May 31, 2023

May Craft Day...

Saturday Crafters  l-r: Adrienne, me, Linda K, Nancy (Adrienne's future mother-in-law), and Marie.

I really enjoyed our project last Saturday in Portage. These gorgeous "baskets" began life as cereal boxes! First, we cut away one long side, and then sealed up the open top. Once that was done, it was time to brave the hot glue guns and start attaching the jute cord.

I placed my Corgi hot pad in the basket to give you an idea of size. He's so cute! The jute was then embellished. Marie was our project leader, and hers had sparkling buttons/pins in the center of her doilies. I decided to wait to embellish mine until I got back home.

Once I was back home, I went through my embellishments and chose these three buttons for mine. I'm very happy with the way it turned out. The jute actually weighted the boxes and they were quite stable when finished.

Marie actually made a second one, and I love it so much, I'm going to do another for Independence Day. She left the back unpainted, but I may paint all the way around with a flag on each side. What do you think? I'm the leader for the June get together. Now to decide what to make!

May 30, 2023

Tuesdays With Tag - Cuddly Corgi…

Hi, Everybody!

First, I have to apologize. Mom didn’t sign me on at my usual time, so this is gonna be a late post.  We had a busy weekend, and she's still tryin' to catch her breath. I, on the other hand, had a restful and relaxing few days stupervisin' a buildin' project outside that Mom will tell you about soon.

Mom and I were in Portage on Saturday, and look what her best bud, Linda made for her! It's a Corgi Hot Pad, and it's awesome! It's pretty big, too! She can't actually use it for a hot pad because it's made with acrylic yarn and that would melt, but that's okay. Mom wouldn't want to get it dirty anyway.

So, knowin' that, Linda added a loop on the back so Mom can hang it. Cute tail, too, right? Not only was Mom tickled with the gift, but I was pretty excited about it, too. I'm so glad I got to ride along to see her reaction.

Plus, my little friend, Georgie was there to give me lots of pets, too. You know me. I love bein' around kids, and this little guy is the best! I'm already lookin' forward to our next trip over so I can see him again.

I'm gonna go for now. Sorry, again, about gettin' this up late. I'll try to do better next week after Mom's had a little rest. It's gonna be one of those weeks!

I'll see you again in seven. 'til then... 
"Be A Good Dog."

May 27, 2023

And, Now We Wait…

Thanks to our trusty John Deere yard tractor, all the planting beds are filled. It took all afternoon, and now I’m just hoping the wildlife leaves my plants alone until I can fence everything in. 

I’m off to Portage for our monthly play date. I’ll have photos of our creations on Monday. I hope you have a restful Memorial Weekend. 

May 26, 2023

Delivery Day...

Five yards of soil mixed with five year old compost will be arriving this morning...just in time for the holiday weekend! I'm sure you can guess how I/we'll be spending our time.

The photo above is our lilac bush near the old apple tree in our yard. All those lovely black raspberry vines next to the lilac are all volunteers, seeded by birds. There are at least three other large patches, so I'll definitely be making more jam this year.

I'm going to have my morning cuppa and then watch for the truck to come up our road. It's going to be a busy day. I'm so excited!

May 25, 2023

A Little Bit Of This...

I baked my usual loaves of Farmhouse Sandwich bread yesterday, but made a different shape, too. This loaf is for my aunt and uncle, and Uncle prefers round loaves. I place the risen loaf into my Pampered Chef large covered baker and look how it turned out! I'll definitely be doing more of these in the future.

Even though it's only been a few days, my basil seeds have already sprouted. I'll need to thin them as they get bigger, but I'm hoping I'll be able to transplant the culls into my larger raised beds. Oh! I also planted the garlic and onions, too. The roots had developed even more overnight, so I think they're ready to be put into the soil. I'll keep watch over them for the next few days to see how they grow. More photos soon.

All the dirt for my raised beds will be here Friday. The price per yard was reasonable enough, but whew! The delivery charges almost equaled my five yard order. I'm glad I'll be able to amortize the cost over the coming growing seasons. It's added incentive to be extra productive, too.

Once the soil mix is delivered, I'll get right to planting my seeds, and I'll likely purchase a few started plants to populate parts of the beds right away - especially my planned marigold border to keep pests away. I'm going to have to decide what I want as a barrier, too. Bella is a tomato thief, so I'm going to have to protect them when they start producing. I'm glad I have a little time to contemplate that.

So, that's all for a bit of this and a bit of that for today. I'll be back tomorrow to share what I can accomplish today. See you then!

