March 31, 2021

A Little Detour...

Brynwood Needleworks - BW Pincushions
I was nominated by a friend on FB to post images of my creative endeavors, studio, and the like over the course of a week. One of the images I chose to share was of my previous pincushions. So many people responded that they wanted one, that I decided to make a few available. These are what I created to sell this week. (Top to Bottom: French General Floral; Love Birds (sage); and Farmhouse)
Brynwood Needleworks - BW Pincushions
I'm going to share the images at 6 pm tomorrow on my FB personal page, where they can be "Claimed", first come/first served. Price will include priority postage, and I'll email an invoice once they're sold. The post will be "public", so anyone can claim one if they're interested. (Top to Bottom: Forget-me-not Sampler; Love Birds (tan); and Dorothy's Gimgham Flowers)
Brynwood Needleworks - BW Pincushions

The top on (pink) was a special commission and already sold. Of course, the bottom one is called "America".
Kathy D. and I are going to Menasha today, so I'll get back to bag making when I get back home. Also, we have power again. We were told it might not be back on overnight until about 3 am, but the linemen worked hard in a high wind and got our power back on before midnight. We're grateful for their hard work.
Tag will be back for another try tomorrow. He was bummed that he couldn't hold forth yesterday. What does Scarlet O'Hara say? Ah, yes. "Tomorrow's another day." wink

March 30, 2021

Tuesdays With Tag - Uh, Oh...

Brynwood Needleworks - Last Night's Moon

Hi, Everybody!

I'd like to be able to write a long, amusin' post for you today, but here's the thing.

You know we always write before midnight every evenin' for the followin' day's post, right? Well, here's the deal. Our power went out around 9 pm last night, and it's not expected back on until about 3 am. Except for the moon, it's pretty dark around here, so we all went to bed.

Mom promises that I can write a whole post later this week, so I'm sorry to disappoint, but I'll definitely be back before Good Friday. I hope you can come back, too.

I'll see you again in seven a few. 'til then...
"Corgi On, Corgi Strong!"

March 29, 2021

One Set Done...

Brynwood Needleworks - BW "Nocturne" Travel Bag & "Ensemble" Hobo Bag Set
All the parts for all my current bag projects are cut out and awaiting assembly. I completed this set first. I added a "possibles bag" to this set, that can be used for makeup, other necessities, or as a craft bag. I also made a key fob to match, but that was after I photographed everything. I think my sister will be happy with the set...even though it was supposed to be a combination Birthday/Christmas gift.
Brynwood Needleworks - BW Bag Set - "Modeled for Size"

Here are the bags ("modeled" by me) for size reference. Now, Handsome did capture all of me in the photo, but, as my British nan would have said, I looked like the Wreck of the Hesperus, so no face/head with messy hair (which I'm trying to grow out. Jury's still out on that), and no makeup. A girl has to draw the line somewhere, right?

I'm delivering the set today (as my sister is down from Minnesota, visiting her kids/grands) and then, I'll be working on the turtle batik set over the next couple of days. They're definitely not production-style projects, and take a little more time to make properly. 

Tag will be back tomorrow with his post. If you want me, you know where you can find me this week.


March 28, 2021

Sunday Scripture - Palm Sunday...

1 Timothy 1:15 - Brynwood Needleworks via Country Living


March 27, 2021

Pulling It All Together...

Brynwood Needleworks - Brynwood "Nocturne" Bag - Birds
While I enjoy production assembly for many of my bags and wallets, the only part I do as "production" on my Nocturne bags is the cutting. Once I finish preparing all the parts for them, I assemble these a little differently.

I have all the components of each bag clipped together. I take that stack, and I assemble the front and back exterior pieces, attach hardware, connectors and accents for each bag in my lineup. Then, I'll finish the assembly from that point to completion, one-at-a-time. I'll make all the handles and straps at the very end.

I'm just sharing a peek of the bag I'm creating for my sister. I am working on the other bags, too, but I'll share the finishes on Monday. I love when I get to this point, - everything starts coming together.


March 26, 2021

Instead, I Rested...

Brynwood Needleworks - John Burroughs' Nature Quote - Web Image

I came home after PT yesterday, and was more tired than I thought. I've learned to listen to my body, so I really didn't do another single thing, save for making dinner, the remainder of the day. A rest (and a short afternoon nap) was just what I needed.

I'll be back in the studio today. Everything is just where I left it, so I can pick up where I left off on Wednesday...and I'll be much less likely to have to employ the services of my seam ripper. I'll count that as a win. Updates tomorrow. Happy Friday, friends!


March 25, 2021

Some Assembly Required...

