February 28, 2013

Happy March, Everybody...

 I'll be spending the day in the studio working on a few things I'd like to
finish today. I don't like having UFOs and I have more than a few right now.
  I'll also be reflecting on my deep "attitude of gratitude".
I searched the internet yesterday for images that show how I'm feeling.
 Images exemplifying love, protection and contentment.
 I hope you take just a minute to reflect on the gifts in your life,
and perhaps think of something you're grateful for today.
Gratitude for friendships that nurture...
 The children who bring joy into your life... or
 those whose lives you enrich simply by being in theirs.
 My class was just great yesterday. We got a good start on
"Over The River" and everyone went home with assignments to
finish over the next month when we'll meet again for more.

Handsome's foot is doing much better than we expected. He said
it hardly hurts at all! (I'm so glad.) Thank you to everyone who sent
a note for his quick healing. I'll be busy today, but I'll be back tomorrow
with something new and creative to share with you. Happy March, everybody!


  1. Beautiful post Donna.We all have much to be grateful for.I have a wonderful loving kind thoughtful man in my husband I do have two very beautiful loving healthy daughters and I have two gorgeous grandchildren.
    Also,I'm still above ground,I count my blessings.
    I am going to sew today too,its one of the joys ,that being retired allows me to do.
    Enjoy your day dear friend,I will be thinking about you .
    Laura xx

  2. I try to stay in an atittude of gratitude every day. I am grateful for your friendship, that's for sure! Have a wonderful day in the studio! Love, Twyla

  3. I too am grateful for so much including all that these images represent. Enjoy your day of focus and finishing. Thankful that Handsome's foot is feeling better. Wonderful weekend dear...

  4. Beautiful pics and a lovely post.

    DH says, "Handsome's dropping a cymbal on his foot must be a sign - perhaps to toe the line?" (groan).

  5. Oh no, another foot injury. I can feel his pain. These images are wonderful. Thanks for encouraging us to focus on gratitude. There is always something to be grateful for, regardless of our circumstances. - Abby


Thank you so much for leaving a comment today. I'm using new settings on my comments so that I'll be able to respond to your messages to me. Be sure to come back to see my replies!

Blessings, Donna