March 24, 2018

A Cute Story...

A New Sign For The Farmhouse Half Bath
We have a small half bath in the back entry of the farmhouse. There is no heat vent in the room, but there is an exhaust fan that dumps cold air into the space. There's a radiator in the rear hall, but a wall separates it from the bathroom, so it's cold in there.
Handsome and I considered a number of options, ranging from cutting a hole in the wall between the radiator and the bath (which would also let cold air in); cutting a hole in the floor (which would let the warm air from the basement radiate into the space); or adding a heat source in the room.
When shopping one day, I decided to look at small space heaters. I bought one that was about as big as a handbag. The instruction manual was non-existent and the darned thermostat didn't work properly. We deemed it unsafe and I took it back.
The second one was even smaller, and plugged directly into the wall outlet. It did an adequate job, however, we weren't confident that it was safe, so we unplugged it at night and when we went away. The room was cold by the time we would go back to it. Back to the drawing board.

The next time I shopped, I found a nice, compact electric heater. It looks like a small radiator on wheels and it's filled with oil. When plugged in, it warms the oil and heats the room. It's perfect. Even on the lowest setting, it keeps the bathroom toasty warm.
Signage Installed

If you were a kid in the fifties and/or sixties, you may have ice skated on a pond or a city rink when you were a kid. Handsome and I did, although we didn't grow up together.

My sister, brother and I used to walk about six blocks to a local city rink to skate on a flooded parking lot. They'd light it at night, and it was fun (but cold). They had a small shanty set up with benches and a small heater  to warm up the skaters. Handsome called their building the "warming hut" when we talked about it. In fact, he said that this little, heated bathroom now reminds him of one of those warming huts. I started thinking about that and decided to surprise him.

Alex and Our Nieces - Photography by Ashley Williams
My nephew has the most lovely partner named Alexandria (Alex, for short). She and Dan are the parents of two sweet two-year-old girls, plus Dan's two sons. They're loving parents to four happy kids, and I appreciate the time I can spend with them.
Alex has a side business making signs (in her copious free time), so I contacted her about helping me surprise Handsome. She was great to work with, and I'm tickled with the results! I installed the sign (using 3M velcro picture hangers, so there won't be any damage), and can't wait to see Handsome's reaction. (He'll see it on Monday.)

You can check out Alex's creations by visiting "Ledden the Moon Designs" on Facebook (HERE). You can message her through that page. If you're not on Facebook, I can share her email address with you. You could tell her you found out about her from me. (I don't think she'll charge you extra. giggle)
***Disclaimer: I am in no way compensated by Alex for mentioning her business on my blog. I'm happy to do it - just because.


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