August 31, 2019

Farmhouse Renovation - Day 16...

Brynwood Needleworks - New Sidewalk and Entry. Footing for Porch Staircase
We roll into the Labor Day Weekend with a real sense of accomplishment here at the farmhouse. Yesterday, Tom and his crew formed and poured our new back entry (replacing a broken slab), and a walkway the invites guests to the porch entry. We also have the bottom step for our new porch staircase.
Tag and I played acrobats after the guys left us a ramp to use until the concrete dries. By the time I finish my coffee today, we'll be able to walk on the new walkway, but we're going to wait until Tom comes to cut in the expansion joints. He can pull the planks and give us the official okay.
I'm pretty excited with this new layout. First, my kitchen garden area is much larger. I'll be planning a new kitchen garden for next year, and will move, as appropriate, the plants that will look better if I place them closer to the walk (think hostas).
As I look at this photograph, I see the old stucco behind my hollyhocks. We're going to have that replaced all the way around the house, either late fall or next spring. We'll know more after this project is done.
Tom moved the large stones bouldes off the lawn, as I said I'd be mowing the lawn after they left for the day. Once I saw the stones up near the house a light bulb went on. I think those rocks are going to stay up in this general vicinity. Once Tom adds dirt to the garden area and more black dirt to the lower area where those rocks are, we'll have him place the rocks a bit more to the left and closer together.

Brynwood Nedleworks - Detail of Primitive Gatherings' Wool Box 4 Table Mat
While the guys were working outside, I was working inside. Needle dancing, actually. This is just a sneak peek of what I was making. I'll share the finished piece on Monday. I still have a little stitching to do, but it was nice just sitting with my needlework on my lap. I think it was a great way to work myself into the weekend.


August 30, 2019

Farmhouse Renovation - Porch Project - Day 15...

Brynwood Needleworks - Farmhouse Porch Progress - South Elevation
The pillars were nearly finished yesterday. There's still a bit of stonework to do on the back side of those on the far left. Our family plaque was installed into the stonework of one of them, and there is also another special piece that will be imbedded in stone on the back of another. I'll show them in closeup photos once the porch is entirely finished.

The stonework on this south elevation isn't done yet, as our workmen are waiting until the staircase is formed up and installed. The stonework will be wrapping from the wall around the stairs, so I'm guessing that's why that's on hold.

Brynwood Needleworks - Preliminary Excavation for New Sidewalk

Loads of gravel were hauled in and dumped yesterday, too. We're replacing a cracked concrete entryway for the "friends and family" entrance, and adding a walkway from the back door to the newly highlighted side porch entry.

The black dirt was removed from the yard, and replaced with gravel to build up the elevation. Once it's completely placed where it needs to be, part of it will be covered up with black dirt again. I really appreciated that they leveled off what is in front of the back door so I could safely get out of the house to air Tag, or get to my hair appointment yesterday afternoon. They'll do more work with that today, before they take off Monday for the holiday weekend.

Brynwood Needleworks - Canning Tomatoes
While the guys were working outside, I was busy with my tomato haul. I processed fourteen pounds of them into seven quarts of tomato halves in their own juice. Once packed, they were processed for an hour and a half, cooled and labeled. (I missed removing two rings before I took this photo, but all my jars "pinged"...a sweet sound to every canner.)

After I put these on the counter, I headed to my aforementioned hair appointment. When I got home, I cleaned up the kitchen, made my dinner, and then collapsed into a chair. My plan for today is to sit in my favorite chair and stitch the rest of today. I think I've earned it!

I'm talking with Handsome everyday. They'll arrive in San Antonio today, so tomorrow will be Bella's "big day". Her reaction to her boyfriend (and his reaction to her) will give us a sense of how long my husband will be away. I'm crossing my fingers that things get under way sooner, rather than later.

I'll be spending time with family this weekend. If you're going to be traveling, please do so safely. See you tomorrow!


August 29, 2019

Farmhouse Renovation - Porch Project - Day 14...

Brynwood Needleworks - Porch Project - Day 14
Day 14 is behind us, and this is how the front porch looks at day's end. All four front pillars are complete, and one of the side pillars is done, too. All the stonework has been placed on the front, and the crew will be working on the south exposure until that's finished.
Today, Tom R. will be on the excavator, moving around dirt and gravel to lift the grade for the new back entry and staircase to the porch. Gosh! It's all so exciting, and now the look changes daily.
Tom told us the project would take three weeks for their crew from start to finish. The rails will be built and painted after the Wendels' crew is done, so I'd say a month, just to be safe.
All I know is, right now, I'm falling in love with this new porch! (That yellow ladder is so the guys can get from ground level back to the porch as they work. In fact, there will be no staircase on this elevation anymore. We omitted it as we rarely used it. I'll be planting beautiful little clusters of flowers in front when all the grading is done.
I bet you'll be surprised to see how much gets done today! I'll surely have photos to share with you tomorrow, as well as pictures Saturday of the rest of this week's work. 

