January 31, 2016

They're A Walk On The Wild Side...

Brynwood Needleworks - WIP Stripey Socks

Can you even believe it's already FEBRUARY?!

You can see I've begun my second sock for this pair. They're bold, colorful rascals! I'm not worrying about matching the stripes this time. I just cast on the second sock where I ended the yarn for my first sock. We're goin' funky for sure.

Brynwood Needleworks - Stripey Socks...One down
I finished piecing my quilt top over the weekend, too, but I won't share more progress pictures until I'm finished quilting it together. I want to get to the point where all I need to do it sew on the binding by next weekend. That means I'd better do some serious FOCUSING this week! 

I'll keep working on these socks in the evenings, too. I have a new sock project on its way from PostStitch, my friend Amy's knitting subscription business. I'm having lunch with her tomorrow, so I'll find out all about it then.
PostStitch has two different subscription programs. One is "BigStitch" which is one women's garment/accessory project with everything needed to start and complete the project. The other subscription is "SockStitch" which includes a sock pattern, premium sock yarn to make the socks, and additional special notions. You can also choose the length of your subscription, too, receiving as many or few kits as you'd like.
I love everything that comes in the kits, and since I'm planning to gift more socks this year, the SockStitch subscription will be just perfect for me! I'll take pictures to show you my February kit when I have it in my hot, little hands!

Tag can't wait to share his post tomorrow! We've got a new video, and the still shots are a hoot, too. You won't want to miss it.

January 30, 2016

Sunday Scripture...

Makewells on Etsy
Click HERE for Megan Wells' Etsy shop

January 29, 2016

Thinking Ahead...

Brynwood Needleworks - Pineapple Embroidery

As I work to complete my quilt top, I've been thinking about how I'm going to finish it. Trying to stay ahead of myself can be a little paralyzing. I get sidetracked, but in this case, I believe it's necessary. I'll explain.

Brynwood Needleworks - Pineapple Embroidery

In order to know how wide to make my borders, and which colors to choose to get to the finished size I want, I need to think ahead to how I'm going to quilt it.

I originally planned to put it on my friend, Jamie's longarm and do the finishing myself. I got stuck considering which quilting design(s) I'd use, and started thinking myself in circles again.

Brynwood Needleworks - Pineapple Embroidery

When I woke up yesterday morning, I'd apparently been problem solving in my sleep. I went through my embroidery designs (for Destiny) and found exactly what I want to use!

I have a series of designs used to quilt layered fabric, and found a pineapple pattern that will work perfectly! I stitched it out on a sample block just to be sure. Yup. This is exactly what I want!

I also found coordinating corners and borders in the same series, so I worked back from there to determine the size and number of borders I still need to add to my quilt top.

Brynwood Needleworks - Pineapple Embroidery
The first border is attached, so today I'll add the rest. I don't want a pieced back, so I'm going to get a batik in wide backing fabric. I heard the shop in Punta Gorda likely has what I need, so I'll get down there this morning.
Destiny and I have a quilting date as soon as this top is done.

January 28, 2016

By Night She Knits....

Brynwood Needleworks - WIP (Work In Progress) Socks

I sew by day..
and knit by night.
Brynwood Needleworks - WIP Socks and My Faithful Protector
Even as I knit along, my faithful heartbeat is at my feet.
Life is good.

January 27, 2016

A Rainy Day Update...

Brynwood Needleworks - Studio

I haven't done this in a while...shared photos of the studio. In case you haven't been in my playroom before, allow me to show you around.

This view shows my cutting table (with my brand, new, aaawesome Martelli mat), and the most restful, happy view of our back yard out my large window. To the right of my cutting table are two sets of stacked drawers that now hold tools and hardware for my handbag and wallet projects, as well as other trims and small bits and bobs.

To the left of my cutting table is the first of five fabric shelves I purchased from Sandy's Quilt Shop when they closed business a couple of years ago. (I can't believe it's already been that long!)

Brynwood Needleworks - Studio

Moving to the left, you can see more of my fabric shelves; Kenny's table in front of them; Destiny, on her own Quilter's Dream cabinet; and the pineapple quilt in progress.

Brynwood Needleworks - Studio

If you swing right from my cutting table, I have my desktop computer in the corner, with my thread cabinets on the wall and in the foreground. A girl can never have too many thread choices, you know.

Brynwood Needleworks - Studio

When I'm sitting at my sewing machine, I have the "Tower of Folded Fabrics" in front of me; my serger in the corner; the pattern cabinet that Mom gave me years before she passed with an antique thread cabinet on top of it; and my wall mounted television for those all-important afternoon installments of General Hospital (my one guilty pleasure)...

Brynwood Needleworks - Studio
and that last shelf unit with novelty fabrics. It wasn't until after everything was installed on this wall that I realized I didn't have enough clearance to access my dvd player on the side of the television. So much for watching instructional videos - or an occasional chick flick - while I'm in the studio. I'll definitely plan better next time.

