April 30, 2013

Prayers, Please...

Michigan Summer 2012 l-r: Marion, Trip, Tag and me
Happy May Day, friends.
I don't usually publish two dog posts in a week, but this week is an exception.

Yesterday, I got a phone call from my dear friend, Marion. She owns Tag's brother, Trip. He was hit by a car last Friday and suffered a broken leg and head trauma. His left back leg was broken between the ankle and knee so he was cast at the emergency vet's office on Friday evening. 

Unfortunately, the cast isn't staying in place, so he's having another surgery this morning under the expert hands of his regular vet. They're going to install a "Thomas splint". My understanding is that this splint is somehow secured over his back to help keep it in place, and it will help him heal more effectively.

Although he was pretty beaten up and traumatized, he was alert at the vet's office yesterday and he has a good prognosis. I'm sure you can imagine how upset Marion and her husband are over the awful events of the day on Friday. It was a hit and run, so the person driving the car that hit him never bothered to stop.

Trip is a wonderful, sweet boy and not only a companion to Marion and Doug, but also a companion to their black Lab, Nicky. Nicky suffers with seizures and recently Trip has alerted them to the onset of Nicky's seizures before they start. He has a "different vocalization" when the event is imminent.

Handsome and I were so worried when we heard the news, but we just know that Trip is going to be alright. We're saying prayers for his complete healing, and ask that you lift a prayer or good thought with ours.

I promise I'll update you on his condition as I hear more from Marion. Accidents happen in the blink of an eye - even when we do our best to avoid them. If you have a pet, hug him or her a little tighter today. 

We love you, Marion, Doug and Trip. Everything is going to be just fine. I know there will be lots of prayers for the little guy from people you don't even know. (I have great friends that way!) We'll look forward to seeing all of you very soon.
P.S. Thanks for all the cute remarks you left for Tag. JJ Pumpernickel Adams contacted Tag on Facebook yesterday and promised to hold our feet to the fire. "No more humiliating the corgi and restitution required for past offenses". (sigh) I guess we're going to have to be much more careful in the future. (I'm still giggling, though. I mean, it was funny, after all.)

April 29, 2013

Tuesdays With Tag - Call My Lawyer...

 "Tag, Honey. Turn around and look at Mom so I can take your picture."
"Why not?" (giggle)
"It's NOT funny, Mom!!"
"What's not funny?" (still giggling)
 "You're a real laugh-a-minute, Mom. You and Dad. REEAL funny!"
"Why, Tag. Whatever do you mean?" (chuckling now)
 "A guy tries to mooch a little people breakfast and what do you do?
Slap a stupid sticker on my face and expect me to pose for dumb pictures."
"I need to contact my Facebook friend, JJ Pumpernickle Adams and start some
sort o' action here. I'm not gonna stand for this indignity, you know. I'd rather
 think up my own silly stuff and we can all laugh. This isn't my idea of fun."

"I'm sorry, Tag. (laughing out loud now) I'll take off the sticker and we won't
ever, ever, ever do it again. We'll do our best to make you a dignified dog."

"Yuh, huh. I bet. Right up until you find another goofy hat, sticker or article of
 clothin' to slap on my sleek, handsome self. I'm not buyin' it for one minute. Hey!
What does it mean if your fingers are crossed behind your back? Ya got a treat?"

"Uhhhhh, nevermind, Little Man. I'll just put the camera away for this week."

"I've had enough for this week. I'm sure y'all are laughin', but I'm gonna go 
call JJ (he's a husky who is the self-appointed, highly respected lawyer for all
us dogs on Facebook. He's gonna be all over this case and heads are gonna roll!).
I know it's gonna cost Mom and Dad lots of treats, a bunch of car rides and
probably multiple trips to PetSupermarket with ME in the cart! I'll let you know
how the final settlement works out. 'til then..."

"More Waggin' and Less Barkin'!" 
(For now)

April 28, 2013

A Day Of Rest - Mostly...