Brynwood Needleworks - PG Wool Box Project Peek
I know I planned to be canning tomatoes yesterday, but my hip kept me awake the night before last, and when I got up I could hardly walk. Rather than spend the day on my feet, I decided to settle into my stitching chair and do a little needlework. I'm 3/4 finished now, so I'll likely share photos of the completed piece on Monday. That way, I can get the finishing work done on it, too.

Handsome made it to St. Louis by the end of his first day of driving. He called to tell me Bella is doing well, and he was glad to see the end of his first day on the road. He was tired. Today, he'll move another five hundred miles, stop for the night, and then be in San Antonio on Saturday. It's a long way to take Bella for a date (or three), but we're praying for a fruitful outcome. 

I'm off to get a cup of coffee, and then I'll start in on those tomatoes. I'm hoping to make a big dent in the crate today, so I can enjoy the holiday weekend without canning on my agenda. I'll let you know how that goes.
Before I close, I just want to remind you that I'll be putting my Brynwood Shop on Vacation mode effective August 31st. Until then, I'm still having a sale on current stock, and the coupon code for a 20% discount is: AugustSale20. Enter the code at checkout to get your discount. 
See you tomorrow!


August 28, 2019

Farmhouse Renovation - Day Thirteen...

Brynwood Needleworks - First Completed Pillar!
As Day Thirteen closed, we were able to see one completed pillar on the porch project. The post(s) will be wrapped in white before they're through, but this pillar is done.
Brynwood Needleworks - Pillars Awaiting Stone

The block was laid for the rest of the pillars, and the caps were also placed. The guys will continue to wrap these in stone now, too.

(My labrador statue watches over the workers. I got this when my Bannor was still alive, and I painted it to match his coloring. It's fading out now, even when always kept under cover, so I'm going to have to give it a facelift soon.)

Brynwood Needleworks - Tomato Haul

While the masons were working outside (and Handsome and Bella are packing to leave today), I was indoors, canning. I still had leftover strawberries, so I turned those into jam. I also scored some beautiful tomatoes on Monday from a local farmer.

These two crates hold well over a bushel, but I weigh them as I use them, so I won't know total weight until I'm finished. All of these cost me $25.00, and he even offered for me to use the crates to get them home. I thanked him and said I'd get them back to him over the weekend. I love small towns. He trusts he'll get them back, and I won't let him down.
Brynwood Needleworks - All These Left To Process

These are the red goodness I'll be processing over the next day or so. I'm going to turn most of these into stewed tomatoes. That way they can be added to chili this winter, or many other uses with the addition of other vegetables or spices.

Brynwood Needleworks - Strawberry Jam and Spaghetti Sauce

Along with the finished strawberry jam, I turned twelve pounds of tomatoes into spaghetti sauce. I didn't use any fancy recipe...just two packages of Mrs. Wages Pasta Sauce mix. I actually ended up with four and a half quarts, but the partial became a spaghetti side dish with dinner last night. The mix is really tasty, so I may get more for some of the tomatoes that are left. We'll see.

Brynwood Needleworks - My Versions of Primitive Gatherings' Fifty Two Mini Ways - Box 4
In case you're wondering whether or not I've touched needle to fabric lately, the answer is "yes". These are my versions of the "Fifty Two Mini Ways" from Primitive Gatherings' Wool Box 4. I made an oak leaf, instead of the maple leaf design in the pattern. I also changed out a little house block for our compass barn (on the easel). 
I have one more block to do in this set. Lisa likes a little block with words, but I'm going to stitch something different. I'll share when it's done.

Handsome and I are finishing our morning coffee, and then he and Bella will be leaving for the first leg of their trip to San Antonio. Tag and I are staying behind to supervise the last of the porch project, and when my travelers come home, it will likely be finished.

I'll be doing some more tomato canning, and then sit down to stitch tonight after a light dinner. I've already got a new project from the Wool Box prepped and waiting for needle and thread, so I'll let you see that soon. 

