April 29, 2023

I'm Working On It...

This is a wonderful plan to downsize and declutter "stuff". I really wish I'd applied this decades ago. Life would be easier now, for sure. Even so, I'm not giving up at this late date. I'm going to work on ticking all the numbers on this list. What do you think about it?  

I'm taking a class with my sister this morning, and then helping her with her other sewing project this afternoon. It's going to be a play day! Have a great weekend.

April 28, 2023

Cowboy Candy...

Four pounds of jalapeños became four half pints, plus two (half-half pint?) small jars yesterday. Handsome isn't fond of them, but I love their sweet heat addition to tacos, beef sandwiches, or burgers. I never add the extra red pepper flakes called for in the recipe, because it's usually way too hot for my taste when I do. 

The batch I grew last summer were really hot, plus I left the seeds when I canned them. Lesson learned. They were almost atomic hot, and while beautiful in the jars, they were demonic in food. This batch started with two large jars of milder, sliced jalapeños I purchased at the grocery store. I mixed up the ingredients for the sweet syrup and proceeded with the rest of the recipe. I could dip my finger in the remaining syrup (after the peppers had been cooked in it) and it was perfect for my taste. We'll see if that changes after they marinate in the jars for the next two weeks.

My last physical therapy session for my hand is today. The doctor is stumped, the PT isn't really making a difference, so I'll be on my own after this appointment. It's okay. I rest it when I can, and truthfully, I'm sick of running to the clinic twice a week when I'd rather be doing something anything else.When I get back home, I may sit and stitch a bit. My hand feels a bit better after the sessions, so I'll enjoy the short respite while I can.

Jeepers, it's Friday again! This time next week, Handsome and Carly will be home (where they belong). I'm smiling just thinking about it. I hope you have a great weekend, and that you get to do something you love with someone you love. See you tomorrow!

April 27, 2023

Canning Soup...

I canned Fifteen Bean Soup yesterday. I had bags of dried bean soup mix, frozen tomatoes from last fall, home canned stewed tomatoes from last fall, and dehydrated stew mix vegetables, so I decided to make some "meals in jars" using my pressure canner.

The beans soaked up more of the tomatoes than I anticipated, so these jars hold more of a "starter" than actual soup, but I don't mind that. When I serve it, I'll plan to add some of my pressure canned beef or chicken, and then add a bit of beef or chicken stock, as appropriate. 

Of the thirteen pints I put into the pressure canner, two didn't seal. One jar went into the fridge, and part of the other became my dinner. I hadn't added any salt to the jars, opting instead to season it as it heated. That way when I open the other cans, I can season them to accommodate the other ingredients I'll add as I cook it. 

I'm very happy with how the soup turned out. It was a hearty, tasty, and simple meal. When Handsome gets home, I'll also make buttermilk biscuits as a side, and then the meal will be complete. The jars sat overnight on the counter, so this morning I'll clean the outsides of the jars with vinegar, make sure the rest of the jars have viable seals, label them, and then put them away in the pantry. More good eats. Just what the doctor ordered!
Today is Carly's Birthday! We'll celebrate with Handsome and our girl once they're back home, but I wanted to recognize that it's her special day. Happy Third Birthday to The Kid.

April 26, 2023

Say Hello To My (Not So Little) Friend...

Yesterday my almost-90 year old stepdad and I managed to horse this hefty critter into the back of my Explorer so I could bring him home. When we first came back to Wisconsin, this large carved squirrel sat out in front of an antique shop called The Plaid Squirrel. I admired it every time I drove up the east shore of the lake (Winnebago) where the shop was located.

I drove past it three years (or so) ago to see that the shop had closed and the squirrel was gone. On a visit to my mum's, I saw it sitting out in front of their home and recognized it immediately. I asked her if it was  from The Plaid Squirrel and she was surprised that I knew that. They had gone up to the shop when it was closing, and bought it. I told her I loved it, and we laughed at the sign. (On the reverse it says "Go Away") They actually screwed the sign with the "Welcome" greeting facing out, to keep it from blowing away.

Right before my Birthday last year, Mum called to tell me that the squirrel was my gift from them, and I could pick it up any time. The weather turned, so we agreed I'd come and get it in the spring. Yesterday was the day. (As an aside, this is officially the longest "extended" Birthday to date - nearly five months! yay!)