It rained all day yesterday, so my usually sunny studio was a little more on the gloomy side. However, I was in Harbour Heights, sewing my my girlfriends. Three of us (Jamie, Betty J and I) were sewing labels onto Dress A Girl dresses; matching dollies with doll-less dresses; and identifying how many dolls still have to be made. It was a great day away from the studio, in spite of the damp weather. I'm looking forward to giving you an update on our current dress drive very soon!

I'll be back in the studio to work on my pineapple quilt today. And here, you thought I didn't know how to juggle...

January 26, 2016

More Playing With Pineapples...

Brynwood Needleworks - Pineapple Block Assembly

I thought you might like to see my progress on my current quilt project. I've
 finished assembling all the blocks, so my next step is to add the (first) border.

Brynwood Needleworks - Pineapple Block Assembly
The first small border will be the same fabric that's in the center of each block. I think I'll add a white border next, because I want to add applique', and I think white will be the best background for those elements.

I'm drawing something up now and hope to show you some of it stitched in by the weekend. I'll share drawings tomorrow if all goes as planned. There's no time to waste if I'm going to have this (and one more project) finished to turn in for the quilt show!

January 25, 2016

Tuesdays With Tag - Public Service Announcement #7...

Brynwood Needleworks - Taggart

Hi, Everybody!
I haven't done a Public Service Announcement in quite a while, but I have to
share somethin' that's been brought to my attention...People Medicines and Pets!

Brynwood Needleworks - Tag and Bella

Mom has a blog friend named Jody who recently told her about how their dog, Thor. (They also have a miniature schnauzer named Sophia, but she's not part of this story.)

It seems their cats haven't been playin' with their toys lately, 'cuz Thor steals 'em, so they've been checkin' out other stuff to play with. They found their dad's pill bottles up on the kitchen counter and started knockin' 'em around. (You know how cats love to push stuff off counters and tables, right?)

When Miss Jody and her husband got home from a night out, Sophia was sittin' on her bed, just talkin' up a blue streak, so they knew somethin' was up. Thor had chewed up a pill bottle and downed all the Lisinopril (blood pressure medicine) that was in the bottle. Uh, oh!

Brynwood Needleworks - Tag and Pills

Thor's a seven month old puppy, but he's gonna be okay. He didn't have any organ damage or anythin', but he is havin' little after effects from the meds. I think the evil cat might have had it in for him, but Miss Jody doesn't think so. (She knows that cat better than we do, so we'll take her word for it.)

Anyway, my Public Service Announcement is that people need to be careful with their medicines if they have kids or pets. You never know if your pets will be able to get at the bottles, or if they'll have help like Thor did. Unless you have raccoons, I don't think you need to lock the bottles in a cabinet, but putting 'em where you're sure your pets can't get them is probably a good idea.

Just another piece of advice from your friendly SW Florida Corgi...ME! 
You're welcome!

I'll see you again in seven! 'til then...
"Chase A Dream - Or A Squirrel".
PS. Thanks for the heads-up, Miss Jody! 
We hope Thor is back to his ol' self real soon. - Tag

January 24, 2016

My Lost Weekend...

Brynwood Needleworks - Sick Day
  I don't do sick well. Not one little bit.
The best thing for me is to stay in bed and sleep, so I don't bother anyone.
Tag kept me company, while Handsome and Bella popped in to visit from time to time.
Handsome takes really good care of me, as I did for him when he brought the bug home.
"It's what we do."
I'm hoping to feel better today. I have a lot of things waiting for me in the studio, and...
did I say, I don't do sick well? 
Brynwood Needleworks via Easy Fresh Ideas blog
Just so this post isn't a complete bust, I've got a cute project to share with you! I
saw this at Easy/Fresh Ideas blog and immediately added them to my "To Do" List. 
They're a little titmouse and sparrows made from yarn! 
You can find the tutorial HERE. I'd love to see photos if you make one!
Aren't they adorable? See? I told you this post wouldn't be a complete loss.

January 22, 2016

Racing Toward Another Deadline...

Brynwood Needleworks - Pineapple Blocks

I set this aside for too long as I tackled other projects. Now, it's time to get back to them. When I have the number of blocks I need - forty eight, or when I run out of block fabrics - I'll assemble  them into a quilt.

Brynwood Needleworks - Pineapple Blocks

I'm shooting for a finished size of 60" x 80", including borders. For these 10" finished blocks, that means I need six across by eight down...forty eight blocks. I already have nineteen finished. I have a few to go. (winking - or is that nervous twitching?)

Brynwood Needleworks - Pineapple Blocks
I really don't think the fabric will last long enough to make forty eight blocks, but I'll keep making them and see where I end up.  I can always beef it up with a coordinating border or two to get to my target size.

Did I tell you that this will be an entry in our February quilt show? Are you laughing? It's okay. I am, too. I have one or two other projects to finish by then. Well, pull up a chair and hang on. It's going to be an exciting ride to see if I can get these finished in time.
PS. Today Mom would have been 88 years old.
I miss you more than words can say.
Happy Birthday in Heaven, Mom.