Brynwood Needleworks - Bag Making Components

The fabric I've been waiting for arrived Monday, so I spent today preparing it, along with a few others for my current bag projects. These will become BW Nocturne Travel Bags, and I'll be creating BW Ensemble Hobo bags to match. I pulled all the hardware I'll need, and put my new custom zipper pulls on the zipper tapes. I'm going to add key fobs, featuring my Brynwood logo hardware, too.
The bird fabric (on the top of the fabric pile) was a request from my sister, Di - a belated Christmas gift, and one of the batiks is for a good friend. We did a little bartering. The map fabric and the other turtle batik will be for my shop when they're finished.

I still have to cut out linings and coordinating cork accents, after I get home from my PT appointment this morning. I'm expecting to start sewing on Friday, and will have everything finished over the weekend. I've missed my bag making, so this is going to be fun! 

Bag Maker by day.
Needlewoman by night.
Life is Good!

March 24, 2021

Time For A Slight Detour...

Brynwood Needleworks - A Penny Gathering Blocks In Progress

I worked at my studio sewing table yesterday, all the while watching videos on my iPad as I stitched. I finished this block late last night, and now I've hit a snag. I have three more blocks to set up, but I don't have the fabrics I need for the required "look". I know. It's hard to believe, if you've seen photos of my fabric studio. I'm just waiting for word that the newest Wool Box is ready for pickup, and then I'll be making a road trip!
In the meantime, my turtle batik fabrics have arrived, so I'll be preparing the fabric(s) to turn into travel and hobo bags for current orders. I'm going to make two sets of the turtle bags. That way,  I'll have one of this popular set in stock and one for the current buyer. I also have a couple others to make in fabrics I have in stock. It will be fun to be making a few bags again. I've missed it. Updates soon!

March 23, 2021

Tuesdays With Tag - Well, Bless My Soul...

Brynwood Needleworks - His Royal Highness, Taggart

Hi, Everybody!

Boy, am I excited to talk with you today. You're never gonna believe the kind of weekend we had. Funny how things can change in the blink of an eye.

Remember how Mom told you that she's been takin' care of the barn cats since our last really big snow storm? Well, she did such a bang up job, they're still hangin' around in our barn. She feeds them twice a day, makes sure they have fresh water, and even an occasional bowl of milk, too. (She actually warmed it up for them when the snow was still on the ground.) She's been makin' sure nobody went hungry while they were squattin' here! Apparently, they really got used to her comin' out and feedin' them.

Mom's been noticin' some changes lately and we thought you might like to see one of the most recent.  Spring has definitely sprung at the farmhouse!

Brynwood Needleworks - Mama Cat

Mom put out big boxes and a dog kennel for the cats over the winter. She filled 'em with straw so they'd offer extra warmth, and she even put the dog kennel up onto the workbench in front of the south window in the Compass Barn so it would get some extra warmth from the sunshine. Mama cat (named "Groucho"- see the moustache?), and her two, almost-one-year-old kittens quickly moved into the new accommodations. She even covered the kennel with an old towel (to keep out any cold draft, and give the cats a cozy perch when the sun came out.

Miss Shelly loaned us a heated water bowl so their water wouldn't freeze when it was so dang cold outside, and Mom gave 'em hard (and soft) cat food twice a day. The black dogs and I aren't allowed in the barn at all.

When Mom goes out to feed them now, all three cats jump up onto her pottin' bench on the opposite wall from that kennel, as Mom puts out their food and fills their water bowl. Mama and her fuzzy, black-furred son always rub against her hands, purrin' and wantin' to be petted. The female kitten, while she will get onto the table, prefers to be left alone. Mom honors her wishes.

Brynwood Needlework - Mama Cat, Guarding Against Intruders

So, it was no surprise when Mom went out on Saturday and saw Groucho gettin' out of the dog kennel. Sleepin' late, perhaps? Mama jumped off the south table and ran to greet Mom at feedin' time. (Now that the weather is gettin' nicer, Her two teenage kittens are usually out roamin' around the property, so they may or may not be present for breakfast or dinner).

Mama immediately ran across the barn to get in a little pettin' action while Mom was fillin' dishes. Mom always takes the time to give Grouch a little lovin', but Saturday mornin', she heard tiny "mews" comin' from the kennel. She finished puttin' down food for all three grown cats, and then went in the direction of the 'mews" while the bigger cats were distracted.

So, guess what?

Brynwood Needleworks - Mama's Newest Miracles

On the 20th, Mama cat gave birth to four wee kittens! They're all girls. (Mom checked when Groucho was distracted.) Mama cat doesn't want anyone gettin' close to her babies, so we're gonna honor her demand for now. No one wants to get scratched or bitten, and we don't want Mama bothered.