For now, I'll kiss my husband farewell, pat Bella on the head (and tell her to make babies, like a good girl. wink), and pray for their safe travels. They'll likely be gone about ten days, so Tag and I will hold down the fort until they return. I'd better go for now, but I'll be back tomorrow. I hope you have a great day!


August 27, 2019

Tuesdays With Tag - Well, It's About Time!...

Brynwood Needleworks - Tag and Bella - August 2019

 Hi, Everybody!

Well, you may know what this is about by readin' my post title. If not, I'm gonna help you out.

See The Black Dog next to me? Yeah, the one with the boiled ham stickin' out of her face. It's taken a whole eight months, but herself is finally in heat again. Mom and Dad have been watchin' the calendar (and her back end) for the past six weeks or so, and she (Boo, not Mom) finally threw a bunch of hints at them. Upon closer examination, it was confirmed.

Dad took her to the vet last Thursday, and the vet said she was, too. They went back for another blood test and now we know what's next. I think it was nice of her to wait until Dad's music season was over, 'cuz that means Dad's gonna take her to San Antonio, and I'll stay home with Mom to supervise the rest of the porch project.

Brynwood Needleworks - Courage, Camille
So, she's wearin' cute "dipes" and complainin' about cramps, but she and Dad are hittin' the road tomorrow mornin'. They'll be in Texas at the appointed time for her rendezvous with her "betrothed". They'll be gone until some time next week (at the earliest). It all depends on how receptive (Mom's word, not mine) she is. 
As far as I'm concerned, this is all a little mushy to me. I mean...oh, never mind. I don't wanna turn this into some kinda X-rated post. I think I'll just leave it all right here. All I know is Mom says there might be puppies in our future. (Paws crossed. I love puppies!)
I'm gonna go help Boo pack. Let's see...
• Food √
• Diapers √
• Snacks √
• Leash √
• Collars √
• Favorite Bed √
• Animal Husbandry Book √ (Snort. I'm just kiddin'! Sometimes I crack me up! LOL)
• Treats √
A Picture of me! (I don't want her to forget me, after all.)
So much to do...So little time.
 I'll see you again in seven. 'til then...
"Live Like Someone Left The Gate Open".

August 26, 2019

Sunday Funday...

Brynwood Needleworks - Sunday Canning
When I got up on Sunday morning, I knew that canning was on my agenda for the day. I got out my hardware, and Handsome helped me when I got to the "jarring" step. By the end of the day, I'd canned ten pints of Zucchini Pepper Relish (from one zucchini from Shelly!); one quart, plus 10 ounces of tomatoes (also from Shelly's garden); and six quarts of late season Strawberry-Rhubarb Pie Filling.

Brynwood Needleworks - Zucchini Pepper Relish In The Works

The first thing I did was shred the zucchini in my Cuisinart™ food processor, and then hand chop the peppers and onions. They went into my pot, along with the requisite amount of apple cider vinegar, and cooked down for about a half hour.

After straining off the apple cider vinegar used to cook down the mixture, I added mustard and celery seed, sugar, and more apple cider vinegar. After the entire mixture came back to a boil, I put it up in pint sized jars and gave it a fifteen minute water bath. While everything was processing, I cleaned up for Round 2.
Brynwood Needleworks - Beautiful Tomatoes and Strawberry-Rhubarb Pie Filling

I did the batch of tomatoes next. These beauties came from Shelly's garden and filled a nice-sized bowl. I thought I'd get two quarts, but came up short, so I put the balance into a ten ounce jar which worked just fine. I put the two jars into the water bath canner and set about preparing the pie filling.

Round Three began when I went out into the garden with Handsome and the pups, and pulled rhubarb. Handsome took the stalks from me and cut off the leaves. After we picked what we needed, we headed back to the house.

I cleaned and peeled the rhubarb, and then washed, cored, and sliced the strawberries. In my clean pot, I mixed ClearJel™ and sugar, added water, and brought the thick mixture to a boil. Once it boiled, I added lemon juice and mixed it well. I had to bring it back to a boil, and then I took it off the heat, and added the fruit.

All the jars were sterilized in my canner. (I have the awesome Ball™Electric Water Bath Canner that I bought on sale last season. I bought it HERE, but Amazon and other companies carry it, too.) I lined up all my jars, filled them, wiped the rims, added the lids and rings, and took them to the canner.

They processed perfectly (tomatoes, too), but, because my apple pie filling siphoned, I took some advice from a fellow canner, and left them in the water bath to cool down. I turned it off and just waited about twenty minutes. They came out without a single jar sputtering and siphoning!