 It was such a beautiful Sunday that I spent most of the day just enjoying the 
weather. However, as the day started to wind down, I got itchy to go into the 
studio for just a little while to work on my applique' pieces. By the end of the 
evening, this is what I'd accomplished. Deer, a crow, acorns and a few leaves.

I'm very happy with how they're looking so far, and of course, I'll add stitched
and painted detail (if needed) to bring out a little more definition in some areas.
 This is how a few of the pieces look on the "map" I drew. Today I'll finish up
the individual pieces, and then I'll form the vine that will anchor all of them
 onto the panel for my quilt. I haven't decided yet if the actual vine will be done
 in the same green that appears in the quilt blocks, or whether I'll choose a dark
  gray or brown instead. I still have time, so I may interview my fabric choices
 and see what I think. I'm looking forward to keeping my "applique' callous" 
in shape so that I don't have to reform it on my finger each time I stitch.

I can't believe it's nearly a new month...again!
So much to do, and time sure does fly.

April 26, 2013

Another Finished Panel and Drawing Deer...

 I finished the second panel for my "Over The River" quilt yesterday.
I'm surprised at how quickly this panel progressed, and I even
added a few personal touches to this one. I think they'll make you smile.
 This is the section of the panel that I personalized. I know you'll 
see my touches right away, but I'll point them out anyway. The
first one is on the near right side...the initials carved into the tree.
"S.L. + D.L."
Handsome and me, of course!
 The other was the weather vane. Handsome said it looks a little like a
pig, but you know what it's supposed to be, right? It's a corgi, of course!
© 2013 D. Liljegren, Brynwood Needleworks
 According to the original pattern, the third panel is supposed to be 
stitched wording (after the title of the quilt pattern), but you know I
just had to do something different that would reflect my own work.
(I have a tendency to do this on all my work, even if it's just a touch.)
© 2013 D. Liljegren, Brynwood Needleworks
 I've already told you that I'm designing this panel to be appliqued',
and decided to show you just a little bit before I start working in fabric.
You know that I'm using elements that are meaningful to me...
acorns, oak leaves and wildlife (not too much, mind you).

I can't believe it's the weekend again already.
Coffee with my girlfriends and then back to the studio to start this layout.
Also, thanks to Carolyn, Ruth and Danice for their help yesterday.
Carolyn gave me the pattern information; Ruth provided a link to order;
and Danice shared a Graphics Fairy post about finding originals for pins.
I knew I could count on my blog friends to help me out!
Just go back to yesterday's post and see the updates I added.
Happy Saturday, my friends!

April 25, 2013

The Problem With Pinterest...

I love looking around on Pinterest. There are so many wonderful things to see. But 
there's a problem with Pinterest. If you "graze" around there, too, you probably already 
know what I'm about to tell you. Pictures don't always link back to the original source.

This gorgeous patriotic quilt is just such an example. I am smitten with this quilt.
I love everything about it...the colors, the theme, the applique' work. Everything!
And after going back as far as I was able through Pinterest, I then "Googled",
"Binged" and "Yahooed" in an attempt to learn more about it. Do you think I
was successful? GAAAHHH! No such luck. That's where all of you come in.

All I was able to discern from my attempts was that this quilt was created by 
a very talented woman named Teresa Wade. I'd sure love it if any of you were
able to help me find out more about this quilt. Who designed it (was it Teresa)?
Does she have a blog or pattern company? How can I find out more about her?

If you know anything at all about this quilt, or are able to find out more, please
email me through the button on my right sidebar. I can't tell you how grateful I'll be.

Oh, and one more thing...If I am the original pinner of something I see on the web,
I always add the url for the original in my description. I think it would be a great
idea if everyone who pinned something did the same thing. It's not only great for
helping others find the original source, but it's the polite thing to do, too. 
Credit where credit is due, after all.

UPDATE 04/26/13:  I've got the best blog friends in the world!!!
I received two replies to my inquiry. I just knew you'd be able to help me out!
The information is as follows: This pattern is called "Patriotic Rose", by Janet Miller
of The City Stitcher. © 2002 It's available through The Quilters Warehouse.
Thank you to friends, Carolyn L. and Ruth for pointing me in the right direction.
(I've already ordered my copy and updated my pin to include the new information.)
I'm sending HUGE hugs of gratitude to each of you! 

