October 31, 2022

I Made Granola!...


I'm healing well, thanks, and finally went into the kitchen for a while yesterday. I came across a recipe on Frozen Bananas blog and just had to try it.

The recipe calls for pecans and maple syrup, so while I used pecans and hickory syrup (the hickory nuts are precious to me, and they are related to pecans)! I'll be having this for my next breakfast - and making it again. 

If you'd like to make your own, you can find Frozen Bananas blog and her Healthy Maple Pecan Granola (with Cinnamon and Sea Salt) HERE. Just so you know, I kept my ingredients the same, with the exception of the maple syrup. I did use 4 T. of it in my version. I also added a few pinches of the flaky sea salt (because I had it). I filled this quart-size canning jar with the tasty results.

Disclaimer: I'm in no way compensated (or even recognized) for having shared this link. Darn!

October 28, 2022

Birds On The Brain (Already)...


A few of you asked what I might be planning for my next bird embroidery, so I thought I let you all know. I've already decided the next one with be bluebirds, and called "Summer Symphony". Just for fun, I thought I'd look for a few images for inspiration. 

The first images that came up in my search were painted by one of my favorite artists, Marjolein Bastin. I've loved her work for years, and I think her bluebirds are perfection.

Now all I have to consider is what type of image I'd like to stitch...a pair of birds (as I did with my cardinals), or another young family (as I did with the robins). I really love this adult feeding three wee birds. Both parents feed the offspring, so I could also add the other parent coming in for a landing with more food. 

I'm not going to start the bluebirds right away - holidays coming soon, you know - so I'll have time to mull over my options. I think this might be my first project for the new year, because everyone should have a bluebird to bring a smile to their face. 

October 27, 2022

Early To Bed, Early To Rise...

My humble farmhouse bed, wearing freshly laundered bedding. The doctor sent me home from our last appointment with a bottle of special shower wash, with instructions to use it the night before, and again  the morning of my surgery. After my evening shower, I went to bed in clean pajamas and slept fitfully, anticipating today's procedure. I showered again and then dressed for our trip to the hospital. 

My surgery is scheduled for mid-morning, so we left for the hospital at 6:30 am. I'll be back home (thanks to Handsome) by late-afternoon. It's a relatively simple procedure, performed under twilight sedation. I won't be aware of a thing if it's like the last one. After we get home, I'll head straight back to my comfy bed to sleep the rest of the day and night away...and begin healing again.

I'm not concerned. I know that I rest in His hands, and He watches over me. Thanks to those who wish to say a prayer or send healing thoughts. I know He hears them. I'll be back soon.


October 26, 2022

Winter Song, Done and Delivered!...

I completed the last stitch to attach a hanging sleeve on Winter Song at 2 pm on Monday afternoon. I made sure it was clean, pressed and show ready - along with my entry forms - and packaged it for the trip to Larsen, WI and Primitive Gatherings. It will hang in their Red & White Quilt show for the months of November and December. I'll get it back in the new year.

When I took it into the shop, my quilt was visible through the cellophane envelope (which was serendipitously the perfect size for the quilt to lay flat). I handed it to the the clerk who immediately took it to some of the ladies who work in the shipping area of the shop. They asked me all kinds of questions about my techniques, and then "oooo'd and aaahhhhh'd", which of course, I lapped up like crazy. (Yes, ladies. That's the effect I was hoping for.) I smiled as I thanked them and then I went back to go home with my waiting husband. 

This is the label I printed from a photograph of my embroidery. It's on printable silk. I made a border from the same fabric as the backing and attached it to my quilt. Rules for entering in this show required my address on the label, which I've obscured above for obvious reasons. As much as I know information is available on the internet, I like to think I'm maintaining a modicum of privacy.

I know this show is going to be incredible, because I know a lot of talented and creative quilters who will be entering their pieces, too. I can't wait to make the trip back once the show is hung. If you're in Wisconsin, or willing to make the trip to a great quilt shop, it's going to be worth the travel. I'll share more about the show in an upcoming post. I'll also put a link into my sidebar in the next day or so.

I took this photo of both of my bird-themed quilts right before I packaged up Winter Song. They won't be together again for a couple of months, by I'm looking forward to hanging these - and eventually two more - once my red birds come back home.

Needless to say, yesterday was a day of rest. My next surgery is tomorrow, so I'll do a few tasks today and go to bed early. We have to be at the surgery center early in the morning, and on a good day it's an hour and a half away. I'll also right a couple of posts to carry me through recovery, and I'll be back in person soon after. Thanks again for prayers. I know they're heard and answered. 

October 25, 2022

Tuesdays With Tag - Kitty Kastle Tour...

Hi, Everybody! It's me...Tag!

This week, the Ladies of the Barn wanted to show you how Mom fixed up their winter quarters. They're in love with it, and Mom will sleep better knowin' they're not freezin' on the front porch this winter.

