March 31, 2023

Sissy's Studio...

I promised I share photos from my visit with my youngest sister with you, so here goes. She's an artist in mixed media, which definitely shines through in a tour of her studio. Jan's business is on Facebook and Instagram as Handmade Treasures by Jan, which you can find HERE.

Entering into her studio is a bit like mine...a trip down the rabbit hole, but you can definitely tell the difference in the types of treasures you'll find inside. I love all her antique and reclaimed furniture pieces, too!

Work tables are placed back to back in the center of the room, and the perimeter is brimming with ephemera. paints, pens and other media onto which she plies her craft. It may look overwhelming to some, but to her, everything has a place and everything is in its place.

You'll find pullouts holding a wide variety (but not all) of her paints and sprays, drawers with packaging and inspiration, and notes of things on her To Do list.

This is her Unity shelf containing most of her stamps, and cutters from Unity Stamp Company. She's one of their creators, as she does weekly mini classes using their products. Most classes are free, with the option to purchase supplies from her, or her larger projects are held in private, online groups accessible after paying your class and/or kit fee.

This area of her studio is the table where she usually sets up for her demos. She has places for her cameras, lamps and pens. She brings all her class materials here to have conveniently at hand as she teaches.

There was so much more to see. She creates handcrafted journals, and has regular drawings to give away her artwork to group members, so if you'd like to check her out, click on the link in my first paragraph. She also has a self-improvement/inspiration group called Treasure Trove of Gratitude which offers a daily inspiration via a live video on Facebook every morning. You can check out that group HERE. Seriously, it's a great way to start your day, and I'm frequently there to hear what she has to say.

She is - as of this month - a published contributor to Strawberry Moon magazine, and as soon as my copy arrives, I'll definitely share it with you. Her article shares how art can be a vehicle for self-care. It's not really enough for me to say how proud I am of her. I love that we can share our love of all things handcrafted, and I enjoy the time we can spend together working on our creations. She's just now beginning to teach herself to sew, but she knows I'm here to lend a hand when she needs it. I'm really enjoying watching her grow her business, and sharing her gifts with others. Did I mention she's my sister?

I hope you've enjoyed this quick tour of Jan's studio, and I hope you'll visit (and maybe join) her Facebook groups. On top of all her talent, she's a beautiful soul and I think you'd enjoy the time you spend with her. I sure do!

We've got weather (again) today, so I'm going to have my morning cuppa and get some things done indoors. Happy Friday, friends!

March 30, 2023

New Sticker Art...

I wasn't in love with my efforts prior to this piece, so I reworked until I completed an image worthy of the WMBBD. I ordered Bella's stickers yesterday, so it's official. These will be added to my sticker lineup once they arrive. squeeee!
I'm going to spend some time with my sister at her home today. Tag and Bella will ride along so they're not stuck in the farmhouse and bored. 
The weather is bouncing back and forth between pleasant and not. It's supposed to rain (or snow) this afternoon, so I'll be heading home before that starts. I'll take photos from my play date in Jan's studio so you can see what we were up to. 
I hope you have a good day, whatever you're planning, and I'll see you tomorrow for our next visit.

March 29, 2023

Immaculate Heart II...

I completed the second Immaculate Heart Brooch yesterday. This one looks completely different in this colorway, and I really like it. My client has seen it and chose the style sword from the assortment I offered. He loves it, too.
I'm having so much fun getting back to my needlework, and am already thinking about what the next project will be. I haven't settled on it yet, but you'll be the first to know once I've made my decision. 
I'm kind of enjoying taking my time these days without deadlines.  I'm taking care of the critters, getting the house cleaned (doing a little early spring cleaning), and putting things back in order before Handsome comes back home the first part of May. Life is good.


March 28, 2023

Tuesdays With Tag - My Sore Mouf...

Hi, Everybody!

Yesterday was rough. I had a dentist appointment at the vet's office and was there most of the day. Mom had to get me there by 7:45 am (with no food since 5:30 the day before!), so she had to get up early and then wake me up to get there in time.

Once I got checked in, they took me back and I got to go back to sleep again for a while. When I woke up, I was missin' two teeth! Mom came to get me in the afternoon and we came home with some pain killers for me to take for the next couple days. So, I'm gonna take it easy. My mouth hurts right now and I'm a little doped up. I'm sure you understand.

Before I go, I want to tell you my new stickers are both here now. The one on the left is a collaboration between Mom and her little sister, Jan. Mom drew the one on the right on her own. She drew it from a picture she took of me when I was just a puppersnapper. 

This is the photo...tongue out and all. Mom is gonna do one of me wearin' my red tie, too, but these are my two stickers for now. If you're interested in buyin' a pair, HERE'S the link. Mom said the sales will go toward my vet bills. Here I thought it would be for more treats!