When I took this photograph, the jars were still too hot to clean and label, so I'll do that today. I just let them sit, undisturbed, overnight. They'll be fine to label after coffee.

I still have six quarts of strawberries I bought on sale, so I'll turn those into jam later today. It will be nice to have them available for holiday gift giving, as we certainly don't eat everything I process!

Tag will be here tomorrow with some great news! He's looking forward to sharing it with you, so I won't spoil his surprise. You'll just have to grab your morning coffee or tea, and stop by to find out what he wants to crow about now. I'll be back on Wednesday with more porch photos for you. See you then!

August 25, 2019

Sunday Scripture...

Brynwood Needleworks via Web - Numbers 6:24-26

August 24, 2019

Farmhouse Renovation - Day Twelve...

Brynwood Needleworks - Tag and Bella On New Decking
The concrete was dry by yesterday morning, but we stayed off it until late day. After the crew left for the weekend, I took Tag and Bella out to let them see what's been going on. They both gave it their stamp of approval.
Brynwood Needleworks - East Elevation

By the end of Day Twelve, the crew had set all the stone on the east and north elevations, and set block for four of the pillars. We're loving how it's looking.

Yes. There will be rails. They'll be custom built by Son #2 (the carpenter). I think that portion of the job will begin sometime next week. Once he builds them, then I'll paint them before they're installed.
Brynwood Needleworks - South Elevation
There was no progress on the south elevation, or a finish on this small wall on the west side of the porch. We discussed the location for our family plaque. That will be placed soon, too.
Handsome and I have errands to run this morning, and then I'm going to can a small batch of tomatoes, and a large batch of zucchini and pepper relish. I have to get to the store (again) first, because the store I went to on Thursday night was out of small lids. I need more of those to do this canning, and I'll be getting more for stock. 
Another busy day at Hickory Hill Farm, but we love having things to do. I think we'll be ready to put our feet up when we're finished. It's nice to fall into bed at night, and it sure doesn't take long to fall asleep!

August 23, 2019

Farmhouse Renovation - Porch Project - Day Eleven...

Brynwood Needleworks - More Stone Work
When Day Eleven began, the masons laid more stone as they waited for the cement truck to arrive on scene. Two of the guys worked on the east elevation (the former front staircase area), and one worked on the wall next to my kitchen garden.
Brynwood Needleworks - South Elevation Progress

The kitchen garden area closest to the porch is really taking a hit these days, but Mom's daisies will survive, and there's still plenty of lavender, hollyhocks, (and the birdbath) for the bees. 

The truck finally arrived, and the porch decking was poured. By the time I took this photo, the retaining boards had been removed because the concrete had set up enough. When I went outside with Handsome, I said the concrete looked great, but I wasn't sure I liked the wood trim underneath. (I know it's only part of the form, but I thought I'd tease the guys a bit.)

Before I could utter the last of my sentence, one of the guys turned to me and said, "Don't worry. We're gonna stain that when all the stone work is done." Well, played, my man. I laughed out loud and said, "Touche'! I should have known you'd be ready if I said anything." They're all so good-natured and fun. It's a pleasure to have them here - in addition to the stella work they're doing for us.

Brynwood Needleworks - East Elevation Progress
They got quite a lot done yesterday. The concrete was sprayed with a sealant before they left, and we were discussing how we're going to truly make this project ours. We have a couple of things we're going to add to the finished stonework, and I'll share that with you later. 

While the guys were outside working, I made another fifteen jars of Lemon Balm Jelly. That's all done now for this year. I still have tomatoes, and more strawberry/rhubarb pie filling to make, but first I'm going to make another big batch of zucchini & pepper relish. It's a big hit, so I'm making more to share with family and friends. That's today's project...after my morning coffee. Gotta run!


August 22, 2019

Farmhouse Renovation - Porch Project - Day Ten. Meet The Crew...

Brynwood Needleworks - Wendels Construction Crew (l-r: Tom, Shawn, Tom R., Owner)

After sharing ten days of our farmhouse porch project, I thought you might like to meet our crew. These guys show up every day and work hard to get our project done.

Left to right: Tom, Shawn, and Tom Reader, who owns Wendels Construction. We remember when Tom R. was a younger man, working for his dad, Ralph. We hired them to do a large bedroom addition on our first farmhouse (where Handsome and I got married). Our addition was over 800 square feet, adding a whole wing to our home. We had a large en suite bath, sauna, hot tub, walk-in closets, fireplace and sleeping area.