Loading it was a real task as it's awfully heavy. Dad B and I barely got it off the ground, and grunted as we slid it into my vehicle. All the way home I contemplated just how I'd be getting it out of my car to place it. As I drove up the driveway, I decided that the bucket on the front of our big yard tractor would be just the ticket.

I opened the back hatch, and brought the tractor around. Once I had the bucket in place, I pulled the squirrel out the back and onto the bucket. Then I stood it up, tilted the bucket back and moved it over close to its intended location. I had a hand cart waiting next to the bucket as it was lowered. Then, I slid the squirrel onto the cart and rolled it into place. Truthfully, I was on pins and needles, fearing it might fall off the bucket during the move, but it couldn't have gone smoother.

Granted, that's one sad planter sitting on the base, but I intend to add some of my large wooden acorns, and as soon as it gets a bit warmer, I'll have flowers potted all around it. As you can see from this photo, the hollyhocks already have a head start over the rest of the flowers (except a few tulips, and daffodils). They do like this protected southern exposure!

I have extra rogue hollyhock plants that have self-seeded, so I'm going to dig them up and take them to Mum. She used to have them in our backyard when I was growing up, and she allowed as how she'd love to have some of these giants. I warned her she might be sorry for asking, but I'll definitely be taking some to her soon.

Now I need to come up with a name for this large squirrel. Do you have any ideas? If so, please leave them in the comments. See you tomorrow!

April 25, 2023

Tuesdays With Tag - Field Dogs...

Hi, Everybody!
It sure looks different from our last pictures, doesn't it? The fields all around us are nice and green, and there are all the wonderful smells that come with the newest season. I'm not technically a "huntin' dog", but Mom says I should be doin' Corgi scent trials because I've got an awesome nose, and I'd be good at it. I'm sure I'd have fun doin' that, too!

We get out every day (of course!) year round, but it's especially sweet when it's warmer and the ground is green. Then we really get to run around! Mom said she really likes watchin' us run around with our heads down, and Bella always strikes a runway pose when she smells somethin' good. Mom just watches close to make sure Bella or I don't tuck a shoulder so we can roll in nasty (accordin' to her) stuff!
The barn girls are goin' out for longer periods of time now that it's warmer, too. Crystal and Claudette like huntin' in the tall grass up the hillside, but they don't usually go into the woods. It's fun when Mom calls them late in the day and they come runnin' from wherever they are for their dinner.
Dad and Carly will be leavin' Florida next Monday, and we're plannin' a party when they get here. Carly's Birthday is this Thursday, and she's gonna be three! We're gonna wait to celebrate until she gets back here, though. I mean, how much fun would it be to have a Birthday bash without the Guest of Honor?

It's gonna be chilly the rest of the week, but it looks like Dad will be bringin' warm weather with him as he drives north. That will be another reason to celebrate, for sure. I'll let you know where they are in their return trip next Tuesday when we visit again. I'm gonna run 'cuz we've got lots to do before they get here!
I'll see you again in seven. 'til then... 
"Be A Good Dog."

April 24, 2023

Sewing Day...

My youngest sister came to visit on Saturday with the intention of learning how to sew a cute dress to wear on her upcoming vacation. While New Look sewing patterns are supposed to be beginner friendly, this one had a few directions that even took me off guard. 

She chose the fabric because her favorite color is yellow, and this fabric had yellow flowers. However, it was also a stretch fabric and lightweight, making it more difficult for a beginner. I taught her how to lay out the pattern pieces, and then we set about the assembly.

I'll just cut to the chase here. She asked me to sew it together for her, and in the interest of time, I agreed. She watched and helped every step of the way, but because of the wonky instructions, I ended up removing stitches twice. I finished the hem (which she wanted short for hot weather) at about 7 pm.

We had a great time together, laughed a lot over video clips shared from Instagram, and enjoyed a cup or two of tea. It was a lovely day, and when all was said and done, she went home with this sweet dress, and I sat down with a sore paw. No Sunday stitching for me. I took the rest of the weekend off, and likely won't be stitching again until mid-week. It's okay, though. I have a list of tasks I want to finish before next weekend.