So, even though they're Felines of Few Words, follow them as they share images of where they like to hang out durin' the day, and sleep - comfy and cozy - at night.

   Take it away, Claudette and Crystal!

Thanks, Corgi Butt! 
Claudette speaking. 
I'm going to be the only one chatting today, as I'm the Mom and well...Crystal.

Let's start by showing you how our humans (servants) winterized the entry to our castle.
That's one big opening into our accommodations, but now we won't have a cold, east wind
blasting in when the weather turns. There's a brand new painter's canvas (folded in half)
hanging across that opening. it's weighted down at the bottom, but we still have the opening to the
 right that will be our entrance. We think it's just wonderful, and hope the raccoons don't find it.

Once inside, you'll find our newly arranged sleeping quarters, as well as our sunny sill for winter tanning.
If you look around, you'll see that our female servant sealed up some of the cracks and crevices where it 
was particularly drafty last winter. Of course, we had sleeping boxes to stay out of the wind, but this is 
so much better! There isn't a single breeze that gets in here now! She even pushed insulation into the 
area between the top of the walls and the loft above us. We think she thought of almost everything!

From our perch here we can see the seasons change, catch some rays, and even snuggle in the
little insulated igloo she added. There's a self-warming mat up here now, too. More coziness!

It's a little too dark to tell, but the roundish thing on the left is a small cat tower with two compartments.
We didn't use it very much last year, but I've curled up there more than once since it's reinstallation.
They can call me The Queen of Everything when I'm up there!

This is the same setup we had on the front porch. Crystal and I started sleeping on these
chairs in the spring, so our servant put fleece blankets down to keep the chair pads clean
and to help us stay warm when the nights were still chilly. It was a perfect place at sunrise.

Then, one spring day, it was blowing and raining. She worried about us, so she turned her chairs 
like this to make a better shelter for us. By then, we were the only ones who regularly used them. 

Crystal was a little shy about being around anyone except She Who Feeds and Cuddles Us, 
but she quickly warmed up to the idea of a safe place to sleep here. Besides, my son, Leo 
had shown back up in the barn, and the poor boy was so sick he was leaving nasty residue 
all over our lovely beds and blankets. It quickly became a place that even a mother couldn't 
stomach. Crystal and I left him to his mess. They tried to catch him to get him to the vet, but he was 
too smart for his own good. I haven't seen him all summer, but I do hope he made a full recovery.

After it became our real sleeping quarters, new elements were added. First there was a canvas
cover, pinned and tacked to cover our new, padded beds. When I kept trapping Crystal (inadvertently)
by lying on top of the canvas, a wooden shelf was added to span from the back of one chair to the other.
Then the canvas was reinstalled, and I had a bona fide perch that didn't disturb anyone. There was
also a gap between the house side of the chairs and the windows into the living room, so we could
look in while we were in our beds - and insiders could look out to make sure we were safe and secure.

The colder it got, the more layers were put over the canvas, until we got to the point you see here.

Finally, our benefactor couldn't stand the weather getting harsher for us, so she declared it 
was time to move us back to the barn.  (We think that surprise snowfall was the last straw.)

It began with us supervising a day of cleaning her potting shed (our room in the barn). 
Once everything was clean and dry, she put our food dishes back on the workbench to tell us 
this was going to be the new plan. We saw that our old window perch was clean again, 
and we even had new blankets back in the styrofoam coolers we slept in last winter. 
But, it wasn't until a few days later that our porch chairs showed up. We were happier 
than cats in a room with NO rocking chairs. We even took naps in there the first day! 

Our beds are back in here, but what you can't see is that we also have self-warming pads 
under our blankets, an igloo (in case anyone wants to be alone), and it's completely sealed up 
on the wall side (where we used to have a gap). It's windproof now and we're out of the elements.

We hope you liked the tour. Not to be rude, but it's dinner time, and we really must go. 
Perhaps Tag will share a little air time with us again in the future, but for now 
Adieu, and Adieu,

Well, I sure hope you had fun with tourin' with the haughty Claudette this week. Mom says one of the good things is that the "gifts" on the porch have diminished since they moved out to the barn. I think it's great havin' porch stuff to smell, but Mom and Dad aren't big fans. Plus, Mom ends up on her hands and knees scrubbin' the concrete. Boo and Carly love chasin' the cats back to the barn, but I can take 'em or leave 'em now. They've kinda grown on me. (Don't tell anybody!) 

Gotta run for this week. I'm sure there's somethin' that needs my attention. If not, I can always just bark. Mom and Dad love that!

I'll see you again in seven. 'til then... 
"Been There, Chewed That!"

October 24, 2022

Winter Song...