Outside, was a lot of full round fieldstone, and a great crew to give us a perfect foundation to begin the project. The last part of their work was to install the fieldstone. It was so nice. I really hated to sell that first home, but there were quirky farmhouse things (like the height of the ceilings and doorways) that made it uncomfortable for my tall husband.

We sold it, and purchased land on which we watched our entire home build from the ground up. Wendels was there for that project, too. We trust them, and we really like the entire Wendels family, of which Tom R. is a member. We're so glad to be doing another collaboration with them.

Brynwood Needleworks - Porch Project - Ready For Concrete
By the end of Day Ten, the entire foundation of our porch was filled with clear stone, and then compacted and leveled. There will be a slight pitch away from the house, so water doesn't collect on the decking. They secured the rebar to reinforce the concrete, too.

Concrete will be poured today! This part is so exciting. It will set up for twenty four hours, and then they'll begin work on the pillars and posts. You can count on me to be back tomorrow with more photos.

One other thing before I close today. I've decided that I'm going to close my Brynwood Etsy shop for the month of September. I'm going to be changing the items I sell in my shop, and I'll be working hard to be able to launch my own website on October 1st. I will also be creating brand new items, too, and it seems the easiest way to do that is to just shut down the shop for the month to get that done.

So, starting now and running through August 21st, I'm having a sale in my shop before I put it on vacation. Use promo code: AUGUSTSALE20 to take advantage of 20% savings on everything in my shop. Minimum order to use code is $35, and you'll get free shipping. You may also combine items to save shipping (if the item charges for it), and I refund shipping overages. 

Have fun browsing. You may find something you like. Remember, these same items may not be in my shop when it reopens on October 1st! If you see something you like, might I suggest you buy it, so you don't miss out. Thanks!


August 21, 2019

Farmhouse Renovation - Porch Project - Day Nine...

Brynwood Needleworks - East (Front) Elevation Progress

I spent the day with Kathy D., and the ladies in our "Sewcial Sisters" group at Primitive Gatherings yesterday. It was fun to see everyone, and the projects they're working on. When I got home mid-afternoon, a lot of progress had been made.

Three quarters of the stonework is finished on the east elevation of the porch. Forms are in place all around the porch for when it's time to pour the concrete. I don't expect that soon, as the "hole" was larger than expected and they need to bring in more clear stone to fill and grade it before they'll be ready to pour the decking.

Brynwood Needleworks - South Elevation Progress (and a Black Dog's Butt)
The south side is looking good, too. Our electrician was here to rough in an outdoor outlet that will be attached to the front corner pillar. He also ran "Smurf" tubing (named for it's blue color, I'm guessing) that will carry the wiring for the entry pillar lights to highlight the doorway and entry.

Electrician is coming back today to to a few things we need done inside, and then he'll be back again when it's time for him to wire up the outdoor lighting.

Masons will get the rest of the stone into the foundation for the porch today, and likely put up more stonework. I'll know more when they get here soon.

Shelly brought down more lemon balm last night, so I'll be making more jelly today. I'm also making more bread to share. So, if you're looking for me, I'll be in the kitchen. Coffee waits...

August 20, 2019

Tuesdays With Tag - Watchin' and Waitin'...

Brynwood Needleworks - Taggart 08.19.19

 Hi, Everybody!

Well, here we are again. Another week older. Another week wiser. Another week bored because the front yard's a mess. Mom keeps tellin' us it's a good mess, though, so I said I wanted to see what the heck she was talkin' about. That led to a walkie to the front yard.

Holy Mashed Potatoes! No grass in the upper yard. It's a good thing we don't usually do our business up there. We'd be outta luck, for sure! 

I'm havin' a little trouble gettin' real enthused about this project. I mean, if all you heard was machines, rock and roll on the radio, and guys with worse hearin' than mine (of course, mine's selective), you might be a little on edge, too. Don't get me wrong. These mason guys are great, but I can't even talk 'em into givin' me a snack from their lunchboxes, 'cuz Mom keeps us in the house when they're eatin'. It's just wrong, I tell ya.

Brynwood Needleworks - Taggart and Bella 08.19.19
Boo and I said we'd pose by the new porch project, but we agreed before we got out front that we wouldn't look in the same direction at the same time. (That really drives Mom nuts. heehee) Better luck next time, we say. Even so, she got a pretty good picture of me. Don't you agree? The porch is lookin' good, too!

