October 31, 2016

Tuesdays With Tag - Happy Halloween...

Brynwood Needleworks - Halloween Dogs

Hi, Everybody!

Mom dragged us out into the yard yesterday to abuse us. She wanted us to dress up for Halloween. Bella wasn't in the least bit interested in wearing any head gear, so Mom had to Photoshop a cowgirl hat on her for our "official" Halloween greeting to you. I think she looks goofy, but who am I to talk?

Brynwood Needleworks - Halloween Dogs

I'm thinkin' you can see how thrilled I was - even through my ghostie get-up. It was my best "disapprovin' Corgi" look! 

Anyway, we got our picture done; Mom's happy, and we got to run around the yard (without the sheet!) after she was finished. I can hardly wait 'til next year...NOT! I shudder to think what she'll come up with next.

A Free Gift From Color Grand Art Supplies

This is a free gift from Color Grand Art Supplies. Please click (HERE) to go to the link to get your own copy of a Corgi colorin' page. Hurry! You know you want one! (Colorin' inside the lines not required.)

I'll see you again in seven. 'til then...  


October 30, 2016

Plans For Destiny...

Brynwood Needleworks - New Wallet & Handbag Materials

Just in case you thought I wasn't thinking about getting back to business while I was at the farm...Here are some of my latest inventory additions for wallets and handbags for my shop. I'll be working on these soon. Man, Destiny is going to be a busy bee!

Brynwood Needleworks - Wallet Sets

I already have a number of wallets prepared for sewing in the next week. I have commissions and more, which I'll add to my shop as soon as they're finished.

Brynwood Needleworks - Wallet Sets

I have variations of my "Coffee Clutch"; "Rule Britannia"; "Milk Money" and "Call Me Bossy" (which is a commission) clutches.

Brynwood Needleworks - Wallet Sets
I will also have a limited selection of Michelle Palmer panels for new cork wallets. Don't you just adore those sweet, little birds?

My shop has reopened and I'm photographing fabrics (and more) to list. I'll also have these wallets added soon, too. You can check out my shop at BrynwoodNeedleworks.com.

Brynwood Needleworks via typeinspire.com

Tag and Bella will be celebrating Halloween with you tomorrow. Don't eat too much candy! You won't want to miss their post.

October 29, 2016

October 28, 2016

This Season's Harvest...

Brynwood Needleworks - 2016 Hickory Nut Harvest
I've finished shelling my 2016 harvest of hickory nuts. I also added the small ziplock bag of nuts that Shelly gave me when we first arrived at the farm. 
Here's how my harvest breaks down this year...One 3/4 full five gallon bucket of nuts (in the shell and husk) yielded almost 1-1/2 quarts of shelled nuts. I saved the husks and shells which will continue to dry out, and they'll be used either in the grill, smoker or our fire pit to add their hickory smoke to our cooking. (I'm not going to count hours expended or blisters earned.) 
The rest of the yield from the three hickory trees on our near our property will be left for the resident squirrels to feed them through the winter. I'll enjoy watching them romp and play in the snow, fortified by the nuts they'll collect yet this fall.
All in all, I'd say I did pretty well. Prior to purchasing the farm, it never even occurred to me to collect the fruit of the hickory trees. 
Thank you to those of you who shared treasured family recipes with me for their favorite uses for hickory nut meats. I'm looking forward to trying them! 

Thanks, also, to those who commented on my farm dress patterns yesterday. I will definitely rethink the tights/boots decision. I enjoyed reading your thoughts on this. I also read the comment(s) asking me to share how I actually make clothing. So, when I start sewing up my dresses and aprons, I'll share the process with you. 
Making your own garments isn't scary. I've done it for many years, and it's a very satisfying process. I'd love to share how I choose fabrics, cut, and assemble those fabrics into a finished garment, so that perhaps others will have the confidence to make their own outfits. I'll plan now to even create a few step-by-step videos for you. I know. You can hardly wait, right? Same here!


October 27, 2016

Farmhouse Dresses...

Brynwood Needleworks - Farmhouse Dress Patterns

I was in Sarasota for a haircut yesterday, but before I left town, I went down the mall to my favorite Jo-Ann Fabrics store. I was on the hunt for dresses that would be suitable for wearing at the farmhouse. You know...like your grandma used to wear. I scored four different patterns that I think will be perfect! Three of them are "dottie angel" designs, and the last is from "Sew House Seven".

Brynwood Needleworks - Farmhouse Dress

This is a sweet style. It has dress and top style options! I'm not sure about the boots and tights. I'm a grandma, after all. I won't be trying to look like a 20-something, but they are cute with this dress, and they'd make the outfit suitable to wear in colder weather. I'd even knit up a slouchy cowl to go with it!

Brynwood Needleworks - Farmhouse Dress

This top works as an apron or an over-shirt. It's reversible , so it can tie in the front or back. I almost always wear an apron in the kitchen, and if I put big enough pockets on the front, I can even carry my collected hickory nuts in them! I think I'd like to make linen slacks to wear rolled up with it during the summer.