ANOTHER UPDATE: Thanks also to Danice who sent a message about a way to
track pins to their original post. She informed me that Graphics Fairy has a tutorial.
You can click here for more information. I know I'll get a chance to try it again soon!

April 24, 2013

Session Three Class Today...

I'll be teaching Session Three of my four session Over The River quilt class at Crazy 
Quilters in Venice, Florida today. I'm actually much further along now than when this 
photograph was taken. In fact, I'm nearly ready to assemble the entire quilt!
Here's a peek at the divider bands arranged with the first completed needlework panel
and the flying geese border. I'll start sewing the applique' panel by the weekend. 

I drew the square-in-square block, star block and flying geese as paper foundations for 
my class, and as soon as I get home from the class today, I'll be uploading them to my 
Box.net account so that anyone who wants to can download them for their own use.
I'll share the link with you as soon as I've completed the file sharing.
(I'll update by adding the link to this post, too, so be sure to check back here tomorrow.)

I sure hope you have something creative planned for today.
You know it makes you feel better, don't you?
Make time. Even if it's only for one hour. One hour to less stress and more happiness.
You deserve it.

April 23, 2013

May I Have Your Attention, Please...

DPQG 2014 "American Treasures" Album Raffle Quilt
I can finally show you more photographs of the completed applique' quilt for
the 2014 Disconnected Piecers Quilt Guild Show. This is a queen size quilt
and it will be raffled at our show in February 2014. Imagine this...one lucky
winner will take this home with them (or have it shipped to them) after the show!
This is the block I designed and stitched myself.
Susan's custom quilting really made this quilt come to life. She does 
truly incredible work, and it's so perfect for all the handwork that went 
into each and every block that was a part of this heirloom-quality piece.
One of my very favorite blocks.
I don't think this album quilt would be complete without the eagle.
(Of course, I love the acorns, too!)
Another favorite...
This block makes me smile. I love how Susan quilted the sky
behind the lighthouse, and the lobsters were expertly created, too.
Of course, I have to show you the alligator block!
Can you almost taste the oranges, feel the sunshine and hear the sea?
It really doesn't take much imagination.

If you'd like to see all of the blocks and special features lovingly and 
expertly stitched into this piece, you can go to the Flickr album I created.
Just click here to see more. 

These are not the "official photographs", which will be taken soon for our
advertising images, but I just couldn't wait any longer to share them with you.

I began this quilt journey in August 2012. I am in awe of the dedication and 
talent of all the women who helped to create this masterpiece - and that we
completed it in a mere eight months! Thank you, everyone!

Our raffle tickets will be printed soon and I'll make them available for 
anyone who is interested in a chance to win the quilt. More details soon.
 For now, I'm just going to crow about my incredible quilting friends.

April 22, 2013

Tuesdays With Tag - Lookin' Up...

 Hi, Everybody!
It's been a great week with Mom and Dad here at Brynwood.
Mom and I took a few trips in the Explorer (you know how dogs love 
trucks!); Mom finished the big quilt project (so she has more time to play 
with me); and Dad had THREE concerts last week! You might wonder
what all that has to do with this week's post, but I'm gonna tell you...
 When we got home after one of our trips, something really COOL happened.
Mom heard a ruckus in the back yard, so we turned around just in time to see
two birds tusslin' in mid-air. One of 'em had a fish and the other one wanted it.
The fish dropped into the grass in our yard and the bigger bird flew into our tree.
Mom ran in the house to get her camera and look what we saw...
(I know. I'm shoutin', but I can't help it. It was so cool!)
Mom said the other bird was an osprey, and after it dropped its fish,
another osprey showed up and the two of 'em were buggin' our eagle
until Mom showed up with the camera. Then, they flew away and
left the eagle alone. It stayed up in the tree, lookin' at that fish in the
grass, and finally decided it didn't want the dumb ol' fish after all.
I actually think he was really 'scared of me!

