March 6, 2021

Penny Gathering Blocks...

Brynwood Needleworks - First Blocks For My "Penny Gathering" Quilt

I stitched these three blocks on Thursday evening and Friday. Three down. Nine more to go - if you don't count the larger center block and the borders. 
Handsome and I are going to do a little yard work today, and then I'll get back to stitching on this set. Enjoy your weekend!


  1. Another batch of pretty blocks.
    Don't overdo it today.
    There's still too much snow on the ground here to do anything yet.

    1. Hi Marilyn:
      We had a beautiful Saturday here. We spent much of the day doing outside "dog cleanup". The snow revealed a yard that needed attention! lol I also did a little barn cleanup, courtesy of the cats I nurtured over the winter. The fun part was doing a little cleanup in the kitchen garden. I removed the overwintered, dried hollyhock stalks and some of the dead foliage. Not too much quite yet. I'm sure the snow hasn't gone away for good this year yet. Our large maple tree was full of returning redwing blackbirds. They sat in the tree and sang for a good part of the morning. That was delightful!
      Have a good Sunday, dear.


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Blessings, Donna