Well, I'm gonna go back and lie down for now. Mom promised me a puppachino to help me feel better. Guess what? Next Tuesdays is my BIRTHDAY! We'll be puttin' our party hats on again. Be there or be square!

I'll see you again in seven. 'til then... 
"Be A Good Dog."

March 27, 2023

Winners - Congratulations, Everyone!...


*** Bobbi is the last one who needs to choose ***

 Bobbi - You're the last person who needs to choose. Remember I'll need your address, too! Please pick from the choices below that haven't already been claimed. Thanks again!

#1 - TONI ANN    DONE   (She's chosen Prize #2)

  #2 - GARDENING DIVA DONE (She's chosen Prize #4)

#3 - LOIS LANSER    DONE  (She's chosen Prize #7)


#4 - MARILYN  Done (She chose #3)

#5 - ANDREA HICKMAN  Done (She chose #8)

#6 - DANICE G Done (She chose #6)

#7 - MARY @ HILL COUNTRY QUILTERS  Done (She Chose #1)


#8 - BOBBI NORRIS DONE (She's chosen a surprise gift from me)

In keeping with the rules, #1 chooses her prize first. Then, #2 will choose her prize, and down the line. Please respond asap with your choice so that the next person in line can choose theirs. You do not have to choose the prize number that matches your place in the winner order. (ie., Winner #1 does not necessarily have to choose Prize #1, etc.)  

As a reminder, these are the prizes from which all winners will choose...








As the prizes are chosen, I'll come back and mark them "taken" as well as writing "Done" under each winner's name. That should make it easier for the next person in line to choose from what's still available.

Congratulations, Everyone! Winners, please leave comments here to make your choices when it's your turn.


March 22, 2023

Immaculate Heart Brooch...

I completed the stitching and inserted the sword for my Immaculate Heart. When I finished that, I released it from the ground fabric and prepared it for the pin and backing. I'll do that today, now that the back of my needlework is properly prepped.

I've got more swords on their way in gold and silver, and already have a commission for another! I'm going to start on that one today or tomorrow so it's ready to finish when my swords arrive. In the meantime, HERE'S a link to the video I shared on my Instagram (and Facebook) page after I released it from the ground fabric and prepped it for the pin back. 

Today is the LAST day to enter my 14th BLOG ANNIVERSARY GIVEAWAY!!
Remember, this link is the only one where your comments count toward the drawings.
Good Luck!!


March 21, 2023

Tuesdays With Tag - Stuck In The Fast Lane...

 ...just about to lose my mind.   - The Eagles

Hi, Everybody! 

As you can see, Boo and I spent some time together in the same room late last week. What you can't see is that Mom had a leash on her "just in case". Everything went well for a couple hours, and then she snapped again. Luckily, that "handle" kept her from gettin' to me and Mom settled her down PDQ with a firm grip and soft words.

Just to give you more information on what we think's goin' on, Mom and Dad have had lots of conversations with our (new) vet who specializes in canine reproductive issues, and this is what she thinks we're dealin' with...

Bella was spayed over two years ago. Let's start there. Since then, she went back to that vet a couple times because she was havin' a discharge. He thought maybe she had some sort of infection, so he prescribed meds for her, but after a while, she'd have the same issue. After this recurrin' multiple times, Dad decided she should see this vet who actually wrote a book that Dad bought when he and Mom had the first litter of puppies from Mom's yellow Labrador, Bryn. (Yes. That's where Brynwood came from.)

Anyway, when this new vet asked how long ago the last occurrence was, Mom looked it up and told her. It was noted that it was six months between then and the latest episode. The vet honed in on that pointin' out that's the interval when lady dogs come in heat. She also said that sometimes when a female is bein' spayed, a piece of the ovary gets accidentally dropped back into the body cavity and it regenerates! When Carly came in heat December 1st, so did Bella. (Girls often jumpstart each other. Mom says it happens with people, too.) The vet also thinks that haywire hormones are a result of this issue, causin' her Mike Tyson episodes.

The vet ran tests thinkin' they could prove that's the issue, but twice the tests came back "inconclusive", so last week after the latest flareup, Mom was given information for the UW-Vet School and Clinic where they'll do ultrasounds to find the ovarian remnant, as well as a neurological scan to try to pinpoint the cause of all this. If they can locate the remnant, they'll do a spay-like surgery the followin' day. She's scheduled for May 10th after Dad's back home. Of course, Carly comin' home with him could create a whole new (negative) dynamic if we don't get help for her mom.

In the meantime, we get along runnin' outside, waitin' for our breakfast and dinner, and ridin' in the car with a barrier between us (just in case). The rest of the time, Mom's keepin' us separate. 