As I write this at midnight Sunday evening, I've completed everything except adding the binding, hanging sleeve and label for Winter Song. The binding will be the same fabric as the last outer border, so it won't change the appearance. 

I have over three hundred hours in this piece, and am very happy with how it finished. I'll finish it this morning, and then I can focus on things I need to accomplish before my next surgical procedure this week. For now, I'm going to sleep. When I wake up, I'll get this done and enjoy my finished wall hanging...after coffee, of course.

October 22, 2022

Not Quite...

I stitched until after 11 pm last night, but I wanted to show you my day's progress. Hope that excuses the dismal image above. My work lamp washed out much of the center on my Winter Song quilt. 

I completed the two lower corners and two cornerstones, plus I completed half the embroidery on the upper right corner sections. I'll finish that and the last two parts on the upper left today. I'll be quilting on Sunday, and hope to have a finished project to share with you on Monday. I'm going to get back to work now. 

Happy Weekend!

October 21, 2022

Embroidering The Corners...

Decisions were made and now the entire quilt top is assembled. Now, I'm transferring my stem and berry drawings to the four corners and small cornerstones. I began stitching late yesterday and quit before Grandson arrived.

I'll take up needle and threads again today, and finish the last of the needlework embellishing so I can make my quilt "sandwich". Then I can do my machine quilting to bring everything together. At this pace, it looks like I'll complete "Winter Song" on Saturday. I'll be back tomorrow with more progress to share as I work toward the finish line. See you later!

October 20, 2022

A Few More Decisions...

I've assembled the inner borders and half square triangles, so I'm well on my way to completing this wall quilt. Then I have a few more decisions to make.

Once I have the final outer borders on, I'm going to embroider small branch segments and berries in the corners of the main piece, and also in the music fabric squares in the triangle borders.

A - Red Outer Border    B - Berry and Red Borders

Now, I need to decide on the outer border(s). These are my two choices: A is on the left...a simple red outer border. B, on the right...a narrow berry border, with the red outer border. I'm leaning toward B. What do you think? I'm also going to go with a red binding, which would be the same as the outer border, and they'd overlap.

So, this is what I'll be doing today...adding the outer borders, and then embroidering the corners. I'm saving the quilting for Friday. I'd better get to it, so I can stay on schedule! Coffee and breakfast, and then off to the studio. See you tomorrow!

October 19, 2022

A Perfect Studio Day...


I woke up Monday morning to SNOW! Noooooooo! Autumn is my very favorite time of year, and it seems we only had about three weeks of it. Where can I lodge a complaint? 

I went outside to make sure my girls were toasty warm in the current porch digs (you wouldn't believe what I've had rigged for them since late summer), and they were. Even so, I fortified it a bit, as I'm on restricted duty right now. The special heat reflecting beds I ordered for them arrived just in time, so I augmented their sleeping arrangements for now. Although it blew out of the west all day and wasn't conducive to a full move to the Compass Barn, it's supposed to warm up later this week, and I'll get that accomplished them (with a little help).

At any rate, it was a perfect day to work in the studio. I spent the entire day making half-square triangles for my Winter Song project. I used triangle paper because these blocks are 1-1/2" square when they're finished. The papers help keep things aligned and consistent. But, once they're all sewn, I have to cut, trim and removed all the papers. Lots of little shnibbles at the end. lol

I'll be back in the studio today as I work toward completing my wall hanging. I'll share more photos soon.
In the meantime, could someone please get some meds for Mother Nature? I think she could use some about now. She needs to settle down and enjoy a little more autumn before she puts on her white dress!

October 18, 2022

Tuesdays With Tag - Oh, No! Not Snow...

Hi, Everybody!

I planned to be talkin' about Halloween and contemplatin' costumes with you this week, but now, there's only one thing on my mind. It snowed Sunday night! We all woke up to blowin' winds and white stuff all over the ground. Like that wasn't bad enough, it kept on snowin' for a lot of Monday.

It didn't matter which window or door you looked out, there was white as far as the eye could see! What the heck? I know Bella and Carly kinda like it, but you know how I feel about it. Draggin' my junk through cold snow cones is not my idea of a good time, especially since it's supposed to be fall right now.

It gets like this and runnin' up the field no longer holds any appeal for me. No runnin' off until spring, I guess. Mom's already let me out of the house to do my business without havin' to snap a lead on me...more than once! Maybe there's a little (teeny tiny) silver linin' in this cloud?

So don't ask me what I might be wearin' for Halloween quite yet. I may just don a snowsuit, or go out as a snowman. It would be perfect camo for this particular weather event. I'm gonna have to rethink this whole thing this year. Maybe I should go as Oscar the Grouch, 'cuz that's how I'm feelin' right this very second. 

Lookin' at this picture, I'd better remind Mom to bring in the hummin'bird feeders. I'm sure they were smart enough to blow this pop stand before the white junk started fallin'. 