May 24, 2023


Recently, when I looked in my veggie bin in the pantry, I had a Vidalia onion that was getting soft and had sprouted. I decided to let it go for a while, and a few days ago I decided to see just how many new onions I had growing inside that skin.

I started peeling back all the layers and by the time I was finished, there were four distinct plants growing inside. I finished separating them and placed them in a jar with just a bit of spring water so the new onions could sprout roots. 

I change the water twice a day, and yesterday morning each onion had new roots. I'll give it another couple of days, and then these will also be planted in my metal sinks in my garden.

I also pulled a head of garlic, separated all the cloves and then peeled each one. Some of the cloves already had green sprouts, but they needed roots, too.
I grabbed the sweet, little bowl that used to belong to Shelly's great grandmother. Shelly gifted it to me, saying that it belonged in the farmhouse. I use it quite often, and it seemed perfect for this purpose. Again I added spring water and floated the cloves in it. After only one day, the garlic had sprouted new roots and tops
Most garlic is planted in the fall, but I know it can be planted in the spring, too. I decided to give it a try and see how it does through the summer. I'll likely cover it when the weather is particularly hot, but other than watering early morning or late day, it won't get further special treatment.
So, from what some might call a rotting onion, and a sprouted head of garlic, I'll end up with four more onions and six new heads of garlic. This can also be done with celery and potatoes. I'll likely salvage the roots from the next head of celery I purchase, and all the potatoes that sprout before we use them. I kind of love this process of not wasting food. What do you think?

May 23, 2023

Tuesdays With Tag - Jim Dandy...

Hi, Everybody! 

Just me, playin' "Farm Dog" again these days.

Mom and Dad have been workin' in the yard, and lately, Mom's concentratin' on the kitchen garden next to the back door. This bed has really gotten away from her since the "Invasion of the Hollyhocks", so it really needs some serious attention.

Today bein' the 23rd of May, you'll notice that the hollyhocks are already up over my distinguished head. They're gonna be tall ones again this year. The problem is that they propagate like bunnies. They're in the back of the flower the front of the flower bed...and they've choked out even the chives and mint! They're like Audry II on Little Shop of Horrors! We need to get 'em back under control.

As much as Mom loves doin' the work, her knees and back protest, so we're back here in short spurts. At this rate, it's gonna take another week to clear it out, but it will be worth it. When she's done, there'll only be controlled hollyhocks, hostas, lavender, delphiniums, and some ground cover that smells like thyme. Then she might move the bird bath back in where it used to be. But, maybe not.

Where it is right now, it's kind of in the open. If she moves it into the flower bed, a certain someone whose name begins with "Clau" and ends with "dette" might be sorely tempted to harass the birds. See, one of her favorite spots is under the cool umbrella leaves of the hollyhocks. Mom says it's a perfect hidin' place away from us, but it would also be a perfect spot to ambush avian visitors, and we don't want that! I guess it might have to stay where it is.

Anyhoooo...between supervisin' Mom, guardin' the back door, and lyin' around in the grass, I'm just lovin' every second of this weather. This could be a year-round situation for me and I'd be one happy Corgi. How about you? Is it nice where you're livin'? I'd love to know. In the meantime, if you're lookin' for me, I'll be in the yard.

I'll see you again in seven. 'til then... 
"Be A Good Dog."

May 22, 2023

With Two Cats In The Yard...

 Much of my day was spent outdoors on Sunday. I moved our outdoor furniture out of storage, washed everything on the lawn, and once it was all was dry, Handsome helped me move it all up to the porch.
Of course, I always have a little extra help. Do you remember the circa-1970s song "Our House"? I think of it whenever I see Claudette and Crystal hanging out in the yard. (Sorry if that causes you to hum the song all day now.) The girls think we did all of this for them!

Once this much was finished, I'd stopped for the day. I had done a little weeding in the kitchen garden first, but as the weather got warmer, I opted to do porch work instead. I'll keep weeding a bit at a time, as my knee precludes me accomplishing very much from a kneeling position. Consequently, there's a lot of bending over, pulling and puffing. Slow and steady wins the race.

The lilacs are in full bloom now, so whether I'm outside or indoors with the windows open, the breeze carries their sweet fragrance into the house. As you can see, our volunteer black raspberries are lush this year, so I know there will be jam made once their fruit ripens. There are two or three new patches in the field, too, that will be harvested at the same time. Something to look forward to, for sure.

Handsome and I calculated that I need just over three yards of soil for the raised beds, but I'm going to make a call today to order four. That way I'll have plenty to put into my pots, too. I don't have any appointments on the book this week, so I'm going to do some gardening, and continue preparing for the sale in Larsen on the 3rd. 

