionary dollars are an issue for you, there's a link where you can procure free movie tickets to the theater closest to you. There's also a link where you can pay it forward and purchase tickets for those who can't afford them. Of course, you can also purchase tickets for yourself to attend a showing.

Sorry if this is a downer post today, but having seen the movie, I felt a call to share this with everyone. I do hope you'll consider seeing it, because the more people who become aware, that sooner we can all get involved to stop it. One way each of us can get involved is by going to see the movie. Another is to spread the word about the movie. Seeing the movie will share important information that is sometimes difficult for us to articulate. 

Something has to be done to stop the trafficking of the world's children. As Caviezel/Ballard said in the film..."God's children are not for sale". Amen to that.

July 19, 2023

Garden Update...

Handsome and I worked in and around my garden yesterday. It's looking really good. We water it most nights for about a half hour. The marigolds have kept all the bugs away (knock wood), so I know they're doing their job. The white trellis piece keeps Bella away from my tomatoes, as she'd likely pick them all if she had the chance. The fennel I started from seeds is up, too, and everything else is growing beautifully. 

Radishes are mostly done, so I've cleaned up their spot and will plant carrots in their place. I also have a few other seeds I'll be planting today as there's still time on the calendar to harvest before it gets cold again.

We purchased another stock tank, which we installed today. That's where I'm going to plant this year's crop of delicata squash, along with a white pumpkin plant or two. I'll show you where we placed the new tank in tomorrow's post.

My sweet peas are growing right up the makeshift trellis I installed. It's actually the stand for multiple hummingbird feeders, but I have all of those hanging higher and closer to the house. I strung garden string from the stand, and the sweet peas are really taking to it.
One of the pots has basil that I need to transplant into the garden, and the other has the last of my radishes for this year. I'm going to plant carrots where the pots are, but I put the pots up here to be out of the way while Handsome trimmed the grass in my walkways. I think next year, I'm going to put down cardboard or another barrier, and then pea gravel to clean it up more.

All my tomato plants (both Romas and Early Girls) are heavily laden with fruit. This is just one large plant, but I put in eight Roma plants and eight EGs, so there will be tomatoes to turn into pizza and spaghetti sauce once they ripen.
I'm going to buy 8-10 dozen ears of local sweet corn once it comes in for canning. My green peppers are all fruiting, and I'm going to let some turn red before I harvest them. I also have bush beans that I started from seed. They have lots of blossoms and are beginning to set beans, too. 
In separate beds, I have garlic and onions growing, but I didn't plant any potatoes. I figure at $13-$16 for 50 pounds, I can pick those up when I'm in Portage, which is Wisconsin potato country with its sandy soil. The potatoes I purchased there last year were delicious.

Sweet Claudette supervised me in the garden, only leaving when we enlisted the tractor to fill my new stock tank with dirt. When we were finally finished for the day, I grabbed a glass of water and sat on the porch - in the shade with a lovely breeze to help me cool off. I found "Dettie" curled up in her favorite chair, and getting a little rest after all that hard work, watching me. Doesn't she look exhausted?

We'll be back in the garden for a little while this morning, as I plant the squash, pumpkin and some carrot seeds. Then, I'm getting ready for some special house guests for the next couple days. They'll be here late, late on Thursday and leave Friday afternoon. I'll explain why the visit is short on Saturday, as I can't spoil a surprise.

It was too nice to stitch today, but I'll share my progress as soon as I'm able. This time of year, it's so difficult to decide...outside or inside? I love my outdoor time, but I do get itchy if I go too long without my needlework. You know I have to keep my hands busy, so I promise you'll see something new any day.

Happy Hump Day!

July 18, 2023

Tuesdays With Tag - Apple Core...

Hi, Everybody!

It's time for our weekly visit, and I'm glad I'm feelin' better this week.