So, please cross your fingers (and pray, if you do) that we can help Bella get back to normal in May. We're all worried about her...'specially since we love her so much. Yeah. Even me. Thanks!

I'll see you again in seven. 'til then... 
"Be A Good Dog."

March 20, 2023

Another Goldwork Class...

I took another goldwork class from Clara Warschauer (@clarastitching) over the weekend. This class is the Immaculate Heart Goldwork workshop. The pieces above were all stitched by my teacher. l-r: Immaculate Heart (in progress), a Sacred Heart (red), Immaculate Heart brooch (completed), and another heart (likely another Immaculate Heart) in pink. These are the models she shared with our Zoom class as she taught her students how to create our own.

One of the fascinating parts of the class for this Methodist gal, was Clara explaining the three heart symbols in the Roman Catholic church. The one I'm working on is the Immaculate Heart, symbolizing Mary (Jesus' mother), and she explained what the various elements of that heart mean.

The second is the Sacred Heart (red above), symbolizing Jesus. The cross, standing for the crucifixion, and the crown of thorns (stitched as a chain stitch above). The third cross - The Most Chaste Heart - represents Joseph. His bears symbols of tools and lilies. I'm planning to stitch all three because they're all so beautiful, as is their symbolism. I'll also be making a second pink Immaculate Heart, as my sister told me how much she loved it when she saw it yesterday.

The class was held at 7 pm Greenwich Mean Time (in London), so that was 2 pm Central Standard Time for me. The sun was shining, so it was a perfect day to set up my supplies near a bright window, and learn this technique.

It's actually very much like the Lucky Clover Brooch class I first took from her, so as I watched and participated in our Zoom class, I began stitching. By the time class was adjourned, I'd managed to complete this much of the piece. While she included kit materials for framing this piece mounted on navy fabric and placed in an oval frame, my plan is to turn this one into a brooch as she did hers.

I would have completed it yesterday had my hands not acted up, but my little sister also came for a really nice visit. I have an appointment today with the specialist about my hand (specifically my right index finger knuckle), and I'm really hoping to have some answers (and relief) soon. Even so, I'm planning to complete this piece in the next day or so...and I'll definitely be making more.

Don't forget to enter my Giveaway drawing HERE. Remember, you can enter every day between now and the 22nd. I'll announce winners on the 23rd. Good luck!


March 18, 2023

More Prizes...

Happy Saturday! I have more prizes to share today, so let's get right to it. Prize Number 4 is Candace Kling's "The Artful Ribbon" softcover book. It's loaded with images and instruction to create lovely flowers with wired or non-wired ribbon. As you can see from the cover, there are some real beauties!

Prize No. 5 is Julie Collings' book "Pretty Little Felts", featuring myriad ideas and inspiration for creations in many different media. This is also a softcover book.

Prize No. 6 is fun! Twenty five different designers contributed to this softcover book "Sew the Perfect Gift". There's a little something for everyone between these covers.

Prize No. 7 is geared to the needleworker. First is one of my BW wristlets with Piecemakers fabric on the front and cork on the back. Also included is a brand new pair of Union Jack embroidery scissors, and a new in package assortment of Coats & Clark six strand embroidery floss.

Last in this lot is Prize No. 8. I was asked in yesterday's comments whether or not I'd been thinking about returning to cross stitch designing. Actually, it has crossed my mind. I'm contemplating scanning the patterns that haven't been in print for a couple decades and reintroducing them as pdf files. 

This prize is one of my original charts, "Horicon Marsh", along with the hand-dyed linen and Needle Necessities colors called for in the pattern. I have color charts for the balance of the Anchor or DMC floss, as well as a few colors from Sampler Threads. I'll be adding a couple more surprises to this lot, but the main gift is the chart, fabric and NN threads.

IMPORTANT: In order to be included in the drawing YOU MUST ENTER on the original Anniversary post with the above image. Click HERE to enter. I love your comments on each giveaway post, but only the comments on the original post will be included in the drawing.

March 17, 2023

More Giveaway Prizes...


Giveaway Prize Number 2 is a Primitive Gatherings Kit "Spring is in the Air". This kit will make into a beautiful table mat that measures 10 1/2" x 13 1/2".

All the wools are included in this kit, so all you need to add will be the threads to complete this pretty mat.

Giveaway Prize Number 3 is for a sweet bee-themed kit from Primitive Gatherings. The kit includes the pattern to create a scissors case to hold your favorite embroidery scissors. It measures 6" x 6".

All the wools and trim needed to complete this design are included, so all you'll need to complete this piece are the threads.

I'll be back tomorrow with more prizes to share with you. Isn't this fun! Don't forget to enter the giveaway drawings HERE