Brynwood Needleworks - Farmhouse Dress

This is a great layered look. I think it would be especially good during the summer with the option for the sleeveless dress. There are those boots and tights again. hmmmmm

Brynwood Needleworks - Farmhouse Dress
This was actually the first pattern I chose. The style is light and airy. I'll choose fabrics that will be cool and comfortable during the summer. Don't expect me to be striking any poses like this though! (Well, not for the camera, anyway! hee hee)

I'll be making these over the winter...after my commissions and Christmas gifts are finished. I can't wait to see how they sew up. I know they'll be fun to wear.

I'm looking forward to getting Destiny back in the studio so I can get after that list! Time's a-wasting!


October 26, 2016

Farmhouse Update...

Brynwood Needleworks - Farmhouse Lower Entry (Before & After)

Thanks to dear Shelly, I have updated photos to share of our completed rear entry to the farmhouse. We haven't decided yet whether or not we'll retain the flooring, but the walls and woodwork have been painted and, just look! Isn't it wonderful?

Brynwood Needleworks - Finished Paint - Pantry
She also took a photo of the finished paint in the pantry. The flooring will change in the pantry when we do the kitchen, but the cabinets here are done. 
I love the way our farmhouse is transforming and look forward to being back for the beginning of the big changes. Until then, Shelly and Andy are watching over our northern home, while the inside color scheme is transformed. We continue to count our blessings.

October 25, 2016

Training Yesterday - Playing Today...

Brynwood Needleworks - Training Day Sunrise

I was up and out of the house before dawn yesterday.  I was headed to my mandatory pre-election training to work as a precinct clerk for the upcoming Presidential election. I completed my online training/testing prior to this day, and this was my scheduled in-person portion.

I'm not often up before dawn, so I always stop to take notice of the beautiful colors painting the sky. It was a stunning way to start my day.

Brynwood Needleworks - Training Day
After finishing up my training, I stopped at the Supervisor of Elections' office in North Port to cast my own votes, thanks to early voting. When I work as a clerk on Election Day, I'm not in my voting precinct (and I can't leave while the polls are open) so I have to vote early in order to have my choices count. When I exited the polls, the precinct deputy handed me my "I Voted" sticker, which I placed on my clerk's binder on my way home. (Then I took a picture of it to use here.) Now I'm all set for November 8th, and I have a feeling it will be a busy and interesting day.

Today, I'll be heading down to Harbour Heights to see my girlfriends at Nifty 50s. I'm going to stitch on "Hedgehog and Vine". We'll see how far I can get today.


October 24, 2016

Tuesdays With Tag - A Hair-Raisin' Experience...

Brynwood Needleworks - Grooming Tag

Hi, Everybody!

I can't help it that I'm blurry. I've been swimmin' with the Black Dog since we got back to Florida, which means I've been blowin' coat. Mom couldn't stand it anymore, so you know what that meant, right?
Brynwood Needleworks - Grooming Tag

Oh, no! It's bad enough she has to subject me to this cursed groomin' session, but smoochie faces, too? Seriously? I think this is what's referred to as "addin' insult to injury".

Brynwood Needleworks - Grooming Tag

I just know she's gonna try to cut off my toes when she's done with this part. Isn't someone gonna come and save me? Can you call the authorities? Or, at least call Dad?

Brynwood Needleworks - Grooming Tag

I tried gettin' off the table once (or twice) already, but she's too quick for me. I mean, who knew she had lightnin' fast reflexes? She chirped somethin' about "makin' sure I don't hurt myself, jumpin' so far, but I'm not buyin' it. I think she actually enjoys torturin' me!

Brynwood Needleworks - Grooming Tag

sigh. This is where I end up every time...resigned to the fact that I'm not one bit in control of this situation. I guess I'll just snuggle in (a little), and suffer through the rest of this groomin' attention. Maybe if I take a little snooze, it will be over before I know it. (I'll put myself in a trance. Yeah. That'll work.)

Brynwood Needleworks - Grooming Tag

Now, wait just a darn minute! I just noticed that there's black hair mixed in with my beautiful blonde fur. I think Mom is gonna have some 'splainin' to do! I don't think I told her it was okay with me for her to brush Bella Butt! I'd love to stay and chat a bit longer with you, but we really have to clear this up!

I'll be back next week. It will be Halloween Night. We're talkin' about dressin' up in costumes this year. You won't want to miss us!

I'll see you again in seven. 'til then...  
"Chase A Dream - Or A Squirrel".

October 23, 2016

Gisselle's Ruler Box And The Last Wooly Block...

Brynwood Needleworks - Brynwood Acorn Pincushion and Gisselle's Ruler Box

Perhaps you've noticed the sweet, wooden ruler box that I've been using to hold my Acorn Pincushion and embroidery threads. I actually have two of them, and will likely get more, in other sizes, in the future.

Brynwood Needleworks - Brynwood's Acorn Pincushion and Gisselle's Ruler Box

They're created by my FaceBook friend, Gisselle Sequiera from California. She first shared photos of them on her page, and I couldn't resist placing an order. I'm really glad I did! They're so darn handy, and don't we love all different sorts of containers to hold all our creative goodies?