January 21, 2016


Brynwood Needleworks - Coffee Pouch Front

I don't know about you, but when I'm restless, I move furniture around. I doesn't happen as much as it used to in my younger days, perhaps because I'm much more settled now than I was then. It's a good thing, too, because I ache more afterward now than I used to. When did that start? 

I moved a pair of my organizers from the studio closet into the studio (next to my cutting table). Then, I stocked a few of the compartments with my handbag/wallet hardware so everything would be more handy.

I didn't take photos last night, so I can't show you until I can get daylight pictures.

Brynwood Needleworks - Coffee Pouch Back

I did manage to sew up a coffee-themed pouch for a special friend. She can use it for her knitting/crochet projects...or anything else her little heart desires. It will be in the mail soon!
 Direct link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Lahp4GsI64

Our guild board traditionally serves snacks for our Annual Meeting (which was Tuesday past). Even the outgoing officers have to bring something. I had seen this little video on FaceBook a couple of weeks ago and decided this would be my contribution.

It was a big hit, with many ladies asking for the recipe. Not only did it taste delicious, the smell while cooking was out of this world! I came home with an empty slow cooker (and whipped cream can). Here's a typed version, so you can just copy and paste it to print out:
Slow Cooker Apple Spice Cake
2-20 ounce cans Apple Pie Filling 
1 pkg. Spice Cake Mix
2 sticks butter

Spread apple pie filling in the bottom of a slow cooker.
Sprinkle cake mix on top of pie filling. Place butter sticks 
on top of cake mix. (I like to cut them into segments to place
them on the mix.) Cook in slow cooker (High setting) 2 - 2 1/2 hours.
Serve - hot or cooled -  with ice cream or whipped cream.

January 20, 2016

More Sea Turtles...

Brynwood Needleworks - 36 - Sea Turtles II

I completed this wallet yesterday.
Only the wrist strap is shown, but I've also included a key fob and shoulder strap.

Brynwood Needleworks - 36 - Sea Turtles II Interior

#36 will be heading to Great Britain to my blog friend, Gill.

Brynwood Needleworks - 36 - Sea Turtles II Zipper Pull Detail
I'll be making more clutch wallets over the next few days to stock my Etsy shop...
and, with our guild quilt show coming up next month, I'd better get busy with my
 entries. I'm planning to enter three items, which I promise to tell you about soon. 
For now, I'm packing up Gill's wallet and heading to the post office.

January 19, 2016

More Play Time Now...

Brynwood Needleworks - Starfish Classmate
Yesterday marked my last day (night) as our guild's recording secretary. It was our election night. I served two, two-year terms, and have now termed out. 
While I enjoyed serving in that capacity, I'm glad that I'll be a nobody in the audience from now on. I'm looking forward to sitting with my friends, instead of looking at them from the front of the room.

Brynwood Needleworks - Starfish Classmate Interior
I will, however, continue to teach classes from time to time. I'll be teaching the Classmate Organizer in March. I needed to make up a class model for the meeting so people could see what their finished piece could look like. 
Brynwood Needleworks - Starfish Classmate Detail
I also prepared a half dozen kits (minus the fabric) for those who wanted to purchase them. I took them with me to the meeting.

I also made a dessert, as the board members always serve refreshments at the January meetings. I found a great (simple, quick) recipe on FaceBook that was a real hit with our members. I can highly recommend it. 

Here's the recipe (Sorry, no photos of the dessert):

3-Ingredient Slow Cooker Apple Spice Cake
Found on FaceBook, prepared by Donna Liljegren
2-20 oz. cans Apple Pie Filling
1 package Spice Cake Mix
2  sticks Butter

Spread the apple pie filling into a crock-style slow cooker. 
Sprinkle entire contents of Spice Cake Mix on top of the pie filling.
Place butter on top of the cake mix. I cut mine in half, lengthwise.
Cook 2 - 2 1/2 hours on high setting. Spoon into dishes and serve
with ice cream or (my personal favorite) lots of whipped cream.

January 18, 2016

Tuesdays With Tag - Shoppin' Day...

Brynwood Needleworks - Brynwood's Taggart
Hi, Everybody!

Yesterday was Shoppin' Day. Mom took us along with her she left home.
We aren't allowed in the store, but it was a cool day, so we could stay in the car.

We get excited every time Mom asks us if we want to go for a ride.
Dogs LOVE goin' for rides!!

Brynwood Needleworks - Brynwood's Taggart and Liljegren's Suncoast Bella

I always help Mom empty the groceries when we get home, and Bella has a lot to learn about this whole program. Don't get me wrong. It's fine with me when she hangs back behind me. That way I get first dibs on fallin' schnibbles!

Brynwood Needleworks - Taggart

Hey, Bella! Watch this...
This is how you're supposed to look at Mom when she's busy emptyin' bags. You want to be close enough to catch anything she might want to give you, but you want to stay out of the way, too, so you don't get hollered at for bein' under foot. It's a delicate balance that takes years to learn.

Brynwood Needleworks - Bella Butt

Oh, man! You're good, Bella! 
Not even a year old and you've got the look down pat.
Good girl!

I'll see you again in seven! 'til then...
"Chase A Dream - Or A Squirrel".