I hope the weather is nice where you are. Here's wishing you a wonderful week, filled with possibilities. 

May 20, 2023

Computer Work...

Please forgive me if I keep this short. I've been sitting in front of the computer screen for longer than I planned yesterday. I had a class reunion planning committee meeting Thursday night, and spent Friday transcribing my notes into our meeting minutes, and then set to creating a piece of camera-ready art for mugs we'll have made to give to our classmates the night of the party.

After I completed that, I had a poster to "build" for distribution, and a few more party-related correspondences to write. Finally, I had to just walk away when Handsome informed me I'd been in my studio for hours, staring at a screen. I got up and help him mow the lawn again. It was cold, but the sun was out and it got me outdoors for a while.

I have just a bit more to do this morning, and then I'm going to turn off the computer and spend the rest of the weekend with my husband and the critters. Here's to a happy weekend to all!

May 19, 2023

MA's ATC...

When MA told me she'd created an Artist Trading Card just for me, I couldn't wait to see it! Well, it arrived in yesterday's mail and I couldn't have been more excited.
She cross stitched a CORGI for me! This one's really adorable, too. Look at that cute face...and those ears! Just like my boy. Then, I realized it was twice as much fun...

She'd stitched a Corgi walking away, too. I showed my card to Handsome when I opened the envelope, and he giggled, saying how cute it was. When I turned it over, he laughed out loud. We both love it!

I'd planned to share the one I made for her in the same post, however I haven't got word that she's received it yet (in Canada) and I don't want to spoil the surprise. You'll just have to wait until I'm sure she has it, and then I promise I'll share it with you, too.
THANKS, MA! I really do love this!

I'm making more cards, so if you'd like to trade with me, you can click on my "email me" link in the sidebar (over there --->) and make sure you type "ATC" in the subject line. I'd love to trade with you, too!

May 18, 2023

Garden Helpers...

I was back in the garden yesterday. I had helpers, too. While Crystal chose to observe at a distance, Tag was on a long yard lead, and Claudette was right in the thick of it all. When she got bored, she simply parked in the shade under an old Radio Flyer™ wagon I have under the honeysuckle bush just past Tag in this picture. That black coat of hers has a tendency to solar load, so she prefers the shade.
Much of my time was spent deciding where I want the stock tank to be situated, and assembling the first of two raised beds. The second one should arrive today and it will sit toward the front of this layout (where Claudette is heading). As an aside, it's hard to believe that Handsome and I mowed the lawn only two days ago. It looks like it needs to be mowed again already!
I found the green galvanized raised bed on Amazon for only $61 and change, and it measures eight feet by four feet by 1 foot high. It's going to hold a lot of plants! Once I finished the assembly and tended to other parts of my garden, I spent the rest of the time drawing a layout for where the plants will be placed.

I thought I'd share something I found in one of the gardening channels on Instagram. See the green disc? It's actually the lid for a buried valve box usually used with in-ground irrigation systems. They're 9" tall and about 5" in diameter. 
They're called "NDS Round 6 in. Valve Box and Cover, 9 in. Height, Black Box, Green ICV Cover". You can click HERE (I'm not an affiliate) to purchase your own, if you're tending a garden, too. Of course, the better deal is to purchase them in pairs, which is what I did. HERE is the listing for the biodegradable bags, too.

The video I watched explained that this particular gardener had about forty of them in all the best of her vastly more involved garden. The lid just lifts off to reveal a hollow area with the bottom open to the soil. She uses them with biodegradable bags to compost kitchen scraps. You don't even have to turn the soil or do anything further to the contents. Mother Nature (and worms or larvae) do all the work. 
You can see I already have a small bag in there now. I purchased enough to put one in each of the small beds, and two in the stock tank and raised beds. I think they'll be extremely useful. 

I've got errands to run while I wait for the second raised bed to arrive, so I'm going to grab my morning cuppa and then be off about my business. The sun is shining and the forecast is for it to warm up. I'll share more tomorrow.

May 17, 2023

A Good Day To Garden...

I bet you weren't expecting to see an image of pies, were you? I made two rhubarb custard pies on Monday. One was for here and the other went up to Andy and Shelly to enjoy. As I didn't take any photos of what I'm working on in the yard, I figured you might like to see pies instead. 
For those who might be interested, my pie crust and pie recipes were both out of the original red and white cover Betty Crocker's Cookbook. Nothing like the old recipes to make your palate sing. It's a good thing we have a healthy crop of rhubarb, as I suspect I'll be making more pies in the near future.