Handsome's last concert is Sunday, and then he'll be heading home with Carly. We can't wait! I want to make sure there's a hot meal, fresh bread, and a clean home for him to return to. I will be stitching though, as soon as I'm comfortable doing so. I'll keep you posted. Here's to a productive week for all of us!

April 22, 2023

Needlework Therapy...

What do you do when you can't stitch? Grab the Blue Emu™ and your fave needlework magazines and a good book. Make a nice, hot cuppa, put your feet up and read, darling. Daydream a little about the next time you'll be able to pick up a needle and thread, and choose your next project (15 down on the list).

Life really is good. Count your blessings, and never challenge "worse". It can always be worse, so be grateful for where you are. Tomorrow will be better.

April 21, 2023

I Can't Not Stitch...

My hands still hurt and as I said yesterday, my great doctor has no idea why I'm in pain. So, in keeping with what I said in my last post, I'm going to needle dance in short sessions.
I pulled all my materials together to get back to creating a couple more Heart Brooches. I'm thinking these may become available in my shop once they're finished.
I stitched down the gold super purl pearl edging yesterday, deciding to stop when I completed this much. I'll return to this today and add the same trim to the flame area. I'll decided whether to go on to the next (inner) border of gilt twist once this part is done.
Once these are finished, I'm so anxious to show you what I'm going to create in goldwork next! It's not going to surprise many of you, but it's going to be a sparkling version of something near and dear to me. Can you guess what it is?
If I take it little by little, I'll get take care of my hand as I fulfill my need to put needle and thread to fabric. I can move on to other things without feeling too crippled for doing what I love. I think it's a workable compromise. We'll see. (I'd cross my fingers, but that actually hurts. sigh)
PS. If you don't see my posts appearing around midnight CST, it's because I couldn't wrestle my computer into behaving. I get my daily writings up the next day as soon as I can. I'm holding off buying a new computer until I can decide whether I want just a laptop, or the larger screen afforded by a desktop version. Thanks for understanding.

April 20, 2023

We're Stumped...

I've got a great hand doctor. One thing I really respect about him is that he admits when he's stumped. He told me that at my appointment. 

This is my hand x-ray. A trained eye can see I have basal joint arthritis in my thumb joints (yes. both hands). An untrained eye such as mine, needed to be told that the kind of clear knob at the base of my thumb and the light shadow in the webbing area between my thumb and forefinger are both bone spurs. Those cause considerable discomfort in those area. 

What he can't find is the cause for my discomfort in the area of the knuckle on my forefinger (where the arrow is). He doesn't see any arthritis, nor any previous injury that might be the culprit. I've been going to physical therapy for ultrasound treatments and hand exercises, and am being treated as though inflammation might be the reason. The goofy weather changes don't help either.

So my doctor apologized, saying he doesn't think he's being a good doctor for not sorting out my problem, but I'll continue a couple more weeks of pt, take an anti-inflammatory, and pray the weather stops beating me up. In the meantime, I'm going to get back to my needlework, too. If this is going to be my new normal, I better put on my big girl panties, suck it up, and just soldier through. Otherwise, I'll be sitting around feeling sorry for myself and not doing any of the things I love to do. You know that's not how I operate. 

I'm going to take care of the critters, have a cuppa, and then do something productive. I think moderation will be the key. I'll let you know how it goes. 

April 18, 2023

Morning Promises...

"Red sky at night, sailor's delight.
Red sky in morning, sailor's take warning."

This is the glorious sunrise I photographed after a weekend of warm, sunny weather. It was the morning we were treated to another twelve hours of snow. Guess the old poem applied. Even so, I think this sunrise makes up for it.

I haven't stitched since I set up the Immaculate heart projects last weekend. I've been running hither and yon, and will be at an appointment mid-afternoon again today. (I had two appointments Monday, and another yesterday.) Don't worry. It's all good.

I'm going to try to sit and stitch a bit this afternoon. If so, you know I'll share photographs with you tomorrow. If not? Well, it will be a surprise post for me, too! Enjoy the sunrise. Enjoy the day, and always count your blessings. I appreciate you!

Tuesdays With Tag - Not More White Stuff!...