As you can see from the picture, my cheek is still swollen, but thanks to Mom's diligence, I'm gettin' my meds on the regular and it seems to be improvin'. I'll keep my current set of choppers for the foreseeable future. I'm sure this issue will be revisited when Mom talks to Dr. Marti, but they're all safe in my mouth for now.

In fact, I've been feelin' good enough to join the girls at the daily smorgasbord, courtesy of the old apple tree across the driveway. Every year, there are lots of blossoms that turn to fruit, but a few days of strong breezes, or a good rainstorm, or heck, an impressive sneeze and they start droppin' off the tree. There'll be plenty left to turn ripe so Mom can make applesauce, but it would be a really impressive harvest if half the apple pups stayed on the tree.

Mom and Dad (who usually cleans them up before mowin' the lawn) aren't happy about the early windfalls, but Boo, The Kid and I love it! Let us out in the mornin' - or anytime, for that matter - and we make a bee line for the yard under the tree. So, I guess my mouth can't be hurtin' that much. It's sure not stoppin' me from joinin' in the fun.

Mom takes me to check on her garden with her every day, too. None of the furries that live here will get any garden things to eat, but what we're lackin' in veg, we're makin' up in fruit. We can hardly wait until they're ripe instead of tangy!

I'm gonna continue pickin' up these applets while my mouth heals, so I'd better get back to it today. If an "apple a day" is good for ya, I'm gonna multiply the benefits! Don't wanna be slackin' off on my duties, after all.

I'll see you again in seven. 'til then... 
"Be A Good Dog."

July 17, 2023

Hearts and Acorns...

I've been waiting for an order to arrive with rose gold swords for my Immaculate Heart. When they arrived, I was not happy with the finish. It looks more coppery with my lavender pink kid leather. I'll be changing it out for a silver one today, and then I'll list them for sale in my Etsy shop.

My next project - you guessed it, MA! - is an acorn brooch. I'm going to use suede as the base, and I've pulled possibilities for the embellishments, too. I've chosen colors from gold/gilt to deep chocolates, and will begin work on it later today. 

Tag will be here to visit with you tomorrow, and I'll show you my Acorn Brooch progress on Wednesday. Another week, and we're on our way again. What do you have planned?

July 15, 2023

A Very Good Friday...

The last time I went to the grocery store, there were bags and bags of Door County cherries in the produce section. I couldn't resist picking up a bag to bring home. Yesterday I turned one cup of them (and white chocolate chips) into beautiful scones. I just used my basic scone recipe and added the cherries and chips. I think they turned out delicious, and no one who ate them turned up their nose. I'd definitely make them again.

We planned a family pizza party before Handsome's brother flies home today, so I wanted to have a little something different for dessert. Pizza and scones may not seem like a perfect pairing, but it worked. 
Grandson helped me assemble pizzas in the kitchen, so we made one with Canadian bacon and pineapple on most of it. One row was an experiment at the prompting of my sisters, so we had what turned out to be very tasty cheese and sauerkraut section. The other pizza was our standard sausage, mushroom, green pepper, onion, and black olives.

There's really nothing better than great conversation with family over good food. It was a perfect night, and this was one happy Grandma and Grandpa to have our grandson here to join us. We can't wait to do it again.

I'm going to set up a new brooch embroidery today. When you see it, you'll wonder what took me so long! I'll share more on Monday. For now, I'm going to put my feet up with a nice morning cuppa. Happy Weekend, friends. Cheers!

July 14, 2023

Belle's Dragon Brooch...

I contacted my goldwork teacher, Clara and asked what she thought about my face dilemma. She suggested I just change out the eye and nostril to give them more contrast. Of course! Sometimes the simplest solution is that last one we think of. I switched out the black smooth purl for gold and it was just the thing I needed to do.

The brooch is now complete and is ready to go to its new owner when I go back to this month's Craft Day. I'm pretty sure Belle will love it. I know I do.

If you'd like to see how this piece sparkles, you can click HERE to see the short video I posted through Instagram. I'd love to know what you think.