As I said, I worked in the yard today. I'm planting seeds and placing them in my makeshift "mini greenhouse". I have a clear sided plastic tote that is housing the containers of started seeds. I just have to water them to keep them moist, and once they germinate, harden them off to go into my planters.

I started seeds for bush beans, four different varieties of tomatoes, basil, fennel, carrots, bib lettuce and marigolds. I also bought potato grow bags - and spuds that started to grow in the pantry. I've set them aside and will plant them as soon as I bring home more soil. 

I purchased a medium size stock tank a few weeks ago, and once I've prepared that with drainage, mulch, soil and compost, my started tomatoes, marigolds and carrots will likely be planted in it. I need to get some green pepper plants, too. Later, I'm going to plant squash and perhaps white pumpkin. We'll see.

I'm going to run out for soil today and get to work on my raised garden stock tank. It's supposed to be another sunny day, so I'd like to get more done outside.

I think I told you I'm going to have a couple tables at the Purge & Splurge Sale event at Primitive Gatherings on June 3rd, so the next rainy day I'll be pulling more fabric, books, quilt kits and other sewing items that I would rather sell than store. I'm looking forward to more floor space in my studio. Anything I don't sell will be donated to good causes.

I'm ready to get my day going, so I'm off for my morning cuppa. If you're looking for me, I'll likely be in the yard for the better part of today. See you tomorrow!

May 16, 2023

Tuesdays With Tag - Puppy Coat...

Hi, Everybody!
Well, Mom said it was gonna happen but I didn't want to believe she'd put me through that again! Boy, was I wrong. She actually tricked me by askin' Dad to take me for a truck ride, and you know I can't resist a truck ride.

We drove east from home, and next thing I knew, we were parked in front of Miss Joy's dog groomin' salon. The words Canine Design on the big windows said it all. It's a good thing I don't know how to spell naughty words.
"Come on, Tag", he said. "You like Miss Joy", he said. "It'll be fun", he said. Cow patties! I'm not fond of gettin' baths. I like bein' brushed even less, and oh, the insult of gettin' sprayed with girly, smelly stuff. You'll notice, she topped off her efforts with a yellow bandana! I do like Miss Joy, but really? A bandana?

So here I am in all my glory. A suave, debonnaire, twelve year old Corgi, sportin' a puppy fur coat-look. She even cut my toenails and the fur around them so I have "puppy feet", too. I'd like to know where I can find somethin' especially rank to roll in. Once I get that out of the way, I'll be much happier.

For now, I'll be walkin' around gettin' laughed at by the barn cats, giggled at by Carly, and further insulted by Bella. Perfect. Juuust perfect.

I'll see you again in seven. 'til then... 
"Be A Good Dog."

May 15, 2023

ATC Reveal...

Sherry let me know she received her Artist Trading Card (ATC) from me last weekend, so now I can share our cards with you. I love the card I received, and it's so wonderful that she stitched the heart and then added ruching to her card. Isn't it fun?
I stitched mine for her, too. Once the roses and wheat embroidery were complete, I added a vintage heart-shaped button to it. I had Sherry in mind when I stitched it, so I hope she finds it as special for her as I think she is to me.
I'm working on my second ATC that will be going to MA in Canada as soon as it's mounted and signed. I'm planning to complete it today and then it will be on its way to her.
If anyone else would like to trade ATCs with me, just send me an email at dliljegren(at)brynwoodneedleworks(dot)com. I'd love to trade with everyone who contacts me. So, I'm going to have a cup of coffee with Handsome and then I'll complete the next ATC and send it out by tomorrow, latest. TTFN (Ta Ta For Now)...


May 13, 2023

She's Back Where She Belongs...

Handsome drove to Madison yesterday morning while I stayed with Tag and Carly. He was back home with our beautiful Bella early afternoon. 

Bella is on meds that make her groggy right now to help her heal. She's got to stay quiet for a couple weeks, so they're helping in that regard. Instead of wearing the dreaded "cone of shame", we had an inflatable donut that Handsome took with him for her. It's nice because it's like a neck pillow and she's comfortable sleeping on it. The dogs don't complain about that like they do over the cone. Those things are just obstreperous. 

So we're counting our blessings that all our driving back and forth, the surgery and Bella's surgery were so covered in good wishes. I could feel the care and concern from all of you, and I'm confident Bella could, too. You're the best!

I'm going to try to get a little needlework in today. I also want to dry can potatoes this weekend, so I'll get the spuds prepared first. They have to be peeled and then sit in cold water 5-8 hours to wick the starch out of them. Then, the pressure canning part will be easy. First, coffee! I hope you have a great weekend!