Hi, Everybody!

I figured if we had to wake up to this, so could you, right? I hope that at least where you are, it's sunny and warmer. Dad said it's even been in the 90s in Florida, and I have to admit, we don't miss that steamy hot weather, but this is gettin' ridiculous.

After celebratin' 82º on Sunday, this is what we work up to on Monday mornin', and it kept snowin' all day and into the night. Thankfully, today it's gonna get up into the 50s, so maybe it will all melt today. At least we're keepin' our paws crossed.

So, rather than say a bunch, I'll just leave you with more doggy/snowy pictures. I'm hopin' next week I can share more of the "Greenin' Up of Hickory Hill Farm".


If you look closely here, you'll see that the lilies are already up under the old apple tree, and there are leaves openin' up on the lilac bushes.


Maybe next week, we'll be able to see more flowers, grass, and sunshine. We're sure hopin' for a warmer week ahead, too.

I'll see you again in seven. 'til then... 
"Be A Good Dog."

April 17, 2023

April Craft Day...

I had a grand time on Saturday. Some of our regulars weren't able to come, and someone new joined this month. Deb and Kim couldn't attend, but I got to meet Nancy who will become Adrienne's new mother-in-law this fall.

I like this mosaic because it shows the relationship between each of these artists. My dear friend, Linda is in the upper left. Next to her is her daughter, Marie. Then, Marie's daughter, Adrienne. Below Linda is her sister-in-law, Linda P. Under Marie is her granddaughter, Aria, and below Adrienne is her future MIL, Nancy.

Our project this month was decorated Easter eggs. They remind me of the sugar eggs with lacy icing and sweet treats inside. These were Dollar Tree plastic eggs. An oval opening was cut into the top half of the eggs. We painted the inside of the egg, and after reassembling the two halves of the egg, we proceeded to decoupage beautiful tissue papers on the outside of the egg. Trims were added to all except mine. I decided to add my own vintage trims after I got back home. We then mounted the completed eggs onto candlestick bases.

Aren't they cute? Mine is the second from the left in the above photograph. I'll finish mine this week and then I can tuck it away with other Easter decorations until next spring.

April 15, 2023

Compiling For Sale...

Kathy Schmitz Table Banners Set

I spent part of the day assembling sets from my vast collections of kits and patterns. This is a twelve pattern/fabric set of kits for sweet table mats. I've stitched all of these and they're ready to assemble into a seasonal quilt, so the ground fabric is missing from the kits, along with the small appliques (in color) for each one. If I were to do this set again, I'd plan to embroider or applique' the missing elements. 

I'm going through all my patterns, kits and fabrics, and pulling those things I know I'll never finish. I'll offer these for sale soon, and whatever isn't sold ahead of time will go with me to the Purge & Splurge event in June at Primitive Gatherings. I'm going to have some great deals!

Primitive Gatherings - Twilight Gatherings BOM 12 kits/Fabric

Case in point...These quilt blocks were all part of the Primitive Gatherings Wool Box subscription. I have all twelve kits, including wools for each block. I also purchased the flannel that is the ground fabric for each block, and another 4.75 yards to use for finishing.

When all twelve kits had been distributed through the Wool Boxes, anyone who wanted to complete the quilt to king size needed to purchase the kits and patterns for the large center block and vine-laden borders. I chose not to do that for a few reasons. Mainly, we no longer have a king size bed, and I decided not to spend the extra money for something that would have to hang on the wall when it was complete. I chose to stick with a finished size more conducive to either my farmhouse bed or the queen size one.

You can see the kit was dated 2018, and truthfully, I haven't gone back to it since stitching the first block (minus some wool circles) and setting up the second block. I've not determined that with light and dark dogs, as well as two cats who love to sleep on my bed, I'm going to offer this kit (at a nice discount) to someone who'd really enjoy making it.

I'm pulling and photographing more, and will plan to make everything available to my blog, Facebook and Instagram friends first. If you see anything you'd like, just shoot me an email and I can message you the prices, including shipping.

Today is craft day in Portage, so I really need to get rolling. Enjoy your weekend, and I'll tell you all about mine on Monday. Gotta run...