(My) Mom's goin' to keep close track of the babies, too. It's warm in front of the window, but the crate is on top of a work bench. We don't want the kittens gettin' up and explorin' while it's still up high. The problem is that I also don't want any "toddlers" fallin' off the bench either. So, by the weekend, this crate will be on a lower base (to keep it off the cold floor), but we're gonna make sure nobody gets hurt from fallin' out of the crate while it's on the bench.

Mom's decided she's goin' to do her best to socialize these kittens as they get older, and then she's gonna try to find lovin' homes for them. I say, "Anywhere but here is good for me.". She's also gonna make sure that Groucho and her older two kids get spayed or neutered pretty darn quick. While they're cute as buttons, we don't want a population explosion around here. Enough already!!

I'll see you again in seven. 'til then...
"Corgi On, Corgi Strong!"

March 22, 2021

When You've Made A Mistake...

Brynwood Needleworks - Right and Wrong

I was feeling pretty chuffed to have been moving along so quickly with my "A Penny Gathering" blocks. Then, I realized I'd made a mistake. The block on the right is the incorrect one. The block on the left is my new (correct) block. In the photo, I was still stitching on the appliques', but it's finished now, and looks the way it's supposed to.

See, I was in such a hurry to get to the stitching part, I only realized after I'd finished the block, that I'd cut my stems too thick - and actually spread out my design more than I should have. As a result, it looks much "clunkier" than the correct block. All fixed now.
Brynwood Needleworks - And Then I Found Two Three More
I continued working on more blocks all weekend, and thought I only had three left to do. I was wrong. After I pressed all these finished blocks, I photographed them, set them aside, and then went to work on the last three.

I realized one of them has thicker stems. ugh AND, when I was editing this photograph, I saw that the bottom right corner block is also wrong (x 2). Firstly, the circle stem is too thick, and 2) I didn't cross stitch across the stem, as I'd done with all the rest. (insert slightly naughty word here) I always see things in the pictures that I miss in real life.

Likewise for the block directly above it. Stems are too thick. There's one more (not photographed yet) that also hasn't been stitched yet. That makes four blocks, total, that (I think) need to be corrected. I'll go back to the original patterns and double check first, of course.
It just means this project is going to take a little longer for me to finish. I don't really mind. I've seen the finished quilt, and I know it will be worth the effort to have it done right, so that's what I'm going to do. I think I have what I need to make new blocks, but if not, the next Wool Box should be ready to pick up this week at Primitive Gatherings, and I'll purchase what I need when I go to get mine. Who doesn't love a little road trip? Especially when there's a little shopping when you reach your destination?
These "wrong" blocks won't be a total loss, either. I'll assemble them with other fabric and probably finish it as a small table mat. I think it will make someone happy, and my efforts will not have been wasted. 

I'll share more of the right blocks as I finish them. Tag will be back with you tomorrow. He'll tell you what's been going on with the four-legged residents this past week. You won't want to miss it.

March 20, 2021

It's The Weekend...

Brynwood Needleworks - Weekend Wishes

I hope you have a great weekend with loved ones. Handsome and I will be home with the pups. I'll be stitching, and hope to have my "A Penny Gathering" blocks completed by Monday (except the larger center block and borders).  


March 19, 2021

Still Stitching...

Brynwood Needleworks - Two More Penny Gathering Blocks

I had my appointment yesterday morning, and came back home to stitch afterward. I finished one block, and nearly finished a second. (I admit. I was really spent after a strenuous PT session and fell asleep in my chair while I was stitching. Don't judge.)
I'll be playing with needle and thread again today. I'll finish this top block (dark stems and leaves to do yet), and then pull one or two more new blocks to work on. 
Isn't it wonderful to spend the day just playing? I think so.  Call me one blessed and lucky girl.


March 18, 2021

So, I Sat & Stitched...

Brynwood Needleworks - Stitching Pennies

I realized I needed to order fabric for one of my upcoming client projects, so I took care of that first. Then, I pulled out my prepared blocks for "A Penny Gathering", and started stitching. I actually stitched all day! It was a rainy/snowy/rainy day, so it was perfectly suited to staying in the studio. Pure bliss.

Therapy first thing this morning, and then I'll get right back to this when I get home. This project is moving right along!

March 17, 2021

Snow Reveal...

Brynwood Needleworks - March Radish

Handsome and the Labradors were so proud of themselves Sunday when they brought this home from their walk! They'd all gone into the north field where the daikon was planted (and some harvested) last fall.
Handsome saw this sticking out of the ground, and the fact that it wasn't mostly mushy was a wonder in itself. 
Brynwood Needleworks - My Sister, Diana, Picking Daikon
What we learned is that the radishes are planted in the field (along with a cover crop like alfalfa), where they grow in the cooler temperatures. They mature before the snow falls, and as shown by my sister, Di last November, they get quite large. 

