October 4, 2018

Something New For Our Farmhouse Kitchen...

Bread-making Cart
Do you like it? I found this great three-tier, rolling cart - you guessed it - on Facebook Marketplace a few days ago. I contacted the seller within two minutes of her listing it, only to find that it was already pending pickup. 
When I went back a day or two later, it was still listed, so I sent another message to the seller and said that if it hadn't been picked up yet, I'd pay her five dollars more and come and get it right away. She responded quickly, told me the other buyer had backed out, and she'd accept my offer. Handsome drove me to pick it up this afternoon, and this sturdy beauty came home with me for a whopping $30. (Almost a steal, right?) 

We brought it into the house, I cleaned it up, and put my baking flours, sugars (brown and white), canning vinegars and a few other containers on it. It's the perfect height, and has convenient storage shelves below. 
While the butcher block is very useful (and I love it), there's some gapping between a few of the blocks, which make it difficult to use for making bread. The flour would gunk up (that's a technical term, you know) the crevices and crannies. So, until we figure out how to deal with that issue, this little cart will take up the slack.

I'm going to sand the top to remove the sealer, and then simply oil the top with a mineral oil. That will be the perfect, sanitary surface for creating the beautiful doughs I learned about last weekend. The shelves will provide the perfect spaces for my food scale, tools and ingredients, freeing up some space in the pantry for other things (like my canned goods!). Score another point for the Marketplace!

Today, I'm back in the studio until I have to leave for a haircut. I'll show you what I get accomplished tomorrow. I hope you have a great day!


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