April 14, 2023

Starting New Hearts…


These will be my evening needlework project for now. I’m doing indoor projects today, and craft day with my Portage friends tomorrow. My computers are acting up so I’m posting today from my phone (which I despise), so forgive how messed up this might look. I’ll try to fix it later if my computer cooperates. I hope you have a great day. 

April 13, 2023

They're Back!...

I thought I'd seen a flash of blue in the yard two days ago. Yesterday it was confirmed. The bluebirds have returned to Hickory Hill Farm! 

I was standing in the yard, talking with Andy. It's been a long winter and these most recent days with temperatures in the 70s has coaxed all of us out of the house. As we stood on the drive near the compass barn, I saw that flash of blue again. Not wanting to startle them as this pair inspected accommodations to raise this year's brood, I took a couple (less-than-ideal) photographs to share.

I'm so glad I cleaned out two of the three bluebird houses on our property over the weekend. I attempted to clean the third, but when I opened it, a happy, plump field mouse dropped out of it. Claudette saw it and wanted to collect it, but I picked her up and took her back to the house until she forgot about it. I closed the house back up and actually put a feeder with sunflower seeds near the house because...I didn't have time to knit a little sweater for it. (Just kidding. Mostly.)

This old fence is beginning to fall down. I grabbed some stay straps to pull back a couple panels where the wood had rotted off the nails, but I think this year will be the summer we replace it...but not until after the bluebirds have fledged their babies.

I've been watching the Hummingbird Central Spring 2023 Migration map for hummingbirds this past week and see that they're getting close. I'll get out the hummer feeders, re-clean them (I always put them away clean in the Compass Barn), and make up a batch of nectar. They'll go up on their hooks later this morning so the little travelers have food once they arrive.

In case you'd like to explore the Hummingbird Central website for yourself, I'll share the link. Just click HERE.

After this past winter season, it's wonderful to see the fields greening, the deer grazing to the north of the farmhouse, and the sight and sounds of happy birds returning. I think I'll spend more time outdoors today. What are your plans?

April 12, 2023

Completed Sacred Heart...

I finished the Sacred Heart Brooch and it now sits on a special pincushion next to my first Immaculate Heart. I'm working out the details for the lilies for the Most Chaste Heart, but in the meantime, I'll set up another of each of these two to make available in my shop for purchase. 

It was a long day yesterday, but I think we narrowed down that it's not a neurological issue with Bella, which is a good thing. I think there's still a CT scan in her future, along with a possible change in medication, but we're narrowing down the issue. I'm waiting for a call back from the clinic, but I think her next appointment will be back in Madison on May 10th - after Handsome and Carly are back home. (yay!)

My sister, Jan offered a watercolor class in her Facebook group last night, so I pulled out a set of watercolors I bought for using with needlework and just played along. I've never attempted painting an actual scene or anything, but I had fun with it. This is what I created. I have to say it was a peaceful way to end my day.

Handsome will be returning soon, so I'll probably be working upstairs again today. I really want to get this organizing and purging finished by the time he gets home, but I also want it done so I can get outside while this weather is so perfect! Time to get after it! Right after my morning cuppa...

April 11, 2023

Tuesdays With Tag - New Stickers & A Road Trip...

Hi, Everybody!
First thing I wanna tell you about is that we got more stickers yesterday! My Bowtie Tag sticker, and a WMBBD sticker! Mom's workin' on a Carly sticker now, so when that one's done, she's gonna offer a whole set - the Dogs of Hickory Hill Farm set. She'll add these to her shop soon while we wait for a Carly to complete the set.

Mom and Bella are on the road today. They have an appointment with a veterinary neurologist for an initial consult. Then, they'll have to schedule another appointment for the actual tests. Mom only found out about the two-trip part late last week. We were hopin' to get everythin' done on the same day, but no such luck.

So, we'll see if we learn anythin' new today that will lead us to the next diagnostic clue as to what's goin' on with the WMBBD, and hope we get some answers soon. 

In the meantime, I'm gonna hang with the felines today. (Borrrrinnnnggg!) I'll look forward to Mom and Boo gettin' back soon. Gotta run. I'm in charge today. (Or at least that's what Claudette told me. lol)
I'll see you again in seven. 'til then... 
"Be A Good Dog."