I'd better close for this week. I think I'm soundin' like a real Debby Downer, and we all know Corgis are much cheerier than that. At least usually. A little sunshine wouldn't hurt my outlook.

I'll see you again in seven. 'til then... 
"Been There, Chewed That!"

October 17, 2022

Completed Cardinals...

I completed my cardinals on Saturday evening, but wanted to take photographs to share during daylight so you could see the actual colors. These are my finished pair, and I'm so happy with how they've turned out.

The branch turned out as I'd imagined, too. First, I stitched a daisy chain with all seven strands of floss to raise up the surface stitches. I added a knot and more branches along the branch than I'd originally drawn, and I'm very happy with the finished look.

I think I captured a lot of detail with the thread painting and stumpwork techniques I used. For reference, the total piece measures about 10" wide by 7" high. The female is about 5" tall and 3" wide. The male is about 3" tall and 7" wide. When I'm finished with the entire piece, it will measure about 24" square.

These are the fabrics I've chosen for the rest of my project, and I'll be working to complete the entire piece this week. Of course, you can count on me to share more photos as I work toward my goal.

I'm healing well, and will have the final surgery on October 27th. I'll have this piece well done by then. Thank you to all who prayed for me. I know your entreaties were heard, and my improvements are proof. I'm very grateful.

Tag will visit with you tomorrow while I cut and sew. Thanks, always, for stopping by to visit, and I always appreciate your notes to me. 

Grateful hugs from me you!

October 15, 2022

I’m Here…

I’m resting and recuperating from my recent surgery. I think this one is finally a success (she says, gratefully). 

I did have a little stitching time yesterday, and made progress on the branch. I’m hoping to finish it today. Should I put snow on the branch? I think I’ll have to play around with that idea. 

Thanks (again) for your prayers and good wishes. I’m quite certain every request was heard. 

October 13, 2022

Canning Goals...

It's not wise to compare yourself to others. Instead, be the best you you can be. 

I follow this channel (Gooseberry Bridge Farm) on Instagram, and she recently shared her canning efforts from this growing season. I was impressed!

I grew jalapeƱo peppers this summer, but they never got really big. I harvested the last of them a couple days ago, and canned four beautiful half-pint jars of Cowboy Candy for the pantry.

My goal is to have a bona fide garden next growing season, and to have most of the items in our pantry be jars that I've canned or preserved myself (or with a little help). I want to be buying less and less at the grocery store, and shopping from our own shelves instead. So, I wanted to share this image, and keep it as inspiration for me for next year...even as I continue to put up items over the winter. I'll be sure to show you, as I go along.

I'm resting today, but will try to put up a fresh post tomorrow. Don't fret if you don't see a new post. I'll just be taking it easy, but I'll be back asap.

October 12, 2022

Shadow Play...

I may end up unstitching this, but I'm not sure yet. I'll keep going to see if I'm happy with the results. You can see that I laid down two lines of chain stitch in the darker brown as a base for the branch. I did that for two reasons. One is that those stitches will cover all the fabric on the branch, and the other is that it raises the rest of the stitching up to give it contour.

I always enjoy looking at my needlework after I photograph it, because I notice things I may not have seen in the hoop. One interesting thing about this branch so far, is that I stitched the lightest color for the bottom half (or so) of the branch. Then I went back and did the grey color on the top of the branch. Finally, I added a light brownish in spots for a little depth. Looking at the photograph, it looks like I added a darker color on the bottom of the branch. That's just shadow caused by the contour. I love that it helps show that the stitching is raised.

I'm going to be out of commission today. By the time you read this, I'll likely be drooling in an operatory. I'm planning to stitch during my recuperation, but probably not today. Wish me luck - or if you say prayers, I'd appreciate that. I'm preposting for tomorrow, but I'll be back as soon as I can. xoxo

October 11, 2022

Tuesdays With Tag - Soakin' Up The Sunshine...

Hi, Everybody!

Just a few pictures of my sun tannin' yesterday. The weather was perfect for hangin' out on the porch.

Seems Crystal is takin' her cues from her mom, Claudette. She's hangin' out closer and closer to me. Thankfully, she's not tryin' to rub up against me like Claudette does. I'm really not a fan of that at all, but that doesn't stop the black and white cat from tryin'.

Even Claudette was hangin' out in the yard today. She loves sittin' in the sun, and she gets all squinty when the sun is in her eyes. Yep. She did try lyin' down next to me, but I'd really rather be by myself.

I'm not gonna hold it against the cats. We're all grabbin' as much warm sun time as we can. We can sniff a change in the air. Leaves are startin' to fall, and it's gettin' a little nippy out at night. So, we'll hang out in the yard as long as we can. How 'bout you?

I'll see you again in seven. 'til then... 
"Been There, Chewed That!"