We've got another week and a half or so of this work goin' on. Our younger son showed up yesterday to go over railing plans, and the electrician is comin' today to run some lines for lightin'. Guess we'll be hangin' around in the house again. Good thing that Black Dog and I don't have thumbs. I'd be teachin' her to play cards, just so I could beat her at it.

Instead, I guess I'll go find a nice comfy spot near the back door so I can throw random barks at people who walk by. That always lights 'em up. I'm not sure what Bella has planned, but as long as she doesn't steal my cookies, we're good.
I'm lookin' forward to this all bein' finished, so Boo and I can hang out on the new porch. The weather's been perfect for it, but every time Mom opens the porch door, all I see is a long drop into a big hole! She promises me that I'm gonna love the end result, and she better not be hosin' me!

PS. The coyotes have been howlin' a lot the last couple nights. Must be the full moon. I don't like it one, little bit. I bark if they get too close, and then they quiet down. Mom wishes they'd go away. She worries about the raccoons and 'possums. I guess I just want them to buzz off. All that howlin' makes me a little edgy. sigh
 I'll see you again in seven. 'til then...
"Live Like Someone Left The Gate Open".

August 19, 2019

Weekend Update...

Brynwood Needleworks - Apples From Our Old Tree
Much of last weekend was spent indoors. We did hit the yard tractors on Saturday afternoon to mow our yard before the rains came early Sunday morning, and it looks better outside because of our efforts. Before I could mow the side yard (I usually do the lower front and side yards, and Handsome does the upper yard and the huge mound for our septic system.), I needed to pick up apples.

The apples looked really nice, so we brought them inside, and planned to use them before the weekend was over. We actually collected another five gallon bucket on Friday, so I offered those to Shelly. I think she'll be turning them into applesauce.

Brynwood Needleworks - Homemade Focaccia

Late evening on Friday, I made up the starter for focaccia. It needs at least twelve hours before it's ready to use, so Saturday noon was my starting time. As I waited, I vacuumed through the house (man, those pups shed!), and then prepared the toppings that would go on the focaccia before I put them in the oven.

It took about two hours for the dough to settle enough to add the toppings, and then another twenty minutes resting. These two beauties came out of the oven at six o'clock (pm) Saturday, and then I headed out to help Handsome finish the yard.

When we came back in a eight pm, all I needed to do (besides a shower) was make a small side salad for each of us, and put a portion of the focaccia back into the oven to reheat. The rest was divided and frozen (except the portion we gave to Andy and Shelly). It will make for a great, quick dinner when we're busy outside most of the day, or I'm in the studio getting projects completed. 
Brynwood Needleworks - Farmhouse Sandwich Bread and Apple Pie Filling
Sunday afternoon, I made two loaves of Farmhouse sandwich bread and these jars of apple pie filling from those lovely apples. Handsome was eating his breakfast and said the apples were getting a little "strong" so I couldn't delay my canning any longer. That reminds me of another story...

When I was in the yard, picking up the apples, I came upon a strange sight. I could see something moving along the edge of the lilies under the apple tree, and thought it might be an injured bird. Once I got closer, I saw that it was a little, fat mouse.

Mousie would walk a few steps, slowly roll over, and then right himself. I thought, "Oh, great. I don't want to dispatch a sick mouse." So I stood and watched it for quite a while. It was surrounded by scores of apples that had rotted because I couldn't see them among my lilies. The mouse continued to tumble around as I watched and contemplated what to do.

All of a sudden, it clicked. Rotting apples = fermenting apples = drunk mouse! Sure! That was it. This silly little mouse had been eating his fill of the apples under the tree, and he was plowed! I broke out laughing, and then said, "Mouse, you're drunk. Go home!". Whereupon that small furball made his way to the base of the tree, where he quickly disappeared. I'm giggling all over again, just thinking about it.

Handsome always helps me with cleanup, even though I try to keep up as I'm making. It's nice to have most of the used utensils, pots and pans ready to put away, once I get the jars into the canner. When the bread and pie filling were done, so was most of the kitchen cleanup.

I had barbequed baby back ribs on the menu, so I went out and lit the grill. At the end of a long day weekend, we sat down to ribs off the grill, parsley-buttered potatoes, and a small side salad. I admit I may have had a celebratory beer, too.

Whew! That was a tiring weekend! I'm taking tomorrow off, and Tag will be back to regale you with another of his colorful tales. I'll be back on Wednesday with some news to share. The crew will be here any minute, so I'd better finish my coffee and get ready to swing into another week. I hope yours is a good one, too! See you Wednesday.


August 18, 2019