If you're interested in having one of Gisselle's decorative boxes for your very own, you can contact her through her FaceBook page (HERE) or by emailing her directly at Gisselle.sequiera (at) gmail (dot) com. The boxes like mine are $22 each, plus $10 shipping.

Brynwood Needleworks - Wooly Critter Block Twelve - Hedgehog & Vine
I've prepared the final block of my Wooly Critter project. (Well, except that I have all the border pieces that I'll need to embroider to complete my quilt.) This one is Block Twelve, and it's called "Hedgehog & Vine". I'll be working on it this week.
I'll also be adding new items to my online shop (which is still in vacation mode until mid-week), so you might want to check it out then to see what I've listed up.
I'm back in Florida for a while. I have mandatory training this week for the upcoming election, and I'll be working as the clerk for a local precinct again. I also have annual medical appointments, and...oh, nevermind. You're not interested in all the details. Suffice it to say I'm going to be in sunny southwest Florida through Thanksgiving (and my Birthday) with Handsome before I go back to the farm. 
In the meantime, I'll be receiving work updates and reports to share with you. I'm glad to say that the farmhouse will be transforming while we're here, and even more once I return. I'm looking forward to telling you all about it!

I know, already, that it's going to be a great week. What do you have planned?


October 22, 2016

Sunday Scripture...

Brynwood Needleworks via Shareatopia.com

October 21, 2016

Make It Sew...

Brynwood Needleworks via Internet
I'm missing Destiny, but I've left her in capable hands. She'll be back in a week.
I thought this was appropriate while I wait. (I just couldn't help myself. hee hee)


October 20, 2016

Nuts - In More Ways Than One...

Brynwood Needleworks - Babylock Destiny

I didn't take a new photograph of Destiny today, so I'm using this previously-used image. The reason I'm sharing it is because I didn't take a new one before I had to take Destiny back to the spa. It seems she liked being away so much last time, she let me know (through a few recent tantrums) that she needed a little more time off.

So, although I'd planned to be sewing for (at least) the next few days, I've had to come up with a Plan B for the next few weeks while Destiny slacks off takes another break. What did I do instead, you ask?

Brynwood Needleworks - Hickory Nuts

I ran a few errands, and came back home to a few things that needed my attention. The painting is still underway (looking great, by the way), but the rest of the work will wait until December. The work can't always take place on my time schedule. I must work with contractor's schedules, as well. I'll keep repeating, "patience is a virtue".

Remember these? I started cracking these little nuts. So far, 2 cups of unshelled nuts have yielded about a 1/4 cup of precious nut meat (and the shells, which I'll reserve for future grilling or smoking meats).

I think I'll pace myself on this task. It's a little harder on my hands than I expected. (I'm such a wimp!) I'll forget all about that, though, when I taste the delicious cookies and cakes I'll make with them.

For now, I'll enjoy this Autumn and all the blessings that come with each beautiful, colorful day. I think I'll spend a little more time outside with the pups. It's really too nice to stay inside.


October 19, 2016

Autumn Dress...

Brynwood Needleworks - Queen Anne's Late
Queen Anne now wears her pretty, Autumn dress.
All too soon, she'll slumber under a blanket of white;
Resting, until she returns to dance again in her Summer finery.


October 18, 2016

Our Farmhouse Bed...

Brynwood Needleworks - Bed Frame Detail

I've been hunting...hunting for the perfect bed for the master bedroom here at the farmhouse. Last week I found it!

I can't tell you the style, but I can tell you what it feels and looks like to me. When I saw the detail in the woodwork, I was reminded of the Swedish farmhouse style. I think the white paint had something to do with that, too.

Brynwood Needleworks - Bed Frame
The frame was only partially painted when I found it, and the side rails don't really belong with this head and foot board set. I don't mind though. The bed is solid and not at all wobbly, so I'll finish painting it, and when those side rails are done, no one will be any the wiser.

My only real decision at this point is whether or not I want to paint it to match the woodwork paint color I've chosen for the house, or to use a chalk paint. I know the chalk paint is very trendy right now, but that wouldn't be my reason for choosing it. I know that I don't want the "chippy" look. I'd prefer clean lines, so whichever paint I use, it will be solid and clean on the wood. What do you think? 

Ahhhh, you're getting a peek at the master bedroom, too! Of course, the walls and woodwork will match the rest of the house, but I'm pondering whether or not to keep the carpeting. I love the feel of it underfoot, and it's in perfect shape. Although it would be nice to have refinished maple floors here, too, getting up in the morning and putting your feet on plush, soft carpeting definitely has it's appeal. I think I'll wait until the walls and woodwork are painted to decide. I still have time. 

Painting the bed will wait a bit, too. I have commissions that need to be finished, and oh, dear...must I say it? I'm going to have to start working on Christmas projects soon, too. I'd better make my list, so I don't miss something important! 

Do tell me what you think about the bed. I'd love to have some feedback before I get back to working on it!