Mom said the fish didn't look hurt (well, except for bouncin' off the
grass from being dropped from about thirty feet in the air!), so she
picked it up and put it in our little pond. We thought we'd give it a 
chance. A couple of days later, Mom saw the fish floatin' on the pond.
It croaked. I know I should be more sympathetic, but hey...I'm a dog!
 That's how the struggle played out in our very own backyard this past week. 
I thought it was pretty interestin' and hope you do, too. It doesn't have 
much to do with my first paragraph, except that we took a bunch of car 
rides, and this story happened just as we were gettin' home from one.

Maybe somethin' cool will happen this week that I can tell you about next
time I see you. I'm a pretty busy guy, after all. Or maybe Mom will just
take a bunch of pictures of me lyin' around the house upside-down. That's
pretty cute, too, and it always makes 'em laugh. That's me. A bundle of joy.
 You'll just have to come back and see. 'til then...keep lookin' up, and
"More Waggin' and Less Barkin'!"

April 21, 2013

More "Extended" Birthday Wishes...

Web Image
Handsome, Tag and I had such a wonderful, busy weekend that we nearly forgot 
to send special Birthday wishes to a very special person! Yesterday, I attended
Handsome's Suncoast Concert Band concert in Sarasota. The theme was music of
the English countryside with so many beautiful pieces of music to enjoy. There was 
even a bagpiper playing "Amazing Grace" to honor the people of the City of Boston.

Before the concert began, our conductor, Bob Stoll announced that the theme 
was especially appropriate since Sunday was Queen Elizabeth II's Birthday! 
What? April 21st? We had no idea!!

Each concert begins with the Canadian National Anthem, followed by Britain's 
National Anthem, and then our own Star-Spangled Banner. I enjoy singing all three 
anthems, but it was extra special to sing "God Save The Queen" for her Birthday.

I'd like to invite you to join in an "extended" celebration for Queen Elizabeth II.
Of course, she's much to busy to attend the party on short notice, but I don't think
she'll mind if we carry on without her. Perhaps you'll choose to enjoy an afternoon
cup of tea with a shortbread cookie or a little Devonshire cream? (my favorite!)
Failing in that, let's just celebrate with cake.
Yes. I think cake would be lovely, thank you.
Cake from Sodahead.com
Happy Birthday, Your Majesty.
Web Image
I believe there shall be celebrating across the land. 
God Save The Queen 
Tag will be here tomorrow. 
(He picked the image of the Queen for today and wants a crown like the royal corgis wear.)

April 20, 2013

Sunday Scripture...

Web image
"He will cover you with His feathers.
He will shelter you with His wings.
His faithful promises are your armor and protection.
There is absolutely nothing to fear about tomorrow;
For God is already there..."
- Psalm 91:4

April 19, 2013


Image from http://www.backinskinnyjeans.com
Lifting prayers for all those affected by this week's events in 
Boston, MA and West, TX.

We Americans are strong and resilient. 
We can overcome anything...even
when we've been brought to our knees.
Through it all, we are one Nation - united.

The rest of American weeps with you as you grieve your losses,
hopes with you as you look toward tomorrow and
stands in awe of your immense courage and resolve.

We want you to know that you're not alone as you begin your healing.

April 18, 2013


 I found myself contemplating the textures in my daily life, so I decided 
to go around the house and take pictures of some of them to share with you
 today. You can probably tell what they are, but I've labeled them just in case.

Yup. Corgi Neck Fur

Crocheted Lace

Pearl Cottons



Crown of Thorns Blossoms

 I didn't think I needed to add fabrics to this set. Perhaps I should have
snapped a picture of the "fuzz" that I have to wipe off the walls in the 
studio. Fuzz from all the dust I raise when cutting, sewing and layering
fabrics. (I found another spot that needs my Spring Cleaning touch!)

I hope I've inspired you to take a little time to consider all the myriad
textures in your life. It's my little version of "stop to smell the roses".
I'm sure you'll find your own assortment of textures to make you smile.
Happy Friday, friends!