That's a good thing, because once they're covered by a blanket of snow, they slowly break down, returning to the soil, while leaving a nice big, aerating hole behind. 

Anyway, this beauty was in a sheltered area where it didn't degrade, so it came home from the walk. I cleaned it up, hoping for the best, but alas, it was tasteless and inedible, so I ended up tossing it. Even so, I think I have a nice photograph to show for it.

By the way, now the black dogs are actually looking for radishes when they go out on their walks! They're such a hoot.
I spent the day in the studio yesterday. I know I want to start working on the bags I have to make, but I'm just pushing myself to get to them. Soooo, I clean up any mess on my cutting tables (or make new ones); move this here, and that there; and call myself the Queen of Procrastination. It's not made easier with my ongoing physical  "issue". My friend, Netta, in Florida used to say, "I don't have issues. I have subscriptions." I can relate these days. sigh
I'm not going to beat myself up. It is what it is, and I'm mostly healthy. That's a blessing these days, right? I have therapy tomorrow, so I may just sit and stitch today. I'll let you know what I accomplish (or don't) when next we visit. I'll hope for the best. xo 

 Happy St. Patrick's Day 
Happy Anniversary to #2 Son & our beautiful Daughter-in-Law!


March 16, 2021

Tuesdays With Tag - Carly. Carly. Carly...

Brynwood Needleworks - Puppy Taggart 2011

Hi, Everybody!!

This is a little blast from the past - ME, as a puppy!!
Now, I have a good reason for sharin' this. I've been takin' heat for my glorious ears since I was just a puppersnapper. I mean, people would stop Mom and say, "Oh, he's so cute! Look at those ears! Will he grow into them?" 

Well, no. They grew right along with me. I'm still cute, and I still have these ears. But the real reason I'm writin' about this is to show you somethin'. You really aren't gonna believe it!

Brynwood Needleworks - Carly Rally Ear

Mom was talkin' to The Kid last week, when all of a sudden, she broke out laughin'. This is what was goin' on. Mom calls this her "Rally ear" (she thinks it's some kind of sports reference, but she's not sure).

Okay, The Kid's still cute, but seriously. People are making comments about my ears? Give me a break. I really don't think this is how hers are supposed to look.

Brynwood Needleworks - Carly. Carly. Carly.

So Mom continues chirpin' at her, and The Kid tips her head again. Oh, man. How does this happen? Are they broken? Are they gonna stick like this? She's gonna put her cute designation at risk, if she's not careful. I'm really startin' to worry about her.

Brynwood Needleworks - Carly. That's More Like It.

Whew! Just in time. Her reputation might be saved. I'm not sure. You'll have to be the final judges. I can't talk anymore. I'm outta here.

I'll see you again in seven. 'til then...
"Corgi On, Corgi Strong!"

March 15, 2021

Problem Solved & Pie...

Brynwood Needleworks - Tiny Pennies For "Cottage Garden"

When last I spoke about these tiny wool pennies for my "Cottage Garden" project, I received some helpful suggestions for cutting them out in the comments section. My dear friend, Sherry of Createology blog reminded me that I have a (sharp) Japanese punch from my foray into book binding. I attached the appropriate cutter and easily punched my first (and last) wooly circle. 

I mean, look at the size of that piece of wool! There are over 300 of those bloody circles drawn on the wool pieces. Once I saw how truly tiny they would be, my needleworker mentality took over. I'm not going to use them.

Nope. Nope. Nope. This needleworker will happily make 900 French or colonial knots instead of cutting these out, and then attaching them with 1 French knot - and I'll be needle dancing while I do it! I can use these large (already fused) pieces of wool for something else. I'll just draw the shape I need in red ink over the top of the circles. Problem solved!
Brynwood Needleworks - Celebrating "National Pi Day"
You know yesterday was March 14th, right? 3/14 (3.14) is National Pi Day, so I set about making a fresh apple pie to celebrate. This time, I added a streusel topping instead of a top pie crust. The scent of cinnamon, vanilla and baked applies filled the farmhouse, and I had a very happy husband. 
If you haven't celebrated Pi Day yet, there's always time. You can do what I do for Birthdays. Just celebrate an Extended Pi Day! You're welcome. lol

You need to come back to catch up with Tag tomorrow. He's got a cute post planned. (Really! He told me all about it!) I'll be back on Wednesday.


March 14, 2021

Sunday Scripture...

Mark 5:36 - Internet Image

Brynwood Needleworks via TobyMac #SpeakLife
